Hmong Studies Publications 1778-1979
Compiled by Mark E. Pfeifer, PhD
Ajchenbaum, Y., Gandelier, G., Hassoun, J.P. and F. Ponchaud. (1979). Les dispositif d’accueil des refugies du sud-est asiatique. Paris: Association pour le Developpment de la Recherche et l’Experimentation en Science Humaines.
Ajchenbaum, Y. and J.P. Hassoun. (1979). Histoires d’insertion de groups familiaux Hmong refugies en France. Paris: Association pour le Developpement de la Recherche et l’Experimentation en Science Humaines.
Bliatout, B.T. (1979). Problems of Acculturation of the Hmong in Hawaii. Honolulu: Institute of Behavioral Sciences.
Center for Applied Linguistics [1979]. Glimpses of Hmong History and Culture. Indochinese Refugee Education
Guides, General Information Series #16. National Indochinese Clearinghouse. Washington, D.C.: Center for Applied Linguistics.
Clark, M. (1979). Coverbs: Evidence for the Derivation of Prepositions from Verbs, New Evidence from Hmong.
Working Papers in Linguistics, University of Hawaii at Manoa 11(2).
Clark, M. (1979). Synchronically Derived Prepositions in Diachronic Perspective: Some Evidence from Hmong.
Unpublished paper presented at the 12th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics, Paris, October 19-21.
Cooper, Robert G. (1979). The Yao Jua Relationship: Patterns of Affinal Alliance and Residence Among the Hmong of Northern Thailand. Ethnology 28:173-181.
Dean, A.G. (1979). Suggestions for Medical Screening of Southeast Asian Refugees. Minnesota Medicine 62: 754-
Dengler, D. (1979). Escape from Laos. Novato, CA: Presidio Press.
English-Hmong Phrasebook (1979). Unpublished.
Grandstaff, Terry B. (1979). The Hmong, Opium and the Haw: Speculations on the Origin of their Association. Journal of the Siam Society 67(2): 70-79.
GRETA de Digne (France) (1979). Condition d’insertion professionnelle d’un groupe de refugies N’Hmong en milieu rural. Migrants Formation 37, December.
Heimbach, E.E. (1979). White Hmong-English Dictionary. Southeast Asia Program Data Paper No. 75. Ithaca, New
York: Cornell University.
Hmong New Year Tradition [1979]. (unpublished)
Holtan, N.R. (1979). Health Care Problems among the Southeast Asian Refugees: The Boat People. Minnesota
Medicine 62:633-634.
Holtan, N.R., Crossley, K.B. and C.N. Pries. (1979). Prevalence of Intestinal Parasites in Laotian Immigrant Community. Minnesota Medicine 62:749-752.
Huebner, T. (1979). Order-of-Acquistion vs. Dynamic Paradigm: A Comparison of Method in Interlanguage Research. TESOL Quarterly 13(1): 21-28.
Kunstadter, Peter (1979). Hmong (Meo) Highlander Merchants in Lowland Thai Markets: Spontaneous Development of Highland-Lowland Interactions. Paper read at the Workshop on Agro-Forestry for Rural Communities, University of Chiangmai, Thailand, 12-16 November, 1979.
Larteguy, Jean, avec la collaboration de Yang Dao (1979). La fabuleuse aventure du people de l’opium. Paris:
Presses de la Cite.
Lyman, T.A. (1979). Grammar of Mong Njua (Green Miao): A Descriptive Linguistic Study. Published by the Author.
Minnesota Department of Public Welfare. (1979). The Indochinese Population in the State of Minnesota: Demographic Characteristics and Service Utilization Profile. St. Paul: Minnesota Department of Public Welfare.
Scott, G.M. (1979). The Hmong Refugees of San Diego: Initial Strategies of Adjustment. In Proceedings of the First
Annual Conference on Indochinese Refugees, G. Henry Stopp and N. M. Hung, eds. pp. 78-85. Citizens Applied
Research Institute of George Mason University.
Skinner, K.A. and G.L. Hendricks. (1979). The Shaping of Ethnic Self-Identity Among Indochinese Refugees. Journal of Ethnic Studies 7: 25-42.
