Hmong Refugee Resettlement and Hmong American History
Compiled by Mark E. Pfeifer, PhD
Chambers, D. (2020). "From Networks to Categories: Hmong Political Positionality, Mobility, and Remnant Subjectivities in Thailand." Hmong Studies Journal, 21: 1-46.
Lee, M.S. (2020). "Hmong Survivors: Second Wave Hmong Parents’ Identity." Hmong Studies Journal, 21: 1-29.
Vang, C.Y. (2018.) "Thinking Refugee: The Politics of Hmong Place-Making in Argentina and French Guiana." Amerasia Journal, 44:2, 1-21.
Hillmer, P. and M.A. Yang (2017). "Commentary: Ignorance as Bias: Radiolab, Yellow Rain, and 'The Fact of the Matter." Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 18.
Downing, B.T. (2014). "Hmong Research – Then and Now: Closing Keynote Speech at the Hmong Across Borders Conference." Hmong Studies Journal, 15(2): 1-24.
Pfeifer, M. (2013). "Hmong Americans: A Demographic Portrait." In Diversity in Diaspora: Hmong Americans in the Twenty-First Century, M. Pfeifer, M. Chiu and K. Yang, Eds. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
Yang, K. (2013). "The American Experience of the Hmong: A Historical Review." In Diversity in Diaspora: Hmong Americans in the Twenty-First Century, M. Pfeifer, M. Chiu and K. Yang, Eds. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
Pfeifer, M.E., Sullivan, J., Yang, K. and W. Yang. (2012). "Hmong Population and Demographic Trends in the
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Vang, C.Y. (2010). Hmong America: Reconstructing Community in Diaspora. Champaign, IL:
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Gritoleit, G. (2009). Integrationsvarianten. Die Hmong in den USA. Passau: Karl Stutz.
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Lor, P. (2009). "A Photo Essay of the Hmong Experience at Wat Thamkrabok in Thailand." Hmong Studies Journal,
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Vang, C.Y. (2009). "U.S. Cold War Policies in Laos and the Hmong, 1961-1975." In Toshihiko
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Vang, C.Y. (2009). “Hmong Anti-Communism at Hmong and Abroad” In Ieva Zake (ed). (2009). Anti-
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Welcher, A.K. (2009). A Review of the Recommendations of the Hmong Resettlement Task Force and the
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Grigoleit, G. (2006). "Coming Home? The Integration of Hmong Refugees from Wat Tham Krabok, Thailand into
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Nibbs, F. (2006). "The Texas Two-Step, Hmong Style: A Delicate Dance Between Culture and Ethnicity." Hmong
Studies Journal, Vol 7, 2006.
Carroll, Wayne and Victoria Udalova. (2005). "Who is Hmong? Questions and Evidence from the U.S. Census" Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 6, 2005.
Cha, Dia. (2005). "Hmong and Lao Refugee Women: Reflections of a Hmong-American Woman Anthropologist" Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 6, 2005.
Clarkin, Patrick F. (2005). "Hmong Resettlement in French Guiana" Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 6, 2005.
Cooney, Bridget M. (2005). International policies, refugee spatialities, and the Hmong of Southeast
Asia. M.A. Thesis, California State University, Long Beach.
Goodkind, Jessica R.. (2005). "Effectiveness of a Community-Based Advocacy and Learning Program for Hmong
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Zhou, Min and Yang Sao Xiong. (2005). “The multifaceted American experiences of the children of Asian immigrants: Lessons for segmented assimilation.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 28(6): 1119-1152.
Dearborn, Lynne M. (2004). Immigrant culture and housing provision, examining the nexus: A case study of the ACTS Landmark Housing Program and its Hmong participants (Wisconsin). PhD Dissertation, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
Lee, Gary Yia. (2004). “Culture and Settlement: The Present Situation of the Hmong in Australia.” In The Hmong of
Australia: Culture and Diaspora. Eds. Nicholas Tapp and Gary Yia Lee. Canberra, Australia: Pandanus Books,
Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, The Australian National University, 11-24.
Tapp, Nicholas. (2004). “Hmong Diaspora in Australia.” In The Hmong of Australia: Culture and Diaspora. Eds.
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Robert T. Teranishi. (2004). “Yellow and Brown: Emerging Asian American Immigrant Populations and Residential
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Faruque, Cathleen Jo. (2003). "Migration of Hmong to Rochester, Minnesota: Life in the Midwest." Hmong Studies
Journal, 4:1-50.
Pfeifer, Mark E. (2003). “The Hmong in America.” From The New Face of Asian Pacific America: Numbers, Diversity
and Change in the 21st Century. Editors: Eric Lai and Dennis Arguelles. San Francisco and Los Angeles: Asian Week and UCLA Asian American Studies Center Press, pp. 96-98.
Yang, Kou. (2003). "Hmong Americans: A Review of Felt Needs, Problems, and Community Development” Hmong
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Lo, F. (2001). The Promised Land: Socioeconomic Reality of the Hmong in Urban America. Bristol, IN: Wyndham Hill Press.
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