Hmong and the War in Laos
Compiled by Mark E. Pfeifer, PhD
Warner, W. (2023). “A Gold Mine That Won’t Make Its Owner Rich: Review of Deep Tears: Post-War Hmong Resistance in Laos (1975-1990).” Hmong Studies Journal, 25: 1-9.
Altherr, A.R. (2022). "The Hmong-CIA Relationship as a Case Study of an Effective Ethnic Proxy Relationship." MA Paper, University of Chicago.
Vang, M.. (2021). History on the Run: Secrecy, Fugitivity and Hmong Refugee Epistemologies. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
Warner. R. (2021). Review of Prisoner of Wars: A Hmong Fighter Pilot’s Story of Escaping Death and Confronting Life. Hmong Studies Journal 23: 1-23.
Baird, I. and P. Hillmer. (2020). "Veterans from Laos: War, Remembrance, Ritual, Rank, Racism, and the Making of Hmong and Lao America." Hmong Studies Journal, 21: 1-37.
Vang, C.Y. and P. Yang. (2020). Prisoner of Wars: A Hmong Fighter Pilot's Story of Escaping Death and Confronting Life. Philadelphia, Temple University Press.
Gerdner, L.A., Gossett L., and Benson, F.C. (2019). "A Hmong Story Cloth Featuring Mak Phout (Lima Site 137) In Northern Laos: Rare in Content and Artistic Detail. Hmong Studies Journal. 20: 1-44.
Hopp, A. (2020). "Loyal Soldier, Fearsome Terrorists: The Hmong as a Martial Race in Southeast Asia and the United States." Hmong Studies Journal, 21: 1-30.
Vang, C.Y. (2019). Fly Until You Die: An Oral History of Hmong Pilots in the Vietnam War. London: Oxford University Press.
Vang, C.Y. (2016). “Rethinking Hmong Women’s Wartime Sacrifices.” In C.Y. Vang, F. Nibbs and M. Vang, Editors. Claiming Place on the Agency of Hmong Women. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, pp. 56-86.
Lee ,M.N.M. (2016). “The Women of ‘Dragon Capital’: Marriage Alliances and the Rise of Vang Pao.” In C.Y. Vang, F. Nibbs and M. Vang, Editors. Claiming Place on the Agency of Hmong Women. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, pp. 87-116.
Benson, F.C. (2015). "Genesis of the Hmong-American Alliance, 1949-1962: Aspirations, Expectations and Commitments during an Era of Uncertainty", Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 16.
Baird, I. (2014). "Chao Fa Movies: The Transnational Production of Hmong American History and Identity." Hmong Studies Journal, 15(1): 1-24.
Yang, K. (2013). Laos and Its Expatriates in the United States: A Memoir of an American Professor. Frederick, MD: Publish America.
Harvey, N. (2009). "Hmong Refugees: Jungle Orphans." The New Internationalist (September 2009): 24-26.
Vang, C.Y. (2009). "U.S. Cold War Policies in Laos and the Hmong, 1961-1975." In Toshihiko
Kishi and Yuka Tsuchiya (eds), De-Centering the Cultural Cold War: The US and Asia. Tokyo: Kokusai
Vang, C.Y. (2009). “Hmong Anti-Communism at Hmong and Abroad” In Ieva Zake (ed). (2009). Anti-
Communist Minorities in the U.S.: Political Activism of Ethnic Refugees. New York: Palgrave
Detzner, D.F., A.R. Senyurekli and Z.B. Xiong. (2008). "Escape from Harm’s Way: The Experiences of Southeast
Asian Elders and their Families."Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 9: 1-30.
Lor, G.. (2008). “The Vietnam War: Two Hmong Soldiers’ Personal Experience in the Secret War.” MS Thesis,
University of Wisconsin-Stout.
Amnesty International. (2007). Lao’s People Democratic Republic. Hiding in the Jungle: Hmong Under Threat.
