The Hmong in Southeast Asia
Compiled by Mark E. Pfeifer, PhD
Baird, I. (2013). "The Monks and the Hmong: The Special Relationship Between the Chao Fao and the Tham Krabok Buddhist Temple in Saraburi Province, Thailand." In V. Tikhonov and T. Brekke, Eds., Buddhism and Violence: Militarism and Buddhism in Modern Asia. New York: Routledge, 120-151.
Yang, K. (2013). Laos and Its Expatriates in the United States: A Memoir of an American Professor. Frederick, MD: Publish America.
Leepreecha, P. et al. (2012). The Lao Hmong in Thailand: State Policies and Operations. Bangkok: sian Research Center for Migration, Institute of Asian Studies, Chulalongkorn University.
Nakai, S. (2012). "Pig Domestication Processes: An Analysis of Varieties of Household Pig Reproduction
Control in a Hillside Village in Northern Thailand." Human Ecology, 40: 145-152.
Srithi, K. et al. (2012). "Medicinal plants used in Hmong women's healthcare in northern Thailand." Journal of
Ethnopharmacology, 139 (2012) 119-135.
Turner, S. (2012). "Making a Living the Hmong Way: An Actor-Oriented Livelihoods Approach to Everyday
Politics and Resistance in Upland Vietnam." Annals of the Association of American Geographers 102(2): 403-
Bonnin. C. and S. Turner. (2012). "At what price rice? Food security, livelihood vulnerability, and state
interventions in upland Northern Vietnam." Geoforum 43: 95-105.
Lavoie, C. and C. Benson. (2011). "Drawing-voice as a methodological tool for understanding teachers'
concerns in a pilot Hmong-Vietnamese bilingual education programme in Vietnam." Language, Culture and
Curriculum 24(3): 269-286.
Michaud, J. and T. Forsyth. (2011). Moving Mountains: Ethnicity and Livelihoods in Highland China,
Vietnam and Laos. Vancouver: UBC Press.
Baird, I. (2010). "The Hmong Come to Southern Laos: Local Responses and the Creation of Racialized
Boundaries." Hmong Studies Journal 11: 1-38.
Michaud, J. (2010). “Handling Mountain Minorities in China, Vietnam and Laos: From History and
Current Concerns.” Asian Ethnicity 10(1): 25-49.
Postert, C. (2010). “Moral Agency, Identity Crisis and Mental Health: An Anthropologist’s Plight and His
Hmong Ritual Healing.” Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 34(1): 169-85.
Tam, N.T.T. (2010). “Ethnic and Transnational Dimensions of Recent Protestant Conversion
among the Hmong in Northern Vietnam.” Social Compass 57(3): 332-344.
Tapp, N. (2010). The Impossibility of Self: An Essay on the Hmong Diaspora. Comparative
Anthropological Studies in Society, Cosmology and Politics, Volume 6. Berlin: Lit Verlag.
Tapp, N. (2010). "Perspectives on Hmong Studies: Speech by Nicholas Tapp on Receiving the Eagle Award at
the Third International Conference on Hmong Studies, Concordia University, Saint Paul, April 10, 2010." Hmong
Studies Journal, 11: 1-12.
Xiong, C.W. (2010). A Critical Hermeneutic Approach to Hmong Leadership in the Lao PDR: Horizons of
Forgiveness and Action through Imagination in Community Development. PhD Dissertation, University of
San Francisco.
Evrard, O. and P. Leepreecha. (2009). “Monks, Monarchs, and Mountain Folks: Domestic
Tourism and Internal Colonialism in Northern Thailand.” Critique of Anthropology 29(3): 300-323.
Latt, S.S.W. (2009). “Ethnic Politics, Migrant Labour and Agrarian Transformation: A Case Study of
the Hmong and the Shan in a Royal Project in Northern Thailand.” Canada Research Chair in Asian Studies
Working Paper, Number 4, February 2009 – Universite de Montreal.
Lee, S. (2009). "Searching for the Hmong People’s Ethnic Homeland and Multiple Dimensions of Transnational
Longing: From the Viewpoint of the Hmong in Laos." Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 9: 1-18.
Mendonca, K.C. (2009). "Appropriating the unspoken text: development discourse and Hmong women in Lao
People's Democratic Republic." Ed.D. Dissertation, University of San Francisco.