Vang Tou-Fu (1979). The Hmong of Laos. In An Introduction to Indochinese History, Culture, Language, and Life,
John Whitemore, ed. pp. 93-102. Ann Arbor: Center for South and Southeast Asian Studies, University of Michigan.
Vang, T. (1979). English for Hmong Students in Wisconsin: Practical Everyday Expressions. Madison, WI: Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.
Wang, F. (1979). The Comparison of Initials and Finals of Miao Dialects. The Research Institute of Nationalities,
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
Westermeyer, J. (1979). “Folk” Explanations of Mental Illness in Rural Laos. American Journal of Psychiatry 136(7):
Bertrais, Yves (1978). The Traditional Marriage Among the White Hmong of Thailand and Laos. Chiang Mai, Thailand: Hmong Center.
Bessac, Susanne and Jo Rainbolt, eds. [1978] Notes on Traditional Hmong Culture from Montana Hmong
Cooper, Robert G. (1978) (a). Dynamic Tension: Symbiosis and Contradiction in Hmong Social Relations. In The New Economic Anthropology, John Clammer, ed. pp. 138-175. London: MacMillan Press.
Cooper, Robert G. (1978) (b). Unity and Division in Hmong Social Categories in Thailand. In Studies in ASEAN
Sociology, Peter Chen and Hans-Dieter Evers, eds. pp. 297-320. Singapore: Chopmen Enterprises.
Dupont-Gonin, P. (1978). Note sur l’ethnie des Hmong. Hommes et Migrationes, no. 960.
Halpern, Joel M. (1978). Review of Migrants of the Mountains by W.R. Geddes. American Anthropologist 80:448-449.
Keen, F. G. B. (1978). Ecological Relationships in a Hmong (Meo) Economy. In Farmers in the Forest: Economic
Development and Marginal Agriculture in Northern Thailand, Peter Kunstadter, E. C. Champan, S. Sakhasi, eds. pp. 210-221. Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press.
Lyman, Thomas A. (1978). Note on the Name “Green Miao.” Nachrichten 123:82-87.
Mottin, J. (1978). Elements de Grammaire Hmong Blanc. Bangkok: Don Bosco Press.
Reed, Tipawan Truong-Quang and Tou Fu Vang (1978) The Hmong Highlanders and the Lao Lowlanders.
Westermeyer, J. (1978). A Comparative Study of Male and Female Opium Addicts among the Hmong (Meo). British
Journal of Addiction 73: 181-187.
Bertrais, Yves (1977). Le marriage traditionnel chez les Hmong Blancs du et de la Thailande. Chiang Mai, Thailand: Hmong Center.
Dhamaraso Bhikkhu and Virojano Bhikkhu (1977). The Historical Background and Tradition of the Meo. Bangkok:
Suksa Samphan.
Kauffmann, Hans E. (1977). Review of The Religion of the Hmong Njua by Nusit Chindarsi. Journal of the Siam Society 65(1):390-392.
Marlowe, D. H. (1977). Review of Migrants of the Mountains by W. R. Geddes. Journal of Asian Studies 36(3):591-592.
Minnesota Department of Public Welfare. (1977). A Demographic and Service Utilization Profile of the Indochinese in Minnesota: A Summary. St. Paul: Minnesota Department of Public Welfare.
Mottaeng Yang (1977). Prawat Khong Chao Mong (Maeo). (History of the Hmong) Bankok: Odeon Store Press.
Taillard, Christian (1977). L’Espace Social: Quelques reflexions a propos de deux exemples au Laos. Asie du Sud est et monde insulindien, Paris 8(2):81-101.
Westermeyer, J. (1977). Narcotic Addiction in two Asian Cultures: A Comparison and Analysis. Drug and Alcohol
Dependence 2(4): 273-285.
Yamasaki, Richard Lee (1977). Resettlement Status Of The Hmong Refugees In Long Beach, MS dissertation.
California State University – Long Beach
Andrianoff, David I. (1976). Hmong Retribalization. Unpub M.A. Thesis, SUNY Binghamton.
