Over the years, many prominent scholars in Hmong Studies have had their work published in the peer-reviewed Hmong Studies Journal contributing significantly to the broader body of Hmong Studies research. The following is a list of original Hmong Studies Journal articles arranged alphabetically by researcher name. Find the full text of the article by searching by volume number on the left tab.
Ian G. Baird. and Paul Hillmer. "Veterans from Laos: War, Remembrance, Ritual, Rank, Racism, and the Making of Hmong and Lao America." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol. 21, 2020.
Ian G. Baird. "Chao Fa Movies: The Transnational Production of Hmong American History and Identity." Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 15, Issue 1, 2014.
Ian G. Baird. "The Hmong Come to Southern Laos: Local Responses and the Creation of Racialized Boundaries." Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 11, 2010.
Sharon Bays. "Visualizing Change Through Interactive Photography: Transforming Identities, Transforming Research." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 1, No. 1, 1996.
Frederic C. Benson. "Genesis of the Hmong-American Alliance, 1949-1962: Aspirations, Expectations and Commitments during an Era of Uncertainty", Hmong Studies Journal, Vol. 16, 2015.
Howard Berkson. "Labor-Force Participation Among Southeast Asian Refugee-Immigrants: An Update on 1975 to 1984 Entrants." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 1, No. 2, 1997.
Margaret Bjelica and Julie Ann Nauser. "End of Life Care for the Hmong Population: A Cultural Competency Educational Program for Hospice Nurses." Hmong Studies Journal Vol 19(2), 2018.
Amy Catlin-Jairazbhoy. "Review and Guide to Hmong Songs of Memory: Traditional Secular and Sacred Hmong Music. Essays, Images, and Film." Hmong Studies Journal Vol 19(2), 2018.
Wayne Carroll. “Economic Progress of Hmong Americans: The First Twenty Five Years.” Hmong Studies Journal Vol. 23, 2021.
Wayne Carroll and Victoria Udalova. "Who is Hmong? Questions and Evidence from the U.S. Census." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 6, 2005.
Dia Cha."Hmong and Lao Refugee Women: Reflections of a Hmong-American Woman Anthropologist." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 6, 2005.
Dia Cha. “The Hmong 'Dab Pog Couple' Story and its Significance in Arriving at an Understanding of Hmong Ritual.” Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 4, 2003.
David Chambers. "From Networks to Categories: Hmong Political Positionality, Mobility, and Remnant Subjectivities in Thailand." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 21, 2020.
David Chambers. "Constructing a Governing Rationale: Developing Lao Hmong Refugees at Wat Tham Krabok." Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 15, Issue 2, 2014.
Monica Chiu."Medical, Racist, and Colonial Constructions of Power: Creating the Asian American Patient and the Cultural Citizen in Anne Fadiman's The Spirt Catches You and You Fall Down." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 5, 2004-05.
Patrick F. Clarkin. "Hmong Resettlement in French Guiana" Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 6, 2005.
Geraldine Craig. "Patterns of Change: Transitions in Hmong Textile Language." Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 11, 2010.
Kathleen A. Culhane-Pera, Sarinya Sriphetcharawut, Rasamee Thawsirichuchai, Wirachon Yangyeunkun and Peter Kunstadter. "Crossing Borders in Birthing Practices: A Hmong Village in Northern Thailand (1987-2013)." Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 15, Issue 2, 2014.
Kathleen A. Culhane-Pera. "Reflections on Crossing Borders in Birthing Practices: Hmong in one Village in Northern Thailand and Hmong in Saint Paul, Minnesota." Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 15, Issue 2, 2014.
Kathleen A. Culhane-Pera and Mayseng Lee. "'Die Another Day': A qualitative analysis of Hmong experiences with kidney stones." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 7, 2006.
Yang Dao. "Welcoming Remarks at the Hmong Across Borders Conference." Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 15, Issue 2, 2014.
Joseph Davy. "Por Thao's Funeral (documentary photo essay)." - Text - Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 2, No. 1, 1997.
Joseph Davy. "Por Thao's Funeral (documentary photo essay)." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 2, No. 1, 1997.
Joseph Davy. "Repatriation: How Safe Is It?" Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 2, No. 2, 1998.
Joseph Davy. "The Xiong Family: A Documentary Photo Essay." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 1, No. 2, 1997.
