Hmong Populations and Reproductive/Maternal Care
(Compiled by Mark E. Pfeifer, PhD)
Larson, C.J. (2012). The Relationship of Provider Cultural Competence and Utilization of Prenatal Care in the
Hmong of Minnesota, PhD Dissertation, Walden University.
Feliciano, S.M. (2011). Understanding Infant Feeding Choices Among Hmong American Women in Saint Paul,
MN. PhD Dissertation, Temple University.
Luce, H., Redmer, J., Gideonsen, M., Dresang, L., Potter, B. and Sarina Schrager. (2011). “Culturally Specific
Maternity Care in Wisconsin.” Wisconsin Medical Journal 110(1): 32-37.
Nibbs, F. (2010). "A Hmong Birth and Authoritative Knowledge: A Case study of choice, control, and the
reproductive consequences of refugee status in American childbirth." Hmong Studies Journal, 11: 1-14.
Kornosky, J.L., Peck, J.D., Sweeney, A.M., Adelson, P.L., and S.L. Schantz. (2007). “Reproductive
Characteristics of Southeast Asian Immigrants Before and After Migration.” Journal of Immigrant Minority Health,
Published Online 2 June 2007
Liamputtong, P. and D. Spitzer. (2007). “Double Identities: the lived Experience of Motherhood among Hmong
Immigrant Women in Australia. In Pranee Liamputtong, Ed. Reproduction, Childbearing and Motherhood: A
Cross-Cultural Perspective. New York: Nova Science Publishing.
Viste, J. (2007). “Communicating (Birth Defects) Prevention Information to a Hmong Population in
Wisconsin: A Study of Cultural Relevance.” Substance Use and Misuse 42(4): 753-774.
Kasemsup, R, Reicks, M (2006). “The relationship between maternal child-feeding practices and overweight in
Hmong preschool children.” ETHNIC DIS 16 (1): 187-193 WIN 2006
Sperstad, Rita A. and Joan Stehle Werner. (2005). "Coming to the Cultural "In-Between": Nursing Insights From
a Hmong Birth Case Study." Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing 34(6): 682-688.
Clarkin, Patrick Francis. (2004). The fetal origins hypothesis and the Hmong diaspora: Effects of warfare, early
malnutrition, and later modernization on adult health. PhD Dissertation, State University of New York at
Plotnikoff, Gregory A. "Defining Best Interest for a Hmong Infant: A Physician's Challenge." In Healing by Heart:
Clinical and Ethical Case Studies of Hmong Families and Western Providers, Editors: Culhane-Pera, K.A.,
Vawter, D.E. pp. 159-164.
Liamputtong, Pranee. (2002). “Infant Feeding Practices: The Case of Hmong Women in Australia.” Health Care
for Women International 23(1): 33-48.
Levenick, M. (2001). “Hmong and Prenatal Care.” Journal of Cultural Diversity 8(1): 26-29.
Spring, M.A. (2001). Reproductive Health and Fertility of Hmong Immigrants in Minnesota. PhD Dissertation,
University of Minnesota.
Rice, P.L. (2000). “Baby, souls, name and health: traditional customs for a newborn infant among the Hmong in
Melbourne.” Early Human Development. 57(3): 189-203.
Rice, P.L. (2000). Hmong Women and Reproduction. Westport, CT: Bergin and Harvey.
Rice, P.L. (2000). “Nyo dua hli - 30 days confinement: traditions and changed childbearing beliefs and practices
among Hmong women in Australia.” Midwifery. 16(1): 22-34.
Clarkin, Patrick Francis. (1999). Growth patterns of the Hmong children of Rhode Island. M.A. thesis, State
University of New York at Binghamton. Fitzpatrick, D.M.
Rice, P.L. (1999). “When the baby falls!: The cultural construction of miscarriage among Hmong women in
Australia.” Women and Health. 30(1): 85-103.
Bromaghim, Jane E. (1998). Reproductive Health Issues of Hmong and Somali Women. M.S. Thesis, Minnesota
State University, Mankato.
Rice, PL., and Naksook, C. (1998). “The experience of pregnancy, labour and birth of Thai women in Australia.”