Bernard, W.S. (1976). Immigrants and Refugees: Their Similarities, Differences and Needs. International Migration 14: 267-281.
Chang, B.S. and K.Chang. (1976). The Prenasalized Stop Initials of Miao-Yiao, Tibeto-Burman, and Chinese: A Result of Diffusion or Evidence of a Genetic Relationship? Academic Sinica: Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology 47(3): 467-502.
Chang, K. (1976). Proto-Miao Initials. Academia Sinica: Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology 47(2): 155-218.
Chindarsi, Nusit (1976). The Religion of the Hmong Njua. Bangkok: The Siam Society. [299.5919 N942]
Cooper, Robert G. (1976). Social Change Among Hmong Opium Producers of Northwest Thailand. Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, University of Hull.
Geddes, William R. (1976). Migrants of the Mountains: The Cultural Ecology of the Blue Miao (Hmong Njua) of
Thailand. Oxford: Clarendon Press. [301.9593 G267]
Ling Shun-sheng and Ruey Yih Fu (1976). Miao Tribe of Western Hurian, 3. E. Longstaff.
Lyman, Thomas A. (1976). Ethno-Zoology of the Green Miao (Mong Njua) of Naan Province, Northern Thailand. Napa, CA: Graphics Department, Napa College.
Smalley, W.A. (1976). The Problems of Consonants and Tone: Hmong (Meo, Miao). In Phonemes and Orthography:
Language Planning in Ten Minority Languages of Thailand, William Smalley, ed. pp. 85-123. Canberra, Australia:
Linguistic Circle of Canberra.
Smalley, W.A. (1976). Review of Thomas A. Lyman’s Dictionary of Mong Njua, a Miao (Meo) Language of Southeast
Asia. Linguistics 174: 107-112.
Smalley, W.A. ed. (1976). Phonemes and Orthography: Language Planning in Ten Minority Languages of Thailand.
Pacific Linguistic Series C, No. 43. Canberra, Australia: Linguistic Circle of Canberra.
Yang, Dao (1976). The Hmong of Laos in the Vanguard of Development. Translation of Les Hmong du Laos Face au Developpement. Vientiane, Laos: Siasavath Publishers. National Technical Information Service, order no. JPRS
Benedict, Paul K. (1975). Austro-Thai: Language and Culture. New Haven: Human Relations Area Files Press. [499.2 B434]
Gua, Bo (1975). Opium, Bombs and Trees: The Future of the H’mong Tribesmen in Northern Thailand. Journal of
Contemporary Asia 5:70-81.
Lyman, Thomas A. (1975). Ethnological Journey: An account of Travels in Northern Thailand in Quest of the Miao
(Meo) Tribe. Napa, CA: Graphics Department, Napa College.
Yang, Dao (1975). Les Hmongs du Laos Face Au Developpement. Vientiane: Siaosavath Publishers.
Adams, Monni (1974). Dress and Design in Highland Southeast Asia: The Hmong (Miao) and the Yao. Textile Museum Journal 4(1):51-66.
Garrett, W.E., "The Hmong of Laos: No Place to Run." National Geographic Magazine, January 1974. 78-111.
Lyman, T.A. Dictionary of Mong Njua, A Miao (Meo) Language of Southeast Asia. The Hague: Mouton.
Westermeyer, J. (1974). Opium Smoking in Laos: A Survey of 40 Addicts. American Journal of Pschiatry 131: 165-170.
Chang, K. (1973). The Reconstruction of Proto-Miao-Yao Tones. Academia Sinica: Bulletin of the Institute of History
and Philology 44(4): 541-628.
Clark, R. B. (1973). Meo: Vietnam, Laos, Thailand and Burma. In Peoples of the Earth, pp. 92-97. Verona: Danbury
Press, Arnaldo Mondadori.
Marks, Thomas A. (1973). The Meo Hill Tribe Problem in North Thailand. Asian Survey 13:929-944.
Matisoff, J.A. (1973). Tonogenesis in Southeast Asia. In Cosononant Types and Tone. Larry Hyman, ed., pp. 71-95.