Lisa Dembouski. "Book Review of The Latehomecomer." Hmong Studies Journal Vol 10, 2009.
Christin DePouw. "The Need for Critical Race Consciousness in Critical Hmong Studies." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 21, 2020.
Christin DePouw. "Critical Race Theory and Hmong American Education." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol. 19, Issue, 1, 2018.
Danny Vincent DeSantiago. “Changes, Conflict, and Culture: The Status of Social-Cultural, Environmental, and Legal Challenges for Hmong Cultural Practices in Contemporary California” Hmong Studies Journal, Vol. 22, 2020.
Daniel F. Detzner, Aysem R. Senyurekli and Zha Blong Xiong. "Escape from Harm’s Way: The Experiences of Southeast Asian Elders and their Families." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 9, 2008.
Stephen Doherty. "Political Behavior and Candidate Emergence in the Hmong-American Community." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 8, 2007.
Marc Dorpema. "Commentary: Constructing Refugees in the Academic Discourse: The Hmong in America." Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 20, 2019.
Bruce T. Downing. "Hmong Research – Then and Now: Closing Keynote Speech at the Hmong Across Borders Conference." Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 15, Issue 2, 2014.
John Duffy. "Literacy and L'Armee Clandestine: The Writings of the Hmong Military Scribes." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 3, 2000.
Robert Entenmann. "The Myth of Sonom, the Hmong King." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 6, 2005.
Catherine Falk. "Review of Musical Minorities: The Sounds of Hmong Ethnicity in Northern Vietnam." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 19(2), 2018.
Catherine Falk. "Youtube and the Hmong qeej." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 14, 2013.
Catherine Falk. "Upon Meeting the Ancestors: The Hmong Funeral Ritual in Asia and Australia." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 1, No. 1, 1996.
Cathleen Jo Faruque. “Migration of Hmong to Rochester, Minnesota: Life in the Midwest.” by Cathleen Jo Faruque, Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 4, 2003.
Laura Gaeta and Amy Hang. “Identification of barriers to hearing healthcare access among Hmong older adults in the United States.” Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 25(2023): 1-22.
Marie-Odile Géraud. "Rural Hmong in French Guiana." Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 20, 2019.
Linda Gensheimer. "Learning from the experiences of Hmong mental health providers." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 7, 2006.
Linda A. Gerdner. "Shamanism: Indications and Use by Older Hmong Americans with Chronic Illness." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 13(1), 2012.
Linda A. Gerdner. "Translating Research Findings Into a Hmong American Children’s Book to Promote Understanding of Persons with Alzheimer’s Disease." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 9, 2008.
Linda A. Gerdner, Lee Gossett and Frederic C. Benson. "A Hmong Story Cloth Featuring Mak Phout (Lima Site 137) In Northern Laos: Rare in Content and Artistic Detail. Hmong Studies Journal.Volume 20, 2019.
Grit Grigoleit. "Coming Home? The Integration of Hmong Refugees from Wat Tham Krabok, Thailand into American Society." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 7, 2006.
MayKao Hang. "Growing Up Hmong American: Truancy Policy and Girls." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 2, No. 1, 1997.
Grace Hatmaker, Helda Pinzon-Perez, Xong Khang and Connie Cha. "Commentary: The Hmong and their Perceptions about Physical Disabilities: An Overview and Review of Selected Literature." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol. 11, 2010.
Jeremy Hein. "Can You "Stand Your Ground" If You Are Hmong? Revisiting Wisconsin v. Vang In Light of Florida v. Zimmerman." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol. 14, 2013.
Jeremy Hein. "The Hmong Cultural Repertoire: Explaining Cultural Variation Within an Ethnic Group." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 2, No. 1, 1997.
Mai Zong Her. "Prevalence of Periodontal Disease in the Fresno Hmong Community." Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 15, Issue 1, 2014.
Vincent K. Her and Mary Louise Buley-Meissner. "‘Why Would We Want Those Students Here?’: Bridges and Barriers to Building Campus Community Partnerships." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 7, 2006.
Vincent K. Her. "Hmong Cosmology: Proposed Model, Preliminary Insights." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 6, 2005.
Nancy K. Herther. "Citation Analysis and Hmong Studies Publications: An Initial Examination." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol. 10, 2009.