Lee, G.Y. (2007). “The Hmong Rebellion in Laos: Victims or Terrorists.” In A.T.H. Tan, Editor, A Handbook of
Terrorism and Insurgency in Southeast Asia. Northhampton, MA: Edward Elgar, pp. 352-373.
Takeuchi Shosuke. (2005). Laos as Battlefield. Tokyo: Mekong Publishing.
Saykao, Pao. (2004). How the CIA Found the Hmong. Hmong Issue Series: 1(2). Self-published by the Author. 56
Duffy, John. (2000) "Literacy and L'Armee Clandestine: The Writings of the Hmong Military Scribes."Hmong
Studies Journal Vol. 3
Kossikov, Igor. (2000). “Nationalities Policy in Modern Laos.” In Civility and Savagery: Social Identity in Tai States.
A. Turton, Ed. Richmond, Surrey: Curzon Press, 227-244.
Quincy, K. (2000). “Warlord.” Hmong Studies Journal 3: 1-44. (Chapter from K. Quincy, Harvesting Pa Chay’s
Wheat: The Hmong and America’s Secret War in Laos.
Quincy, K. (2000). Harvesting Pa Chay’s Wheat: The Hmong and America’s Secret War in Laos. Spokane, WA:
Eastern Washington University Press.
Castle, T. (1999). One Day Too Long: Top Secret Site 85 And the Bombing of North Vietnam. New York:
Columbia University Press.
Hmong ABC Publications (1999). Flying Men, Flying Machines. A Portrait of Air America. (Video). St. Paul, MN:
Hmong ABC Publications.
Morrison, Gayle. (1999). Sky is falling: An oral history of the CIA's evacuation of the Hmong from Laos. Jefferson,
N.C.: McFarland.
Weldon, C. (1999). Tragedy in Paradise: A Country Doctor at War in Laos. Bangkok: Asia Books, Ltd.
The High Ground. (1998). “I am Satisfied With Just This-That My Family Will Survive: The Story of Song Chang
and his family as they flee their homeland in Laos and Settle in Wisconsin. The High Ground. Issue 21 (1998). 16-
Hmong ABC Publications. (1998). Journey from Pha Dong: A Decision in the Hills. (Video). St. Paul, MN: Hmong
ABC Publications.
Hmong ABC Publications. (1998). The Laotian Civil War: 1960-1974. St. Paul, MN: Hmong ABC Publications.
Hmong ABC Publications. (1998). Royal Lao Armed Forces. St. Paul, MN: Hmong ABC Publications.
Lao Veterans of America recognition celebration, Washington, D.C., May 13-15, 1998. [videorecording]. (1998).
Fresno, Calif.: Lao Veterans of America.
Fadiman, Anne. (1997). Heroes' Welcome. Civilization: The Magazine of the Library of Congress 4(4): 52-61.
Mydans, Seth. (1997). Nomads of Laos: last leftovers of the Vietnam War. The New York Times March 12 146: A3.
Lyfoung, T. (1996). Touby Lyfoung. St. Paul, MN: Touby Lyfoung Foundation.
Freeman, Nick. (1996). Fighting the "non-attributable war" in Laos: a review article. Contemporary Southeast
Asia. 17(4):430-442.
Vang, Pobzeb. (1996). Sino-Lao Relations in World Politics Since 1954: The Theory and Practice of Peaceful
Coexistence. PhD Dissertation, University of Denver.
Vang, Say Mao. (1996). A 1995 survey of Hmong veterans of [the] Vietnam War to determine the extent of war
related physical and psychological problems. M.S. thesis, University of Wisconsin, Stout.
Warner, Roger. (1996). Out of Laos: A Story of War and Exodus, Told in Photographs . Rancho Cordova, Calif.:
Southeast Asian Community Resource Center.