Nakai, S. (2009). “Analysis of Pig Consumption by Smallholders in a Hillside Swidden
Agriculture Society of Northern Thailand.” Human Ecology 37(Published Online 20 June 2009): 501-
Tugault-Lafleur, C. and S. Turner. (2009). “Of Rice and Spice: Hmong Livelihoods and Diversification in the
Northern Vietnam Uplands.” Canada Research Chair in Asian Studies Working Paper, Number 3, January 2009
– Universite de Montreal.
Tugault-Lafleur, C. and S. Turner. (2009). “The Price of Spice: Ethnic Minority Livelihoods and
Cardamom Commodity Chains in Upland Northern Vietnam.” Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 30:
Turner S. and J. Michaud (2009). “`Weapons of the Week’: Selective Resistance and Agency among
the Hmong in Northern Vietnam.” In Dominique Caouette and Sarah Turner, Editors, Agrarian Angst and
Rural Resistance in Contemporary Southeast Asia. London, New York: Routledge, 45-60.
Vang, C.Y. (2009). "U.S. Cold War Policies in Laos and the Hmong, 1961-1975." In Toshihiko
Kishi and Yuka Tsuchiya (eds), De-Centering the Cultural Cold War: The US and Asia. Tokyo: Kokusai
Vang, C.Y. (2009). “Hmong Anti-Communism at Hmong and Abroad” In Ieva Zake (ed). (2009). Anti-
Communist Minorities in the U.S.: Political Activism of Ethnic Refugees. New York: Palgrave
Duong, H.B. (2008). "Contesting Marginality: Consumption, Networks,and Everyday Practice among Hmong
Girls in Sa Pa, Northwestern Vietnam." Journal of Vietnamese Studies 3(3): 231-260.
P. Leepreecha. (2008). "Role of Media Technology in Reproducing Hmong Ethnic Identity."
In D. McCaskill, P. Leepreecha and S. He, Eds. Living in a Globalized World: Ethnic Minorities in the Greater
Mekong Region. Bangkok: Mekong Press.
D. McCaskill. (2008). "Fix and Flux: the transformation of Hmong Culture and Identity." In D. McCaskill, P.
Leepreecha and S. He, Eds. Living in a Globalized World: Ethnic Minorities in the Greater Mekong Region.
Bangkok: Mekong Press.
D. McCaskill, P. Leepreecha and S. He (2008). "Globalization, Nationalism, Regionalism and Ethnic Minorities in
the Greater Mekong Subregion: A Comparative Analysis." In D. McCaskill, P. Leepreecha and S. He, Eds. Living
in a Globalized World: Ethnic Minorities in the Greater Mekong Region. Bangkok: Mekong Press.
Michaud J. and S. Turner. (2008). "Imaginative and Adaptive Economic Strategies for Hmong Livelihoods in Lao
Cai Province, Northern Vietnam." Journal of Vietnamese Studies 3(3): 158-190.
Nakai, S. (2008). “Reproductive Performance Analysis of Native Pig Smallholders in the
Hillside of Northern Thailand.” Tropical Animal Health and Production 40: 561-566.
Nakai, S. (2008). “Decision-making on the Use of Diverse Combinations of Agricultural
Products and Natural Plants in Pig Feed: A Case Study of Native Pig Smallholders in Northern
Thailand.” Tropical Animal Health and Production 40: 201-208.
Oeltmann, J.E. et al. (2008). "Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis Outbreak among US-bound Hmong Refugees,
Thailand, 2005." Emerging Infectious Diseases, 14(11): 1715-1721.
N.V. Thang and N.T.M. Nguyet. (2008). "Changes in Healing Practices among the Hmong in Vietnam." In D.
McCaskill, P. Leepreecha and S. He, Eds. Living in a Globalized World: Ethnic Minorities in the Greater Mekong
Region. Bangkok: Mekong Press.
Vue, D.C. (2008). "The three eras of Hmong educational history in Laos: French colonial, Laotian
independence, and USAID, 1917--1975." PhD Dissertation, Capella University.
Yang, K. (2008). "A Visit to the Hmong of Asia: Globalization and Ethnicity at the Dawn of the 21st Century."
Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 9: 1-50. (Text)
Yang, K. (2008). "A Visit to the Hmong of Asia: Globalization and Ethnicity at the Dawn of the 21st Century."
Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 9: 1-50. (Photo Essay)
Vang, P. Zongrum, O., Sindhuphak, R., and N. Dusitsin. (2007). "Preliminary Study on Thalassemia Screening
and Genetic Counseling in Selective Hmong People in Saraburi Province, Thailand." Hmong Studies Journal Vol
8, 2007
Johnson, T.P. (2007). “Enclothing Identity: A Hmong Girl’s Journey into the Politics of
Identification in Thailand.” Teacher’s College Record 109(7): 1637-1662.
Lee, G.Y. (2007). “The Hmong Rebellion in Laos: Victims or Terrorists.” In A.T.H. Tan, Editor, A Handbook of
Terrorism and Insurgency in Southeast Asia. Northhampton, MA: Edward Elgar, pp. 352-373.
Duong, H.B. (2006). The Hmong girls of Sa Pa: Local places, global trajectories, hybrid identities. PhD
Dissertation, University of Washington.
Siriphon, A. (2006). “Local Knowledge, Dynamism and the Politics of Struggle: A Case Study of the Hmong in
Northern Thailand.” Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 37(1): 65-81.
Tomforde, M. (2006). The Hmong Mountains: Cultural Spatiality of the Hmong in Northern
Thailand. Hamburg: Lit Verlag.
Delang, Claudio O. (2005). “The Market for Medicinal Plants in SAPA and Hanoi Vietnam.” Economic
Botany 59(4): 377-385.
Johnson, Tracy Pilar. (2005). The (im)possibilities of becoming: Hmong youth and the politics of schooling and
development in Thailand. PhD Dissertation, Columbia University.
Lee, Gary Yia. (2005). "The Shaping of Traditions: Agriculture and Hmong Society" Hmong Studies Journal, Vol
6, 2005.
Lee, M.N.M. (2005). The dream of the Hmong kingdom: Resistance, collaboration, and legitimacy
under French colonialism (1893--1955). PhD Dissertation, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Lemoine, Jacques. (2005). "What is the actual number of the (H)mong in the World" Hmong Studies Journal, Vol
6, 2005
Schein, Louisa. (2005). “Marrying Out of Place: Hmong/Miao Women Across and Beyond China.” In Cross-
Border Marriages: Gender and Mobility in Transnational Asia: Editor: Nicole Constable. Philadelphia: University
of Pennsylvania Press, pp. 53-79.
Takeuchi Shosuke. (2005). Laos as Battlefield. Tokyo: Mekong Publishing.
Postert, Christian. (2004). “Completing or Competing? Contexts of Hmong Selfing/Othering in Laos.” In
Grammars of Identity/Alterity: A Structural Approach. Editors: Gerd Baumann and Andre Gingrich. New York:
Berghahn Books, pp. 101-111.
Tapp, Nicholas. (2004). “Hmong Places and Locality.” In Making Place: State Projects, Globalization and Local
Responses in China. Ed. Steven Feuchtwang. London: Cavendish Publishing, 133-148.
Corlin, Claes. (2004). "Hmong and the Land Question in Vietnam: National Policy and Local Concepts of the
Environment." In Tapp, N., Michaud, J., Culas, C., and Lee, G.Y. (Editors). Hmong/Miao in Asia. Chiang Mai,
Thailand: Silkworm Books, pp. 295-320.
Lee, Gary Yia. (2004). "Transnational Adaptation: An Overview of the Hmong of Laos." In Tapp, N., Michaud, J.,
Culas, C., and Lee, G.Y. (Editors). Hmong/Miao in Asia. Chiang Mai, Thailand: Silkworm Books, pp. 441-456.
Ovesen, Jan. (2004). "The Hmong and Development in the People's Democratic Republic." In Tapp, N.,
Michaud, J., Culas, C., and Lee, G.Y. (Editors). Hmong/Miao in Asia. Chiang Mai, Thailand: Silkworm Books, pp.
Yang, Dao. (2004). "Hmong Refugees from Laos: The Challenge of Social Change." In Tapp, N., Michaud, J.,
Culas, C., and Lee, G.Y. (Editors). Hmong/Miao in Asia. Chiang Mai, Thailand: Silkworm Books, pp. 477-486.
Leepreecha, Prasit. (2004). "Ntoo Xeeb: Cultural Redefinition for Froest Conservation among the Hmong in
Thailand." In Tapp, N., Michaud, J., Culas, C., and Lee, G.Y. (Editors). Hmong/Miao in Asia. Chiang Mai,
Thailand: Silkworm Books, pp. 335-352.
Kundstadter, Peter. (2004). "Hmong Marriage Patterns in Thailand in Relation to Social Change." In Tapp, N.,
Michaud, J., Culas, C., and Lee, G.Y. (Editors). Hmong/Miao in Asia. Chiang Mai, Thailand: Silkworm Books, pp.