Paul Hillmer and Mary Ann Vang. (2017). "Commentary: Ignorance as Bias: Radiolab, Yellow Rain, and 'The Fact of the Matter.'" Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 18.
Alex Hopp, "Loyal Soldier, Fearsome Terrorists: The Hmong as a Martial Race in Southeast Asia and the United States." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 21, 2020.
Kim Huster. "The Grammar and Vocabulary Challenges of Generation 1.5 Hmong College Women in Academia." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol. 13(1), 2012.
Carmen M. Iannarelli. "Stressing Success: Examining Hmong Student Success in Career and Technical Education." Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 15, Issue 1, 2014.
Miki Inui. "Education Access and Continuity in Northern Laos: – A Comparative Study of the Hmong and Lanten Minorities." Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 24, 2022.
Miki Inui. "Hmong Women and Education: Challenges for Empowerment in the Lao PDR." Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 16, 2015.
Tracey Pilar Johnson-Messenger. “Contradictions in Learning how to be Thai: A Case Study of a Young Hmong Woman.” Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 4, 2003.
Roberta Julian. "Hmong Transnational Identity: the Gendering of Contested Discourses." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 5, 2004-05.
Tamara L. Kaiser. "Caught Between Cultures: Hmong Parents in America's Sibling Society." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 5, 2004-05.
Susi Keefe, S. and Michelle Gin. "Experiential Learning and Research for Undergraduates in Public Health: Transferring Focus Group Research to Peer Reviewed Journal Publication and Public Health Practice." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol. 21, 2020.
Susi Keefe, Abdullahi Abdulle, Kim Holzer, Nadia Mohammed, Bettina Schneider, Alexa Vorderbruggen and Michael Xiong. "Hmong College Student Perceptions and Experiences with Mercury Containing Skin Lightening Products in St. Paul Minnesota." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 19(2), 2018.
Jennifer Kue, Sheryl Thorburn and Laura A. Szalacha. "Perceptions of Risk for Hepatitis B Infection among the Hmong." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 17, 2016.
Lue Lao, Moon S. Chen, Jr., Susan L. Stewart and Dao Fang. “Barriers to Diabetes Management Among Hmong: Patients’ and Physicians’ Perspectives. Hmong Studies Journal Vol. 23, 2021.
Lue Lao, Moon S. Chen, Jr., Susan L. Stewart and Dao Fang. "Comparing Disease Burden of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Between Hmong and other Ethnic Groups. " Hmong Studies Journal, Vol. 22, 2020.
Pasuree Luesakul. "The Hmong in Argentina and their ‘convergence’ with the Rankülche." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 17, 2016.
Gary Yia Lee. "Diaspora and the Predicament of Origins: Interrogating Hmong Postcolonial History and Identity." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 8, 2007.
Gary Yia Lee. "Dreaming Across the Oceans: Globalization and Cultural Reinvention in the Hmong Diaspora." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 7, 2006.
Gary Yia Lee."The Shaping of Traditions: Agriculture and Hmong Society." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 6, 2005.
Gary Yia Lee. "Cultural Identity In Post-Modern Society: Reflections on What is a Hmong?" Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 1, No. 1, 1996.
John Kha Lee and Katherine Green. "Hmong Parental Involvement and Support: A Comparison Between Families of High and Low Achieving High School Seniors." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 9, 2008.
John Kha Lee and Katherine Green. "Acculturation Processes of Hmong in Eastern Wisconsin." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 11, 2010.
Kirk T. Lee. "Review of Soul Calling: A Photographic Journey through the Hmong Diaspora." Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 15, Issue 1, 2014.
Mai Na. M. Lee. Frontier Livelihoods: Hmong in the Sino-Vietnamese Borderlands, Book Review. Hmong Studies Journal, Vol. 17, 2016.
Mai Na M. Lee. "Acknowledgements for the Hmong Across Borders Conference." Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 15, Issue 2, 2014.
Mai Na M. Lee. "The Thousand-Year Myth: Construction and Characterization of Hmong." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 2, No. 1, 1997.
Mao S. Lee. "Hmong Survivors: Second Wave Hmong Parents’ Identity." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol. 21, 2020.
Sangmi Lee. "Searching for the Hmong People’s Ethnic Homeland and Multiple Dimensions of Transnational Longing: From the Viewpoint of the Hmong in Laos." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 10, 2009.