Yang, K. (1996). "Another Look: Who is the Victor of the Vietnam War?" In Hmong Forum, Saint Paul, MN: Haiv
Hmoob, Inc. pp. 63-67.
Conboy, K. (1995). Shadow War: The CIA’s Secret War in Laos. Boulder, CO: Paladin Press.
Johns, Michael. (1995, October 23). Acts of betrayal. (persecution of Hmong). National Review, 47(20), 24-25.
Lee, Toupheng Chongneng. (1995). A Polemic in Defense of Hmong Veterans. MA Thesis, Hamline University.
Leary, William M. (1995). The CIA and the 'secret war' in Laos: the battle for Skyline Ridge, 1971-1972. The
Journal of Military History 59(3): 505.
Moua, H.T. (1995). “Hmong Guerillas on the Run.” Vietnam, June 1995, 34-41.
Parker, J.E. (1995). Codename Mule: Fighting the Secret War in Laos for the CIA. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute
Parker, J.E. (1995). Covert Ops: The CIA’s Secret War in Laos. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
Xiv, C.Y. (1995). "A Dedication to Touby Lyfoung: The Hmong's First Cabinet Member of the Laotian
Government." Paper reprinted at website. 5 p.
Warner, R. (1995). The CIA’s Secret War in Laos and Its Link to the War in Vietnam. New York: Simon and
Conboy, K. (1994). The War in Laos 1954-1975. Carrollton, TX: Squadron/Signal Publications.
Rolland, Barbara J. & Moua, Houa Vue. (1994). Trail through the mists . Eau Claire, Wis.: Eagles Printing Co.
Castle, T. (1993). At War in the Shadow of Vietnam: U.S. Military Aid to the Royal Lao Government 1955-1975.
New York: Columbia University Press.
Hamilton-Merritt, J. and A. Hemingway.(1993). “The Killing Fields of Laos.” Vietnam, December 1992, 46-53.
Hamilton-Merrit, J. (1993). Tragic Mountains: The Hmong, The Americans, and the Secret Wars for Laos, 1942-
Van Staaveren J. (1993). Interdiction in Southern Laos. Washington D.C.: Center for Air Force History.
Yang, Hueson. (1993). Through the Spirit’s Door: A True Story of the Hmong People at War: 1975-1980. Edited
by John F. Baxley. Arlington, TX: Hyco International, 1993.
Castella, P. (1991). “Bamboo Versus Guns: Lao’s Hmong Resistance Movement.” International Defense Review
24 (May 1991): 397-98.
Colby, W.E. (1991). “The Hmong and The CIA: A Friendship, Not a Scandal.” Hmong Forum 2 (1991): 25-34.
Gunn, G.C. (1990). Rebellion in Laos: Peasant and Politics in a Colonial Backwater. Boulder, CO: Westview
Press, 1990.
Karniol, R. (1990). “Laotian Resistance Emerges from Mist.” International Defense Review 23 (March 1990): 269-
Xiong, L. (1990). “Hmong Role and Motivation in Support of the French and Americans in the Laotian Civil War,
1945-1975.” Master’s Thesis, Mankato State University.
Yang, P.K. (1990). “Hmong Involvement in Wars in Laos Before and After 1975.” Master’s Thesis, Mankato State
Yee, G.Y. (1990). "Refugees from Laos: Historical Backgrounds and Causes." Paper reprinted at www.hmongnet.
org/hmong-au/ website. 15 p.
Robbins, C. (1987). The Ravens: The Men Who Flew in America’s Secret War in Laos. New York: Crown
Cooper, R. (1986). “The Hmong of Laos: Economic Factors in Refugee Exodus and Return.” In The Hmong in
Transition, ed. by G.L. Hendricks, B.T. Downing and A.S. Deinard, 23-40.
Dunnigan, T. (1985). “Antecedents of Hmong Resettlement in the United States.” In Hmong Art: Tradition and
Change, 5-9.