Midwifery. 14(2): 74-84.
Bashinski, Bernadette Kathleen. (1995). The cultural responses of Hmong women during the perinatal period
within the western biomedical environment . M.S. thesis, University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire.
Jambunathan, J. & Stewart, S. (1995). Hmong women in Wisconsin: what are their concerns in pregnancy and
childbirth? Birth, 22(4):204 .
Jambunathan, Jaya. (1995). Hmong Cultural Practices and Beliefs. The Postpartum Period. Clinical Nursing
Research. 4(3): 335-345.
Tuttle, Cynthia Reeves; Dewey, Kathryn G. (1995). Impact of a breastfeeding promotion program for Hmong
women at selected WIC sites in northern California. Journal of Nutrition Education. 27(2): 69+.
Rice, P.L. (1994). "When I had my Baby Here!" In Rice, P.L., (ed.) Asian Mothers, Australian Birth - Pregnancy,
Childbirth, and Childrearing: The Asian Experience in an English Speaking Country. Melbourne: Ausmed
Publication. Reprinted at website. 15 p.
Rice, P.L., Ly, B. and Lumley, J. (1994). “Childbirth and Soul Loss: The Case of a Hmong Woman.” The Medical
Journal of Australia 160 (2 May 1994): 577-578.
Rice, P.L, Ly, B., and Lumley, J. (1994). "Soul Loss Following a Caesarean Operation." Medical Journal of
Australia, 160, 577-578. Reprinted at website. 5 p.
Friesen, P.M. (1993). Hmong Infant Feeding Practices: A Mini Ethnonursing Study. Master’s Thesis, College of
St. Catherines, St. Paul, MN.
Leone, D.J. (1993). Screening for Prenatal Risk Factors in Hmong Women. Master’s Thesis, University of
Tuttle, Cynthia Reeves (1993). Infant Feeding Among Southeast Asian Immigrants In Northern California
(Hmong, Vietnamese), PhD dissertation. University of California, Davis.
Helsel, D.; D.B. Petitti and P. Kundstadter. (1992). “Pregnancy Among the Hmong: Birthweight, Age and Parity.”
82: 1361-1364.
Judkins, R.A. and A.B. Judkins. (1992). “Commentary: Cultural Dimensions of Hmong Birth.” Birth 19
(September 1992): 148-150.
Lengyel, K.A. (1992). How do Hmong Women Perceive Their Hospital Stay During Labor, Birth, and
Postpartum? Master’s Thesis, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
Elkins, J.L. (1990). The Factors Associated With the Initial Infant Feeding Choice Among Hmong Mothers in
Northern California. Master’s Thesis, California State University, Chico, 1990.
Hentschke, K. and E.I. Stradinger. (1990). “Hmong Women’s Attitudes Toward Family Planning.” Master’s
Project, California State University, Sacramento.
Laurent, A.E. (1990). Registered Maternity Nurses’ Knowledge of Traditional Hmong Cultural Childbirth Practice.
Master’s Thesis, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
Edwards, L.E.; C.J. Rautio and E.Y. Hakanson. (1987). “Pregnancy in Hmong Refugee Women.” Minnesota
Medicine 70 (November 1987): 633-637.
Erickson, D.; I. Swenson and E. Ehlinger.(1987). “Maternal and Infant Outcomes Among Caucasians and Hmong
Refugees.” Human Biology 59 (Oct. 1987): 799-808.
Lee, P.A. (1986). “Health Beliefs of Pregnant and Postpartum Hmong Women.” Western Journal of Nursing
Research 8 (February 1986): 83-93.
Morrow, K. (1986). “Transcultural Midwifery: Adapting to Hmong Birthing Customs in California.” Journal of
Nurse-Midwifery 31 (November-December 1986): 285-288.
Oberg, C.N., Muret-Wagstaff, S., Moore, S.G., and B. Cumming (1986). “A Cross-Cultural Assessment of
Maternal-Child Interaction: Links to Health and Development.” In The Hmong in Transition, ed. by G.L.
Hendricks, B.T. Downing and A.S. Deinard, 399-416.