Serge Lee and Jenny Chang. "Revisiting 37 Years Later: A Brief Summary of Existing Sources Related to Hmong and their Mental Health Status." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 13(2), 2012.
Serge C. Lee. "The self-rated social well-being of Hmong college students in Northern California." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 8, 2007.
Song E. Lee. "Mental Health of Hmong Americans: A Metasynthesis of Academic Journal Article Findings." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol. 14, 2013.
Prasit Leepreecha. "Hmong Across Borders or Borders Across Hmong? Social and Political Influences Upon Hmong People: Keynote Speech at the Hmong Across Borders Conference." Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 15, Issue 2, 2014.
Jacques Lemoine. "Commentary: Gender-based Violence among the (H)mong." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 13(1), 2012.
Jacques Lemoine. "Commentary: The (H)mong Shamans’ Power of Healing: Sharing the Esoteric Knowledge of a Great Mong Shaman, Vol 12, 2011.
Jacques Lemoine. "To Tell the Truth.", Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 9, 2008.
Jacques Lemoine. "What is the actual number of the (H)mong in the World?" Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 6, 2005.
Aline Lo. "Writing Citizenship: Flexible Forms of Belonging in Kao Kalia Yang’s The Late Homecomer." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 12, 2011.
Nancy Lo, Zha Blong Xiong, Laurie L. Meschke, Vern Xiong, Kia Kehrer and Mary Xiong. "Sex Education for Hmong American Youth: Challenges and Lessons Learned." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 19(2), 2018.
Penny Lo, Dao Moua Fang, May Ying Ly, Susan Stewart and Serge Lee. "Access to Adequate Healthcare for Hmong Women: A Patient Navigation Program to Increase Pap Test Screening." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 11, 2010.
Maiteng Lor, Emil Rodolfa, and Beth Limberg. (2017). "Does Acculturation and Stigma Affect Hmong Women’s Attitudes Toward and Willingness to Seek Counseling Services?" Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 18.
Pao Lor. "Commentary: A Framework for 21st Century Hmong Leadership." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 13(1), 2012.
Pao Lor. "A Photo Essay of the Hmong Experience at Wat Thamkrabok in Thailand." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 10, 2009.
Yang Lor. “Hmong American Educational Attainment 2000-2020.” Hmong Studies Journal 26(1(2024)): 1-16.
Yang Lor. "Review of Immigrant Agency: Hmong American Movements and The Politics of Racialized Incorporation." Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 24, 2022.
Yang Lor. "Hmong Political Involvement in St. Paul, Minnesota and Fresno, California." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 10, 2009.
Minh Phuong Luong and Wolfgang Nieke. Minority status and schooling of the Hmong group in Vietnam, Hmong Studies Journal, Vol. 14.
Cho Ly, "An Explanation of the Logic of Hmong RPA." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol. 21, 2020.
Sheng-mei Ma. "Hmong Refugee’s Death Fugue." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 6, 2005.
Dung Mao, Veronica Deenanath and Zha Blong Xiong. "Hmong Students’ Perceptions of Their Family Environment: A Consensual Qualitative Analysis of Family Photos."Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 13(1), 2012.
Leslie McClain-Ruelle and Kao Xiong."Continuing the promise: Recruiting and preparing Hmong-American educators for Central Wisconsin." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 6, 2005.
Daniel McMahon. "The Qing Response to the Miao Kings of China’s 1795-7 Miao Revolt." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol. 17, 2016.
Gayle Morrison. "The Hmong Qeej: Speaking to the Spirit World." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 2, No. 1, 1997.
Manee Moua. "Navigating Graduate Education as a First-generation, Hmong American Woman: An Autoethnography." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 19, Issue 1, 2018.
Bic Ngo. "The Importance of Family for a Gay Hmong American Man: Complicating Discourses of 'Coming Out'." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 13(1), 2012.
Bic Ngo, Martha Bigelow and Kyla Wahlstrom. "The Transition of Wat Tham Krabok Hmong Children to Saint Paul Public Schools: Perspectives of Teachers, Principals, and Hmong Parents." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 8, 2007.
Faith Nibbs. "The Texas Two-Step, Hmong Style: A Delicate Dance Between Culture and Ethnicity." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 7, 2006.