Southern California Occasional Papers in Linguistics, No. 1. Los Angeles: Linguistics Program, University of Southern California.
Weber, D.S. (1973). Health and Disease: Effects Upon Hill Tribes of South East Asia. University of Northern Colorado, Museum of Anthropology, Miscellaneous Series, No. 31, 1973.
Benedict, Paul K. (1972). Sino-Tibetan: A Conspectus. Cambridge, England: The University Press. [495 B434]
Chua Va Lo (1972). The Hmoob ways of old - - How we must study. Translated by Gee Vue. U.S.A.I.D. (unpublished)
Denlinger, P.B. (1972). Miao-Yao Manuscript. Tunghai Journal 13: 1-66.
Haudricourt, A.G. (1972). Presentation des feuilles de cartes de la famille Karen et de la famille Miao-Yiao. Asie du
Sud-Est et Monde Insulinden 3(4): 7-12.
Haudricourt, A.G. (1972). Two-Way and Three-Way Splitting of Tonal Systems in some Far Eastern Languages. In Tai Phonetics and Phonology. J.G. Harris and R.B. Noss, ed. pp. 58-86. Bangkok: Central Institute of English Language.
Lemoine, J. (1972). Les ecritures du Hmong. Bulletin des Amis du Royaume Lao, Vientiane 7-8: 123-165.
Lemoine, Jacques (1972). L’initiation du mort chez les Hmong. I. Le Chemin, II. Les themes, III. Les themes. L’homme XII(1):105-134, XII(2):85-125, XII(3):84-110.
Lemoine, Jacques (1972). Un village Hmong Vert du haut Laos. Paris: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. [301.9594 L544]
Kacha-ananda, Chob (1972) Le systeme de la famille Yao. Journal of the Siam Society 60(1):187-194.
Miao Language Team (1972). A Brief Description of the Miao Language. In Miao and Yao Linguistic Studies, H.C.
Purnell, ed. pp. 1-25. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Southeast Asia Program.
Purnell, H.C. (1972) Toward Contrastive Analysis Between Thai and Hill Tribe Languages. In Tai Phonetics and
Phonology J.G Harris and R.B. Noss, ed. pp. 113-129. Bangkok: Central Institute of English Language.
Purnell, H.C. ed. (1972). Miao and Yao Linguistic Studies: Selected Articles in Chinese, translated by C. Yu-hung and C. Kwo-Ray. Southeast Asia Program Data Paper No. 88. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University.
Smalley, W.A. (1972). Problems in Writing Thailand Minority Languages in Thai Script. In Tai Phonetics and
Phonology, J.G. Harris and R.B. Noss, eds., pp. 131-136. Bangkok: Central Institute of English.
Binney, George A. (1971) The Social and Economic Organization of Two White Meo Communities in Northern
Thailand. Washington, D.C.: Wildlife Management Inst. National Technical Information Service, order no. AD 882 88L.
Bumke, Peter J. (1971). Die Miao: Sozialgeschichte und politische organization einer segmentaren Gesellshaft und die Auwirkungen der Thailandischen Minderheitenpolitik. Wiesbaden: In Kommission bei Otto Harrassowitz.
Haudricourt, A.G. (1971). Les langues Karen et les langues Miao-Yiao. Asie du Sud-Est et Monde Insulinden, Paris 2(4): 25-52.
Kwan, J.C. (1971). C’hing Chiang Miao Phonology. Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies (new series) 9: 289-305.
Lemoine, Jacques (1971). Le nouvel an Yao. Bulletin des Amis du Royaume Lao 4-5:83-122.
Oshima, S. (1971). Preliminary Study on a Black Miao Dialect: Phonology. The Annual Report on Cultural Science 28: 27-48.
Ridenour, George Allen (1971). Rural Development in Laos and Governmental Relationships with the Meo Ethnic
Minority. Unpub M.S. Thesis, Cornell University.
Westermeyer, J. (1971). The Use of Alcohol and Opium among by the Meo of Laos. American Journal of Psychiatry
127: 59-63.
Beauclair, Inez de (1970 ). A Miao Tribe of Southeast Kweichow and its Cultural Configuration. In Tribal Cultures of
Southwest China, pp. 60-145. Taipei: The Orient Cultural Service.