Chagnon, J. and R. Rumpf (1983). “Decades of Division for the Lao Hmong.” Southeast Asia Chronicle 91
(October 1983): 10-15.
Goldfarb, M. (1982). Fighters, Refugees, Immigrants: A Story of the Hmong. Minneapolis: Carolrhoda Books.
Lee, Gary Yia (1982). National Minority Policies and the Hmong. In Contemporary Laos: Studies in the Politics
and Society of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic. Martin Stuart-Fox, ed., pp. 199-219.
Yang, D. (1982). Why did the Hmong Leave Laos? In the Hmong in the West: Observations and Reports. B.T.
Downing and D.P. Olney eds., pp. 3-18. Minneapolis: Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, University of
Yang, Dao (1976). The Hmong of Laos in the Vanguard of Development. Translation of Les Hmong du Laos Face
au Developpement. Vientiane, Laos: Siasavath Publishers. National Technical Information Service, order no.
JPRS L/5562.
Yang, Dao (1975). Les Hmongs du Laos Face Au Developpement. Vientiane: Siaosavath Publishers.
Garrett, W.E., (1974). "The Hmong of Laos: No Place to Run." National Geographic Magazine, January 1974. 78-
Ridenour, George Allen (1971). Rural Development in Laos and Governmental Relationships with the Meo Ethnic
Minority. Unpub M.S. Thesis, Cornell University.
Department of the Army (1970). The Meo. Chapter 10 in Minority Groups in Thailand. Department of the Army
PAM #550-107, pp. 537-687. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Offices.
Schanche, Don A. (1970). Mister Pop: The adventures of a peaceful man in a small war. New York: David McKay
Company, Inc.
Military Research and Development Center (1969). Meo Handbook. Bangkok, Thailand: Joint Thai-U.S. Military
Research and Development Center. National Technical Information Service, order no. AD 860 430.
Hafner, James A. (1965). The Pathet Lao and Change in Traditional Economies of the Meo and Kha 1958-61.
Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters 50:431-436.
Compiled by Mark E. Pfeifer, PhD
Warner, W. (2023). “A Gold Mine That Won’t Make Its Owner Rich: Review of Deep Tears: Post-War Hmong Resistance in Laos (1975-1990).” Hmong Studies Journal, 25: 1-9.
Altherr, A.R. (2022). "The Hmong-CIA Relationship as a Case Study of an Effective Ethnic Proxy Relationship." MA Paper, University of Chicago.
Vang, M.. (2021). History on the Run: Secrecy, Fugitivity and Hmong Refugee Epistemologies. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
Warner. R. (2021). Review of Prisoner of Wars: A Hmong Fighter Pilot’s Story of Escaping Death and Confronting Life. Hmong Studies Journal 23: 1-23.
Baird, I. and P. Hillmer. (2020). "Veterans from Laos: War, Remembrance, Ritual, Rank, Racism, and the Making of Hmong and Lao America." Hmong Studies Journal, 21: 1-37.
Vang, C.Y. and P. Yang. (2020). Prisoner of Wars: A Hmong Fighter Pilot's Story of Escaping Death and Confronting Life. Philadelphia, Temple University Press.
Gerdner, L.A., Gossett L., and Benson, F.C. (2019). "A Hmong Story Cloth Featuring Mak Phout (Lima Site 137) In Northern Laos: Rare in Content and Artistic Detail. Hmong Studies Journal. 20: 1-44.
Hopp, A. (2020). "Loyal Soldier, Fearsome Terrorists: The Hmong as a Martial Race in Southeast Asia and the United States." Hmong Studies Journal, 21: 1-30.
Vang, C.Y. (2019). Fly Until You Die: An Oral History of Hmong Pilots in the Vietnam War. London: Oxford University Press.
Vang, C.Y. (2016). “Rethinking Hmong Women’s Wartime Sacrifices.” In C.Y. Vang, F. Nibbs and M. Vang, Editors. Claiming Place on the Agency of Hmong Women. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, pp. 56-86.