Faith Nibbs. "A Hmong Birth and Authoritative Knowledge: A Case study of choice, control, and the reproductive consequences of refugee status in American childbirth." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 11, 2010.
Jacqueline Nguyen. "Of Pride and Pencils: Deconstructing the Role of Ethnic Pride in Hmong Adolescent Identity Formation." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol. 14, 2013.
Lonán Ó Briain. "Singing as Social Life: Three Perspectives on Kwv Txhiaj from Vietnam." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 13(1) , 2012.
Mitch Ogden. "Tebchaws: A Theory of Magnetic Media and Hmong Diasporic Homeland." Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 16, 2015.
Kikuko Omori and Kyoko Kishimoto. "The impact of language brokering on Hmong college students’ parent-child relationship and academic persistence." Hmong Studies Journal. Volume 20, 2019.
Shuling Peng and Catherine Solheim. "Negotiating Two Cultures: Hmong American College Women’s Experiences of Being a Daughter." Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 16, 2015.
Miguel A. Perez and Chia Thao. "Understanding Barriers to Prevention of ntshav qab zib/nsthaav qaab zib: A Hmong perspective." Hmong Studies Journal Vol 10, 2009.
Miguel A. Perez and Koua Cha. "Diabetes Knowledge, Beliefs, and Treatments in the Hmong Population: An Exploratory Study." Hmong Studies Journal Vol 8, 2007.
Miguel A. Pérez, Long Julah Moua, and Helda Pinzon-Perez. "Food Preparation, Practices, and Safety In The Hmong Community." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 7, 2006.
Kong Pheng Pha, Louisa Schein, and Pao Lee Vue." Hmong Sexual Diversity: Beginning the Conversation." Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 16, 2015.
Kong Pheng Pha. "Book Review: Hmong and American: From Refugees to Citizens." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 13(1), 2012.
Mark Pfeifer. “Hmong Population Trends in the 2020 U.S. Census.” Hmong Studies Journal, 26(1)(2024): 1 – 12.
Mark E. Pfeifer. "Review of Mobility, Globalization and Development of the Hmong: Selected Essays of Nicholas Tapp." Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 24, 2022.
Mark E. Pfeifer, John Sullivan, Kou Yang and Wayne Yang. "Hmong Population and Demographic Trends in the 2010 Census and 2010 American Community Survey." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 13(2), 2012.
Carl Romstad and Zha Blong Xiong. (2017). "Measuring Formal Intelligence in the Informal Learner: A Case Study of Hmong American Students and Cognitive Assessment." Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 18.
Louisa Schein. "Drama Review: At Secret’s End: American Hmong: A Memoir Play." Hmong Studies Journal Vol. 13(1), 2012.
Louisa Schein and Va-Megn Thoj. "Gran Torino's Boys and Men with Guns: Hmong Perspectives." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 10, 2009.
Louisa Schein and Bee Vang. "Gran Torino’s Hmong Lead Bee Vang on Film, Race, and Masculinity: Conversations with Louisa Schein, Spring 2010." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol. 11, 2010.
Souksakhone Sengsouliya & Vanmany Vannasy. “The pattern of reasons why minority students drop out: An empirical study of the Hmong minority in Laos.” Hmong Studies Journal, 25(2023: 1-30.
Tian Shi, Xiao Hua Wu, De Bin Wang and Yan Lei. "The Miao in China: A Review of Developments and Achievements over Seventy Years." Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 20, 2019.
Kari Smalkoski. "Hmong Male Youth and School Choice in a Neoliberal Era." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol. 19, Issue 1, 2018.
Kari Smalkoski, Nancy K. Herther, Zha Blong Xiong, Karen Ritsema, Rebecca Vang and Ri Zheng. "Health Disparities Research in the Hmong American Community: Implications for Practice and Policy ." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 13(2), 2012.
Shannon M.A. Sparks, Pang C. Vang, Beth Peterman, Lisa Phillips and Mayhoua Moua. "Utilizing Community-Engaged Approaches to Investigate and Address Hmong Women’s Cancer Disparities." Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 15, Issue 1, 2014.
David Shalom Strecker. “Dragons, Tigers, and Taoism.” Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 22, 2020.
Andrew J. Supple, Shuntay Z. McCoy and Yudan Wang. "Parental Influences on Hmong University Students’ Success." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol. 11, 2010.