Symonds, Patricia V. (2004). "Following Hmong Cultural Pathways for the Prevention of HIV/AIDS: Notes from
the Field." In Tapp, N., Michaud, J., Culas, C., and Lee, G.Y. (Editors). Hmong/Miao in Asia. Chiang Mai,
Thailand: Silkworm Books, pp. 353-374.
Tapp, Nicholas. (2004). “Hmong Places and Locality.” In Making Place: State Projects, Globalization and Local
Responses in China. Ed. Steven Feuchtwang. London: Cavendish Publishing, 133-148.
Vuong, Duy Quang. (2004). "The Hmong and Forest Management in Northern Vietnam's Autonomous Areas." In
Tapp, N., Michaud, J., Culas, C., and Lee, G.Y. (Editors). Hmong/Miao in Asia. Chiang Mai, Thailand: Silkworm
Books, pp. 321-334.
Johnson-Messenger, Tracy. (2003). "Contradictions in Learning how to be Thai: A Case Study of a Young
Hmong Woman." Hmong Studies Journal, 4:1-21
Ballard, Brette M. (2003). “Refugee Reintegration in Rural Areas: Land Distribution in Ban Pha Thao, Lao
PDR.” Working Paper #18 Cambridge, Mass.: The Inter-University Committee on International Migration,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Center for International Studies (March 2003) 26 Pages. The work may
also be accessed online at:
Tapp, Nicholas and Don Cohn, Eds. (2003). The Tribal Peoples of Southeast Asia: Chinese Views of the Other
Within. Bangkok, Thailand: White Lotus Press.
Tomforde, Maren. (2003). “The Global in the Local: Contested Resource-Use Systems of the Karen and Hmong
in Northern Thailand. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 34(2): pp. 347-360.
Lemoine, Jacques (2002). `A propos de Andrew Turton (ed.) Civility and Savagery Social Identity in Tai States:
Civilization (Civilite’? Citoyennete’? Urbanite’? et sauvagerie. From Aseanie 9 (June 2002): 147-175.
Tapp, Nicholas (2002). `A propos de Civility and Savagery Social Identity in Tai States: La perruche et le maitre
Hmong Reponse a’ Jacques Lemoine. Aseanie 10 (December 2002): 197-204.
Delang, Claudio O. (2002). “Deforestation in Northern Thailand: The result of Hmong Farming Practices or Thai
Development Strategies?” Society and Resources 15: 483-501.
Ishida, T; Takao, S; Settheetham-Ishida, W. and Tiwawech, D. (2002). “Prevalence of hepatitis B and C virus
infection in rural ethnic populations of Northern Thailand.” Journal of Clinical Virology 24: 31-35.
Tungittiplakorn, Waranoot and Phillip Dearden. (2002). “Biodiversity Conservation and Cash Crop Development
in Northern Thailand.” In Biodiversity and Conservation 11: 2007-2025.
Wezel, A., Steinmuller, N. and J.R. Friederichsen. (2002). “Slope Position Effects on Soil Fertility and Crop
Productivity and Implications for Soil Conservation in Upland Northwest Vietnam.” Agriculture Ecosystems and
Environment 91: (1-3): 113-126.
Leepreecha, P. (2001). Kinship and Identity among Hmong in Thailand. PhD Dissertation, University of
Cohen, E. (2000). The Commercialized Crafts of Thailand: Hill Tribes and Lowland Villages. Honolulu: University
of Hawaii. 316 pages.
Christian Culas. (2000). Origins of the Hmong in Laos and Siam in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth
Centuries. From Turbulent Times and Enduring Peoples: Mountain Minorities in the Southeast Asian Massif, ed.
Jean Michaud. Richmond, Surrey: Curzon Press. pp. 29-50.
Giang, Ho Ly (2000). “The Food Culture of the Hmong.” Vietnam Social Sciences 6(80): 96-110.
Kossikov, Igor. (2000). “Nationalities Policy in Modern Laos.” In Civility and Savagery: Social Identity in Tai
States. A. Turton, Ed. Richmond, Surrey: Curzon Press, 227-244.
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Peter Kundstadter. (2000). Changing Patterns of Economics among Hmong in Northern Thailand: 1960-1990.
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John McKinnon and Jean Michaud. (2000). A Historical Panorama of the Montagnards in Northern Vietnam
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