The Hmong New Year
Compiled by Mark E. Pfeifer, PhD
Yang, K. (2007). "An Assessment of the Hmong American New Year and Its Implications for Hmong-American
Culture." Hmong Studies Journal Vol 8, 2007
Hao Huang and Bussakorn Sumrongthong. (2004). “Speaking with Spirits: The Hmong Ntoo Xeeb New Year
Ceremony.” Asian Folklore Studies 63:31-55.
Lo, Chieng (2002). “The Hmong Traditional New Year.” 26 page Unpublished manuscript.
Cha, D. and N. Livo. (2000). Teaching With Folk Stories of the Hmong: An Activity Book. Englewood, CO: Libraries
Unlimited, Inc
Cooper, Robert (Editor) (1998). The Hmong: A guide to traditional lifestyles . Singapore: Times Editions.
Lynch, Annette, Detzner, Daniel F. & Eicher, Joanne. (1996). Transmission and reconstruction of gender through
dress: Hmong American New Year rituals. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal. 14(4): 257-266.
Xiong, Ia. (1996). The gift: The Hmong New Year. Written by Ia Xiong; Illustrated by Gou [i.e. Guo] Run-Lin. El
Monte, CA: Pacific Asia Press.
Lynch, Annette, Detzner, Daniel F. & Eicher, Joanne. (1995). “Hmong American New Year rituals: generational
bonds through dress.” Clothing and Textiles Research Journal , 13(2), 111-120.
Lynch, Annette Ferne (1992). Hmong-American New Year’s Dress: A Material Culture Approach (Clothing), PhD
dissertation. University of Minnesota.
Walsh, S. (1987). Hmong New Year. Morong, Batan, Philippines: International Catholic Migration Commission,
Philippine Refugee Processing Center.
John Michael Kohler Arts Center. (1986). Hmong Art: Tradition and Change. Sheboygan, WI: John Michael Kohler
Arts Center.
Lao Family Community. (1985). Traditions of the New Year: Lao Family Community of Sacramento New Year
Celebration. Sacramento, CA: Lao Family Community.
Scott, George, Jr. (1982). A New Year in a New Land: Religious Change Among the Lao Hmong Refugees in San
Diego. In The Hmong in the West: Observations and Reports. Bruce T. Downing and Douglas P. Olney, eds., pp.
63-85. Minneapolis: Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, University of Minnesota.
Hmong New Year Tradition [1979]. (unpublished)
Pendleton, Robert L. (1949). Impressions of Doi Pulanka and the Miao’s New Year. From the Camera and Note
Book of an Agriculturalist. Journal of the Siam Society 37(2):144-148.
Compiled by Mark E. Pfeifer, PhD
Yang, K. (2007). "An Assessment of the Hmong American New Year and Its Implications for Hmong-American
Culture." Hmong Studies Journal Vol 8, 2007
Hao Huang and Bussakorn Sumrongthong. (2004). “Speaking with Spirits: The Hmong Ntoo Xeeb New Year
Ceremony.” Asian Folklore Studies 63:31-55.
Lo, Chieng (2002). “The Hmong Traditional New Year.” 26 page Unpublished manuscript.
Cha, D. and N. Livo. (2000). Teaching With Folk Stories of the Hmong: An Activity Book. Englewood, CO: Libraries
Unlimited, Inc
Cooper, Robert (Editor) (1998). The Hmong: A guide to traditional lifestyles . Singapore: Times Editions.
Lynch, Annette, Detzner, Daniel F. & Eicher, Joanne. (1996). Transmission and reconstruction of gender through
dress: Hmong American New Year rituals. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal. 14(4): 257-266.
Xiong, Ia. (1996). The gift: The Hmong New Year. Written by Ia Xiong; Illustrated by Gou [i.e. Guo] Run-Lin. El
Monte, CA: Pacific Asia Press.
Lynch, Annette, Detzner, Daniel F. & Eicher, Joanne. (1995). “Hmong American New Year rituals: generational
bonds through dress.” Clothing and Textiles Research Journal , 13(2), 111-120.
Lynch, Annette Ferne (1992). Hmong-American New Year’s Dress: A Material Culture Approach (Clothing), PhD
dissertation. University of Minnesota.
Walsh, S. (1987). Hmong New Year. Morong, Batan, Philippines: International Catholic Migration Commission,
Philippine Refugee Processing Center.
John Michael Kohler Arts Center. (1986). Hmong Art: Tradition and Change. Sheboygan, WI: John Michael Kohler
Arts Center.
Lao Family Community. (1985). Traditions of the New Year: Lao Family Community of Sacramento New Year
Celebration. Sacramento, CA: Lao Family Community.
Scott, George, Jr. (1982). A New Year in a New Land: Religious Change Among the Lao Hmong Refugees in San
Diego. In The Hmong in the West: Observations and Reports. Bruce T. Downing and Douglas P. Olney, eds., pp.
63-85. Minneapolis: Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, University of Minnesota.
Hmong New Year Tradition [1979]. (unpublished)
Pendleton, Robert L. (1949). Impressions of Doi Pulanka and the Miao’s New Year. From the Camera and Note
Book of an Agriculturalist. Journal of the Siam Society 37(2):144-148.