Nicholas Tapp. "Qha Ke (Guiding the Way) From the Hmong Ntsu of China, 1943." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 9, 2008.
Nicholas Tapp. "Perspectives on Hmong Studies: Speech by Nicholas Tapp on Receiving the Eagle Award at the Third International Conference on Hmong Studies, Concordia University, Saint Paul, April 10, 2010." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol. 11, 2010.
Yuna Thao, Chuna Yang and Cho Ly. "Hidden Melodies of the Hmong Language: The Rhythmers." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol. 21, 2020.
Pa Thor. "Gender Theory and Cultural Considerations in Understanding Hmong Homicide-Suicide." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol. 21, 2020.
Jeanette Treiber, Nestor Martinez, Kendra Thao, Jyotti Pannu and Diana Cassady. "Evaluation of a Pilot Nutrition Education Program Delivered by Hmong Community Health Workers (CHWs)." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 17, 2016.
Donny Xiong, Jennifer Meece and Caitlin Pepperell. "Genetic Research with Hmong-ancestry Populations: Lessons from the Literature and a Pilot Study." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol. 14, 2013.
Ethan Teng Xiong, Barry Dauphin and Carol Weisfeld. "The Influence of Hmong Americans’ Acculturation and Cultural Identity on Attitudes Toward Seeking Professional Mental Health Care and Services in Comparison to Traditional Health Beliefs and Practices." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 19(2), 2018.
Machiline Xiong and Paul Jesilow. "Constructing a Social Problem: Suicide, Acculturation and the Hmong." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 8, 2007.
Nao Xiong and Ger Xiong. "Til Divorce Do Us Apart: Sex, State of Residence, and Divorce among Hmong Americans." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 13(2), 2012.
Nao Xiong and Yang Sao Xiong. "A Critique of Timothy Vang’s Hmong Religious Conversion and Resistance Study." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 9, 2008.
Pa Nhia Xiong, Christina V Luna, Susan Tracz. “Worth the Sacrifices of Hmong Soldiers: Hmong Uplifting Hmong Out of Poverty - A Mixed Method Study and Comparison of Hmong Communities in California, Minnesota and Wisconsin.” Hmong Studies Journal, 26(1)(2024): 1-31.
Yang Sao Xiong. “Diversity and Complexity in Hmong American Identities and Communities.” Hmong Studies Journal, 26(1)(2024): 1-19.
Yang Sao Xiong. “Postsecondary Education Attainment of Hmong Americans: Evidence from the 2016-2020 American Community Survey.” Hmong Studies Journal, 25(2023): 1-31.
Yang Sao Xiong. "The Centrality of Ethnic Community and the Military Service Master Frame in Hmong Americans’ Protest Events and Cycles of Protest, 1980-2012. Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 17, 2016.
Yang Sao Xiong. "Hmong Americans’ Educational Attainment: Recent Changes and Remaining Challenges." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol. 13(2), 2012.
Yang Sao Xiong and Nao Xiong. "The Prevalence of English Monolingualism and Its Association with Generational Status among Hmong Americans, 2005-2009." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol. 12, 2011.
Soua Xiong and Song E. Lee. "Hmong Students in Higher Education and Academic Support Programs." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 12, 2011.
Zha Blong Xiong, Jacqueline Braughton, Kyle Nickodem and Jordan St. Charles. "Role of Family and School Social Capital on Hmong Children’s Perceived Academic Competence." Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 24, 2022.
Zha Blong Xiong, Malina Her, Mai Kao Xiong, Wa Houa Vue, Cher Teng Yang, Nao Houa Moua, Nao Khue Yang and Wangsue Lee. “Exploring Hmong Americans’ Attitudes towards Hmong Traditional Full-Service Funerals: The Hmong Cultural Integration Project.” Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 22, 2020.
Zha Blong Xiong, Kyle Nickodem, Jordan St. Charles, Sun-Kyung Lee, Jacqueline Braughton, Chen Vue, and Nancy Lo. "Influence of Perceived Parental Involvement on Hmong Children’s Academic Performance." Hmong Studies Journal. Volume 20, 2019.
Zha Blong Xiong and Ju-Ping Huang. "Predicting Hmong Male and Female Youth’s Delinquent Behavior: An Exploratory Study." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol. 12, 2011.