Lee ,M.N.M. (2016). “The Women of ‘Dragon Capital’: Marriage Alliances and the Rise of Vang Pao.” In C.Y. Vang, F. Nibbs and M. Vang, Editors. Claiming Place on the Agency of Hmong Women. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, pp. 87-116.
Benson, F.C. (2015). "Genesis of the Hmong-American Alliance, 1949-1962: Aspirations, Expectations and Commitments during an Era of Uncertainty", Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 16.
Baird, I. (2014). "Chao Fa Movies: The Transnational Production of Hmong American History and Identity." Hmong Studies Journal, 15(1): 1-24.
Yang, K. (2013). Laos and Its Expatriates in the United States: A Memoir of an American Professor. Frederick, MD: Publish America.
Harvey, N. (2009). "Hmong Refugees: Jungle Orphans." The New Internationalist (September 2009): 24-26.
Vang, C.Y. (2009). "U.S. Cold War Policies in Laos and the Hmong, 1961-1975." In Toshihiko
Kishi and Yuka Tsuchiya (eds), De-Centering the Cultural Cold War: The US and Asia. Tokyo: Kokusai
Vang, C.Y. (2009). “Hmong Anti-Communism at Hmong and Abroad” In Ieva Zake (ed). (2009). Anti-
Communist Minorities in the U.S.: Political Activism of Ethnic Refugees. New York: Palgrave
Detzner, D.F., A.R. Senyurekli and Z.B. Xiong. (2008). "Escape from Harm’s Way: The Experiences of Southeast
Asian Elders and their Families."Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 9: 1-30.
Lor, G.. (2008). “The Vietnam War: Two Hmong Soldiers’ Personal Experience in the Secret War.” MS Thesis,
University of Wisconsin-Stout.
Amnesty International. (2007). Lao’s People Democratic Republic. Hiding in the Jungle: Hmong Under Threat.
Lee, G.Y. (2007). “The Hmong Rebellion in Laos: Victims or Terrorists.” In A.T.H. Tan, Editor, A Handbook of
Terrorism and Insurgency in Southeast Asia. Northhampton, MA: Edward Elgar, pp. 352-373.
Takeuchi Shosuke. (2005). Laos as Battlefield. Tokyo: Mekong Publishing.
Saykao, Pao. (2004). How the CIA Found the Hmong. Hmong Issue Series: 1(2). Self-published by the Author. 56
Duffy, John. (2000) "Literacy and L'Armee Clandestine: The Writings of the Hmong Military Scribes."Hmong
Studies Journal Vol. 3
Kossikov, Igor. (2000). “Nationalities Policy in Modern Laos.” In Civility and Savagery: Social Identity in Tai States.
A. Turton, Ed. Richmond, Surrey: Curzon Press, 227-244.
Quincy, K. (2000). “Warlord.” Hmong Studies Journal 3: 1-44. (Chapter from K. Quincy, Harvesting Pa Chay’s
Wheat: The Hmong and America’s Secret War in Laos.
Quincy, K. (2000). Harvesting Pa Chay’s Wheat: The Hmong and America’s Secret War in Laos. Spokane, WA:
Eastern Washington University Press.
Castle, T. (1999). One Day Too Long: Top Secret Site 85 And the Bombing of North Vietnam. New York:
Columbia University Press.
Hmong ABC Publications (1999). Flying Men, Flying Machines. A Portrait of Air America. (Video). St. Paul, MN:
Hmong ABC Publications.
Morrison, Gayle. (1999). Sky is falling: An oral history of the CIA's evacuation of the Hmong from Laos. Jefferson,
N.C.: McFarland.
Weldon, C. (1999). Tragedy in Paradise: A Country Doctor at War in Laos. Bangkok: Asia Books, Ltd.