(Compiled by Mark E. Pfeifer, PhD)
Larson, C.J. (2012). The Relationship of Provider Cultural Competence and Utilization of Prenatal Care in the
Hmong of Minnesota, PhD Dissertation, Walden University.
Feliciano, S.M. (2011). Understanding Infant Feeding Choices Among Hmong American Women in Saint Paul,
MN. PhD Dissertation, Temple University.
Luce, H., Redmer, J., Gideonsen, M., Dresang, L., Potter, B. and Sarina Schrager. (2011). “Culturally Specific
Maternity Care in Wisconsin.” Wisconsin Medical Journal 110(1): 32-37.
Nibbs, F. (2010). "A Hmong Birth and Authoritative Knowledge: A Case study of choice, control, and the
reproductive consequences of refugee status in American childbirth." Hmong Studies Journal, 11: 1-14.
Kornosky, J.L., Peck, J.D., Sweeney, A.M., Adelson, P.L., and S.L. Schantz. (2007). “Reproductive
Characteristics of Southeast Asian Immigrants Before and After Migration.” Journal of Immigrant Minority Health,
Published Online 2 June 2007
Liamputtong, P. and D. Spitzer. (2007). “Double Identities: the lived Experience of Motherhood among Hmong
Immigrant Women in Australia. In Pranee Liamputtong, Ed. Reproduction, Childbearing and Motherhood: A
Cross-Cultural Perspective. New York: Nova Science Publishing.
Viste, J. (2007). “Communicating (Birth Defects) Prevention Information to a Hmong Population in
Wisconsin: A Study of Cultural Relevance.” Substance Use and Misuse 42(4): 753-774.
Kasemsup, R, Reicks, M (2006). “The relationship between maternal child-feeding practices and overweight in
Hmong preschool children.” ETHNIC DIS 16 (1): 187-193 WIN 2006
Sperstad, Rita A. and Joan Stehle Werner. (2005). "Coming to the Cultural "In-Between": Nursing Insights From
a Hmong Birth Case Study." Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing 34(6): 682-688.
Clarkin, Patrick Francis. (2004). The fetal origins hypothesis and the Hmong diaspora: Effects of warfare, early
malnutrition, and later modernization on adult health. PhD Dissertation, State University of New York at
Plotnikoff, Gregory A. "Defining Best Interest for a Hmong Infant: A Physician's Challenge." In Healing by Heart:
Clinical and Ethical Case Studies of Hmong Families and Western Providers, Editors: Culhane-Pera, K.A.,
Vawter, D.E. pp. 159-164.
Liamputtong, Pranee. (2002). “Infant Feeding Practices: The Case of Hmong Women in Australia.” Health Care
for Women International 23(1): 33-48.
Levenick, M. (2001). “Hmong and Prenatal Care.” Journal of Cultural Diversity 8(1): 26-29.
Spring, M.A. (2001). Reproductive Health and Fertility of Hmong Immigrants in Minnesota. PhD Dissertation,
University of Minnesota.
Rice, P.L. (2000). “Baby, souls, name and health: traditional customs for a newborn infant among the Hmong in
Melbourne.” Early Human Development. 57(3): 189-203.
Rice, P.L. (2000). Hmong Women and Reproduction. Westport, CT: Bergin and Harvey.
Rice, P.L. (2000). “Nyo dua hli - 30 days confinement: traditions and changed childbearing beliefs and practices
among Hmong women in Australia.” Midwifery. 16(1): 22-34.
Clarkin, Patrick Francis. (1999). Growth patterns of the Hmong children of Rhode Island. M.A. thesis, State
University of New York at Binghamton. Fitzpatrick, D.M.
Rice, P.L. (1999). “When the baby falls!: The cultural construction of miscarriage among Hmong women in
Australia.” Women and Health. 30(1): 85-103.
Bromaghim, Jane E. (1998). Reproductive Health Issues of Hmong and Somali Women. M.S. Thesis, Minnesota
State University, Mankato.
Rice, PL., and Naksook, C. (1998). “The experience of pregnancy, labour and birth of Thai women in Australia.”