Beauclair, Inez de (1970). Die Ta-Hua Miao der Provinz Kueichou. Ibid pp. 190-197.
Beauclair, Inez de (1970). Tracht und Ornamentik der Pa Miao im Anshun Kreis der Provinz Kweichow. In Tribal
Cultures of Southwest China, pp. 199-205. Tai Pei: The Orient Cultural Service. Originally published in Studia Serica 2: 3-20, 1942.
Bernatzik, H.R. (1970). Akha and Miao: Problems of Applied Ethnography in Farther India. New Haven, CT: Human
Relations Area Files, Yale University.
Buhler, Alfred (1972). Hanfverarbeitung und Batik bei den Meau in Nordthailand. Ethnologishe Zeitschrift Zurich 1,
1972, pp. 61-81. Bern: Verlag Herbert Lang.
Department of the Army (1970). The Meo. Chapter 10 in Minority Groups in Thailand. Department of the Army PAM
#550-107, pp. 537-687. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Offices.
Department of the Army (1970). The Yao. Chapter 11, Ibid., pp. 687-759.
Geddes, William R. (1970). Opium and the Miao: A Study in Ecological Adjustment. Oceania 41(1):1-11.
Lyman, T. (1970). English-Meo Pocket Dictionary. Bangkok, Thailand: The German Cultural Institute.
Lyman, Thomas A. (1970). The “Mong” of Thailand vs. The “Hmong” of Laos, A Preliminary Research Sketch. Asia
Aakhanee: Southeast Asian Survey 2(3):26-28, March 1970.
Lyman, Thomas A. (1970). The Meo Tribesmen, A New Force in Laos in Laos. Asia Aakhanee: Southeast Asian
Survey 2(3):26-28, March 1970.
Manndorff, Hans (1970). Beobachtungen uber das Neujahrsfest (Pe Tschou) der Miao Nordthailands, ihren
Kulturheros You-Schou und die zwolf Familien-Namen Gruppen (Seng). Ethnologische Zeitschrift Zurich, Bern, vol 1: 75-83.
Mareschal, Eric [1970]. La musique des Hmong. Chez l’auteur: 18, Boul. Edgar Quinet. 75014. Paris.
Purnell, H.C. (1970). Toward a Reconstruction of Proto-Miao-Yao. PhD Dissertation, Cornell University.
Schanche, Don A. (1970). Mister Pop. New Year: David Mckay Co.
Vidal, J. E. and J. Lemoine (1970). Contribution a l’ethnobotanique des Hmong du Laos. Journal d’Argiculture tropicale et de Botanique appliquee 17:1
Deaton, Brady, and Thomas A. Lyman (1969). Types of Miao Hill-Rice. Asia Aakhanee: Southeast Asian Survey 1(2):36-38.
Deaton, Brady, and Thomas A. Lyman (1969). Green Miao (Meo) Agricultural Terms. Asia Aakhanee: Southeast Asian Survey 1(3):42-47.
Lyman, T.A. The Particle ‘le’ in Green Miao. Asia Aakhanee: Southeast Asian Survey 1(1): 1-14.
Lyman, T.A. (1969). Green Miao (Meo) Proverbs. Asia Aakhanee: Southeast Asian Survey 192): 30-32.
Lyman, Thomas A. (1969). Miao (Meo) Slash-and-Burn Agriculture. Journal d’Agriculture tropicale et de Botanique
appliguee 16(6,7,8)251-283.
Military Research and Development Center (1969). Meo Handbook. Bangkok, Thailand: Joint Thai-U.S. Military
Research and Development Center. National Technical Information Service, order no. AD 860 430.
Pierson, Ch. L. and Yves Bertrais (1969) Project d’animation rurale en milieu montagnard Hmong. Vientiane: Mission Catholique, Centre d’Apostolat Hmong.
Worthington, H.R. (1969). A Sampling of Loan Words in Green Miao. Asia Aakhanee: Southeast Asian Survey 1(2): 15-17.