The High Ground. (1998). “I am Satisfied With Just This-That My Family Will Survive: The Story of Song Chang
and his family as they flee their homeland in Laos and Settle in Wisconsin. The High Ground. Issue 21 (1998). 16-
Hmong ABC Publications. (1998). Journey from Pha Dong: A Decision in the Hills. (Video). St. Paul, MN: Hmong
ABC Publications.
Hmong ABC Publications. (1998). The Laotian Civil War: 1960-1974. St. Paul, MN: Hmong ABC Publications.
Hmong ABC Publications. (1998). Royal Lao Armed Forces. St. Paul, MN: Hmong ABC Publications.
Lao Veterans of America recognition celebration, Washington, D.C., May 13-15, 1998. [videorecording]. (1998).
Fresno, Calif.: Lao Veterans of America.
Fadiman, Anne. (1997). Heroes' Welcome. Civilization: The Magazine of the Library of Congress 4(4): 52-61.
Mydans, Seth. (1997). Nomads of Laos: last leftovers of the Vietnam War. The New York Times March 12 146: A3.
Lyfoung, T. (1996). Touby Lyfoung. St. Paul, MN: Touby Lyfoung Foundation.
Freeman, Nick. (1996). Fighting the "non-attributable war" in Laos: a review article. Contemporary Southeast
Asia. 17(4):430-442.
Vang, Pobzeb. (1996). Sino-Lao Relations in World Politics Since 1954: The Theory and Practice of Peaceful
Coexistence. PhD Dissertation, University of Denver.
Vang, Say Mao. (1996). A 1995 survey of Hmong veterans of [the] Vietnam War to determine the extent of war
related physical and psychological problems. M.S. thesis, University of Wisconsin, Stout.
Warner, Roger. (1996). Out of Laos: A Story of War and Exodus, Told in Photographs . Rancho Cordova, Calif.:
Southeast Asian Community Resource Center.
Yang, K. (1996). "Another Look: Who is the Victor of the Vietnam War?" In Hmong Forum, Saint Paul, MN: Haiv
Hmoob, Inc. pp. 63-67.
Conboy, K. (1995). Shadow War: The CIA’s Secret War in Laos. Boulder, CO: Paladin Press.
Johns, Michael. (1995, October 23). Acts of betrayal. (persecution of Hmong). National Review, 47(20), 24-25.
Lee, Toupheng Chongneng. (1995). A Polemic in Defense of Hmong Veterans. MA Thesis, Hamline University.
Leary, William M. (1995). The CIA and the 'secret war' in Laos: the battle for Skyline Ridge, 1971-1972. The
Journal of Military History 59(3): 505.
Moua, H.T. (1995). “Hmong Guerillas on the Run.” Vietnam, June 1995, 34-41.
Parker, J.E. (1995). Codename Mule: Fighting the Secret War in Laos for the CIA. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute
Parker, J.E. (1995). Covert Ops: The CIA’s Secret War in Laos. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
Xiv, C.Y. (1995). "A Dedication to Touby Lyfoung: The Hmong's First Cabinet Member of the Laotian
Government." Paper reprinted at website. 5 p.
Warner, R. (1995). The CIA’s Secret War in Laos and Its Link to the War in Vietnam. New York: Simon and
Conboy, K. (1994). The War in Laos 1954-1975. Carrollton, TX: Squadron/Signal Publications.
Rolland, Barbara J. & Moua, Houa Vue. (1994). Trail through the mists . Eau Claire, Wis.: Eagles Printing Co.
Castle, T. (1993). At War in the Shadow of Vietnam: U.S. Military Aid to the Royal Lao Government 1955-1975.
New York: Columbia University Press.
Hamilton-Merritt, J. and A. Hemingway.(1993). “The Killing Fields of Laos.” Vietnam, December 1992, 46-53.
Hamilton-Merrit, J. (1993). Tragic Mountains: The Hmong, The Americans, and the Secret Wars for Laos, 1942-
Van Staaveren J. (1993). Interdiction in Southern Laos. Washington D.C.: Center for Air Force History.