Zha Blong Xiong, Arunya Tuicomepee and Kathyrn B. Rettig. "Adolescents’ Problem Behaviors and Parent-Adolescent Conflicts in Hmong Immigrant Families." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 9, 2008.
Zha Blong Xiong, Daniel F. Detzner, Zoe Hendrickson Keuster, Patricia A. Eliason, and Rose Allen. "Developing Culturally Sensitive Parent Education Programs for Immigrant Families: The Helping Youth Succeed Curriculum." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 7, 2006.
Zha Blong Xiong and Daniel F. Detzner. "Southeast Asian Fathers’ Experiences with Adolescents: Challenges and Change." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 6, 2005.
Zha Blong Xiong, Daniel F. Detzner and Michael J. Cleveland. "Southeast Asian Adolescents' Perceptions of Immigrant Parenting Practices." Vol 5, 2004-05.
Chia Youyee Vang. "Making Ends Meet: Hmong Socioeconomic Trends in the U.S." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol. 13(2), 2012.
Chia Youyee Vang. "Video Review: Better Places: The Hmong of Rhode Island a Generation Later." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 12, 2011.
Christopher T. Vang. "Hmong-American K-12 Students and the Academic Skills Needed for a College Education: A Review of the Existing Literature and Suggestions for Future Research." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 5, 2004-05.
Halee Vang and Manuel T. Barrera. "Hmong Parents' Perceptions on Instructional Strategies for Educating their Children with Disabilities." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 5, 2004-05.
Nengher Vang, N. and Jeremy Hein. (2017). From Kwvtxhiaj and Pajntaub to Theater and Literature: The Role of Generation, Gender, and Human Rights in the Expansion of Hmong American Art.” Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 18.
Nengher N. Vang and Jeremy Hein. "Hmong American Leadership and Unity in the Post-Vang Pao Era." Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 16, 2015.
Nengher N. Vang. "Book Review: Dreams of the Hmong Kingdom: The Quest for Legitimation in French Indochina, 1850-1960." Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 16, 2015.
Nengher N. Vang. "Review of Hog’s Exit: Jerry Daniels, the Hmong, and the CIA." Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 15, Issue 1, 2014.
Nengher N. Vang. "Political Transmigrants: Rethinking Hmong Political Activism in America" Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 12, 2011.
Pa Vang, Onuma Zongrum, Ratana Sindhuphak and Nikorn Dusitsin. "Preliminary Study on Thalassemia Screening and Genetic Counseling in Selective Hmong People in Saraburi Province, Thailand." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 8, 2007.
Pa Der Vang. "Self-Construal: Perceptions of Work and School in Two Generations of Hmong Immigrants." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol. 21, 2020.
Pang Vang. "Using Mammography Screening: Hmong Women’s Perceptions and Beliefs." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 10, 2009.
Teng Vang and Helda Pinzon-Perez. "Knowledge of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Among Hmong Populations In Central California." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 7, 2006.
Kory Vue and Michael C. Rodriguez. "The Role of Social and Emotional Skills and Supports for Hmong Student Achievement." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 19, Issue 1, 2018.
Pao Lee Vue, Louisa Schein and Bee Vang. "Comparative Racialization and Unequal Justice in the Era of Black Lives Matter: The Dylan Yang Case." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 17, 2016.
Miriam Warner and Marilyn Mochel. "The Hmong and Health Care in Merced County, California." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 2, No. 2, 1998.
Roger Warner. “A Gold Mine That Won’t Make Its Owner Rich: Review of Deep Tears: Post-War Hmong Resistance in Laos (1975-1990).” Hmong Studies Journal, 25(2023): 1-9.
Roger Warner. Review of Prisoner of Wars: A Hmong Fighter Pilot’s Story of Escaping Death and Confronting Life. Hmong Studies Journal, Vol. 23, 2021.
Hilary Watt. "The Power of the Spoken Word in Defining Religion and Thought: A Case Study." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 9, 2008.
Hui Wilcox, Louisa Schein, Pa Der Vang, Monica Chiu, Juliana Hu Pegues and Ma Vang. "Displacing and Disrupting: A Dialogue on Hmong Studies and Asian American Studies." Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 16, 2015.
Hui Niu Wilcox. "The Mediated Figure of Hmong Farmer, Hmong Studies, and Asian American Critique." Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 13(1), 2012.
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