Worthington, Harvey Rice, III (1969). The Twelve Miao Cyclical Years. Asia Aakhanee: Southeast Asian Survey 1(3):
Vidal, Jules (1969) Noms vernaculaires de plantes (Lao, Meo, Kha) en usage au Laos. Bulletin de l’Ecole francaise d’Extreme Orient 49(2):560-62.
Lombard, S.J. comp. (1968). Yao-English Dictionary. Southeast Asia Program Data Paper No. 69. Ithaca, New York:
Cornell University.
Lyman, Thomas A. (1968). Green Miao (Meo) Spirit-Ceremonies. Ethnologica (n.f.) 4:1-28.
Morechand, Guy (1968). Le chamanisms des Hmong. Bulletin de l’Ecole francaise d’extreme-Orient 54:53-294. [069 qEc73 v.54]
Westermeyer, J. (1968). The Use of Alcohol and Opium Among Two Ethnic Groups in Laos. Unpublished Master’s
Thesis, University of Minnesota.
Barney, G. Linwood (1967) The Meo of Xieng Khouang Province, Laos. In Southeast Asian Tribes, Minorities, and
Nations, Peter Kunstadler, ed. pp. 271-294. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Binney, George A. (1967). Social Structure and Shifting Agriculture of the White Meo. Technical Report. National
Technical Information Service, order no. AD 655-931.
Chang, K. (1967). National Languages. In Current Trends in Linguistics, Vol. 2, Linguistics in East Asia and Southeast Asia, Thomas Sebeok, ed. pp. 151-176. The Hague: Mouton.
Dinh-dang-Dinh (1967). The Meo National Minority, North-West Vietnam. Hanoi: Xunhasaba.
Downer, G.B. (1967). Tone Change and Tone Shift in White Miao. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African
Studies, University of London 30: 589-599.
Mark, Lindy Li (1967). Patrilateral Cross-Cousin Marriage among the Magpie Miao: Preferential or Prescriptive.
American Anthropologist 69:55-62.
Moody, W. (1967). List of Irregularities of Coorespondence Existing Between Blue and White Meo Dialects, with texts in Blue and White Meo (Unpublished).
Ruey Yih-Fu (1967). A Study of the Miao People. In Symposium on Historical, Archaeological and Linguistic Studies, F. S. Drake, ed. pp. 49-58. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
Chang, K. (1966). A Comparative Study of the Yao Tone System. Language 42(2): 303-310.
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Austroasiatic Linguistics, N.H. Zide, ed. pp. 44-56. The Hague: Mouton.
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(M.A. Thesis)
Kwan, J.C. (1966). A Phonology of a Black Miao Dialect. University of Washington.
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University of London 24(3): 531-541.
Haudricourt, A.G. (1961). Bipartition et tripartition dans les systemes de tons dans quelques langues d'Extreme-
Orient. Bulletin de la Societe de Linguistique de Paris 56: 163-180.
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pp. 143-155. Chicago: Quadrangle Books.
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Bridgman, E. C., transl. (1959). Sketches of the Miau-Tsze. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, North China Branch 3:257-286.
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Kroeber, Alfred L. (1958). Miao and Chinese Kin Logic. Academia Sinica: Bulletin of the Institute of History and
Philology 29:641-645.
Ruey Yih-Fu (1958). Terminological Structure of the Miao Kinship System. Academia Sinica: Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology 29:613-639.
Chang, K. (1957). The Phonemic System of the Yi Miao Dialect. Academic Sinica: Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology 29(1): 11-19.
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(Several sources assisted with this immense compilation including D.P. Olney, (1993). A Bibliography of the Hmong (Miao); J.C. Smith, (1996). The Hmong: 1987-1995: A Selected and Annotated Bibliography as well as Anne Frank's Bibliographies on the Hmong Studies Journal's website).
Compiled by Mark E. Pfeifer, PhD
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(Several sources assisted with this immense compilation including D.P. Olney, (1993). A Bibliography of the Hmong (Miao); J.C. Smith, (1996). The Hmong: 1987-1995: A Selected and Annotated Bibliography as well as Anne Frank's Bibliographies on the Hmong Studies Journal's website).