Midwifery. 14(2): 74-84.
Bashinski, Bernadette Kathleen. (1995). The cultural responses of Hmong women during the perinatal period
within the western biomedical environment . M.S. thesis, University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire.
Jambunathan, J. & Stewart, S. (1995). Hmong women in Wisconsin: what are their concerns in pregnancy and
childbirth? Birth, 22(4):204 .
Jambunathan, Jaya. (1995). Hmong Cultural Practices and Beliefs. The Postpartum Period. Clinical Nursing
Research. 4(3): 335-345.
Tuttle, Cynthia Reeves; Dewey, Kathryn G. (1995). Impact of a breastfeeding promotion program for Hmong
women at selected WIC sites in northern California. Journal of Nutrition Education. 27(2): 69+.
Rice, P.L. (1994). "When I had my Baby Here!" In Rice, P.L., (ed.) Asian Mothers, Australian Birth - Pregnancy,
Childbirth, and Childrearing: The Asian Experience in an English Speaking Country. Melbourne: Ausmed
Publication. Reprinted at website. 15 p.
Rice, P.L., Ly, B. and Lumley, J. (1994). “Childbirth and Soul Loss: The Case of a Hmong Woman.” The Medical
Journal of Australia 160 (2 May 1994): 577-578.
Rice, P.L, Ly, B., and Lumley, J. (1994). "Soul Loss Following a Caesarean Operation." Medical Journal of
Australia, 160, 577-578. Reprinted at website. 5 p.
Friesen, P.M. (1993). Hmong Infant Feeding Practices: A Mini Ethnonursing Study. Master’s Thesis, College of
St. Catherines, St. Paul, MN.
Leone, D.J. (1993). Screening for Prenatal Risk Factors in Hmong Women. Master’s Thesis, University of
Tuttle, Cynthia Reeves (1993). Infant Feeding Among Southeast Asian Immigrants In Northern California
(Hmong, Vietnamese), PhD dissertation. University of California, Davis.
Helsel, D.; D.B. Petitti and P. Kundstadter. (1992). “Pregnancy Among the Hmong: Birthweight, Age and Parity.”
82: 1361-1364.
Judkins, R.A. and A.B. Judkins. (1992). “Commentary: Cultural Dimensions of Hmong Birth.” Birth 19
(September 1992): 148-150.
Lengyel, K.A. (1992). How do Hmong Women Perceive Their Hospital Stay During Labor, Birth, and
Postpartum? Master’s Thesis, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
Elkins, J.L. (1990). The Factors Associated With the Initial Infant Feeding Choice Among Hmong Mothers in
Northern California. Master’s Thesis, California State University, Chico, 1990.
Hentschke, K. and E.I. Stradinger. (1990). “Hmong Women’s Attitudes Toward Family Planning.” Master’s
Project, California State University, Sacramento.
Laurent, A.E. (1990). Registered Maternity Nurses’ Knowledge of Traditional Hmong Cultural Childbirth Practice.
Master’s Thesis, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
Edwards, L.E.; C.J. Rautio and E.Y. Hakanson. (1987). “Pregnancy in Hmong Refugee Women.” Minnesota
Medicine 70 (November 1987): 633-637.
Erickson, D.; I. Swenson and E. Ehlinger.(1987). “Maternal and Infant Outcomes Among Caucasians and Hmong
Refugees.” Human Biology 59 (Oct. 1987): 799-808.
Lee, P.A. (1986). “Health Beliefs of Pregnant and Postpartum Hmong Women.” Western Journal of Nursing
Research 8 (February 1986): 83-93.
Morrow, K. (1986). “Transcultural Midwifery: Adapting to Hmong Birthing Customs in California.” Journal of
Nurse-Midwifery 31 (November-December 1986): 285-288.
Oberg, C.N., Muret-Wagstaff, S., Moore, S.G., and B. Cumming (1986). “A Cross-Cultural Assessment of
Maternal-Child Interaction: Links to Health and Development.” In The Hmong in Transition, ed. by G.L.
Hendricks, B.T. Downing and A.S. Deinard, 399-416.