Yang, Hueson. (1993). Through the Spirit’s Door: A True Story of the Hmong People at War: 1975-1980. Edited
by John F. Baxley. Arlington, TX: Hyco International, 1993.
Castella, P. (1991). “Bamboo Versus Guns: Lao’s Hmong Resistance Movement.” International Defense Review
24 (May 1991): 397-98.
Colby, W.E. (1991). “The Hmong and The CIA: A Friendship, Not a Scandal.” Hmong Forum 2 (1991): 25-34.
Gunn, G.C. (1990). Rebellion in Laos: Peasant and Politics in a Colonial Backwater. Boulder, CO: Westview
Press, 1990.
Karniol, R. (1990). “Laotian Resistance Emerges from Mist.” International Defense Review 23 (March 1990): 269-
Xiong, L. (1990). “Hmong Role and Motivation in Support of the French and Americans in the Laotian Civil War,
1945-1975.” Master’s Thesis, Mankato State University.
Yang, P.K. (1990). “Hmong Involvement in Wars in Laos Before and After 1975.” Master’s Thesis, Mankato State
Yee, G.Y. (1990). "Refugees from Laos: Historical Backgrounds and Causes." Paper reprinted at www.hmongnet.
org/hmong-au/ website. 15 p.
Robbins, C. (1987). The Ravens: The Men Who Flew in America’s Secret War in Laos. New York: Crown
Cooper, R. (1986). “The Hmong of Laos: Economic Factors in Refugee Exodus and Return.” In The Hmong in
Transition, ed. by G.L. Hendricks, B.T. Downing and A.S. Deinard, 23-40.
Dunnigan, T. (1985). “Antecedents of Hmong Resettlement in the United States.” In Hmong Art: Tradition and
Change, 5-9.
Chagnon, J. and R. Rumpf (1983). “Decades of Division for the Lao Hmong.” Southeast Asia Chronicle 91
(October 1983): 10-15.
Goldfarb, M. (1982). Fighters, Refugees, Immigrants: A Story of the Hmong. Minneapolis: Carolrhoda Books.
Lee, Gary Yia (1982). National Minority Policies and the Hmong. In Contemporary Laos: Studies in the Politics
and Society of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic. Martin Stuart-Fox, ed., pp. 199-219.
Yang, D. (1982). Why did the Hmong Leave Laos? In the Hmong in the West: Observations and Reports. B.T.
Downing and D.P. Olney eds., pp. 3-18. Minneapolis: Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, University of
Yang, Dao (1976). The Hmong of Laos in the Vanguard of Development. Translation of Les Hmong du Laos Face
au Developpement. Vientiane, Laos: Siasavath Publishers. National Technical Information Service, order no.
JPRS L/5562.
Yang, Dao (1975). Les Hmongs du Laos Face Au Developpement. Vientiane: Siaosavath Publishers.
Garrett, W.E., (1974). "The Hmong of Laos: No Place to Run." National Geographic Magazine, January 1974. 78-
Ridenour, George Allen (1971). Rural Development in Laos and Governmental Relationships with the Meo Ethnic
Minority. Unpub M.S. Thesis, Cornell University.
Department of the Army (1970). The Meo. Chapter 10 in Minority Groups in Thailand. Department of the Army
PAM #550-107, pp. 537-687. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Offices.
Schanche, Don A. (1970). Mister Pop: The adventures of a peaceful man in a small war. New York: David McKay
Company, Inc.
Military Research and Development Center (1969). Meo Handbook. Bangkok, Thailand: Joint Thai-U.S. Military
Research and Development Center. National Technical Information Service, order no. AD 860 430.
Hafner, James A. (1965). The Pathet Lao and Change in Traditional Economies of the Meo and Kha 1958-61.
Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters 50:431-436.