Children's Storybooks and Lesson Plans for Teachers
Compiled by Mark E. Pfeifer, PhD
Vang, S. Mouanoutoua, M. and Mua, M. (2008). I am a Hmong-American Child. Minneapolis, MN: National Institute
on Media and the Family.
Alisa, K. (2007). The Hmong (Coming to America Series). Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press.
Giraud, Herve. (2005). Basha: A Hmong Child. Farmington Hills, MI: BlackBirch Press.
Bryan, Nichol. (2003).Hmong Americans. Abdo Publishing Company, Edina, MN.
Shea, Pegi Deitz. (2003). Tangled Threads: A Hmong Girl's Story. New York: Clarion Books.
Snook, Randy. (2003). Many Ideas Open the Way: A Collection of Hmong Proverbs. Fremont, CA: Shen’s Books.
Cha, Dia. (2002). Dia's Story Cloth. Hmong/English Bilingual Edition. (Children’s Storybook). St. Paul, MN:
Minnesota Humanities Commission.
Brown, M.W. (2001). Goodnight Moon: Hmong/English Bilingual Edition. (Children’s Storybook). St. Paul, MN:
Minnesota Humanities Commission.
Browne, A. (2001). Piggybook: Hmong/English Bilingual Edition. (Children’s Storybook): St. Paul, MN: Minnesota
Humanities Commission.
Edwards, M. (2001). Zero Grandparents. (Children’s Story Featuring a Hmong Character). San Diego: Harcourt.
Keats, E.J. (2001). Peter’s Chair//Peter Lub Rooj. Bilingual English/Hmong Edition. St. Paul: Minnesota Humanities Commission.
Wood, A. (2001). Heckedy Peg: English/Hmong Bilingual Edition. (Children's Storybook). St. Paul, MN: Minnesota
Humanities Commission.
Bang, M. (2000). The Paper Crane: Hmong/English Bilingual Edition. (Children’s Storybook). St. Paul, MN:
Minnesota Humanities Commission.
Brown, M.W. (2000). The Runaway Bunny: Hmong/English Bilingual Edition. (Children’s Storybook). St. Paul, MN:
Minnesota Humanities Commission.
Cha, D. and N. Livo. (2000). Teaching With Folk Stories of the Hmong: An Activity Book. Englewood, CO: Libraries
Unlimited, Inc.
Demi. (2000). The Empty Pot: Hmong/English Bilingual Edition. (Children’s Storybook). St. Paul, MN: Minnesota
Humanities Commission.
Demi. (2000). Liang and the Magic Paintbrush: Hmong/English Bilingual Edition. (Children’s Storybook). St. Paul,
MN: Minnesota Humanities Commission.
Krauss, R. (2000). The Carrot Seed: Hmong/English Bilingual Edition. (Children’s Storybook) St. Paul, MN:
Minnesota Humanities Commission.
Kraus, R. (2000). Leo the Late Bloomer: Hmong/English Bilingual Edition. (Children’s Storybook) St. Paul, MN:
Minnesota Humanities Commission.
Lobel, A. (2000). Ming Lo Moves the Mountain: English/Hmong Bilingual Edition. St. Paul, MN: Minnesota
Humanities Commission.
McLaughlin, A.R. (2000). Gaining Insights on Hmong Culture: Implications for the Elementary Music Curriculum. MA Thesis, University of Saint Thomas (St. Paul, MN).
Shaw, C.G. (2000). It Looked Like Spilt Milk: Bilingual English/Hmong Edition. (Children's Storybook). St. Paul:
Minnesota Humanities Commission.
Vue, G. and D. (2000). The Story of the Turtle and the Giant Hornbill. (Children’s Storybook in both Hmong and
English). Minneapolis, MN: Asian Publications.
Wood, A. (2000). Quick as a Cricket: Bilingual Hmong/English Edition. (Children's Storybook). St. Paul: Minnesota
Humanities Commission.
Edwards, M. (1999). Pa Lia’s First Day. (Story featuring a Hmong school girl as a character). San Diego: Harcourt
and Brace Company.
Kraus, R. and D. Chen. (1998). The Making of Monkey King. (Children’s Storybook in Hmong and English). Union
City, CA: Pan Asian Publications.
Zang, S.N. (1998). The Ballad of Mulan (English-Hmong Storybook). Union City, CA: Pan Asian Publications.
Giacchino-Baker, Rosalie, Bacon, Tine & Gelts, Kathy. (1997). Making connections with "The story of Mah": A
teacher's resource book of thematic classroom activities that promote intercultural understanding . El Monte, CA:
Pacific Asia Press.
Giacchino-Baker, Rosalie. (1997). Making connections with Hmong culture: A teacher's resource book of thematic
classroom activities that promote intercultural understanding. El Monte, CA: Pacific Asia Press.
Giacchino-Baker, Rosalie. (1997). The story of Mah: A Hmong "Romeo and Juliet" folktale = Dab neeg hais txog
Maj. Retold by Rosalie Giacchino-Baker; illustrated by Lillian Shao. El Monte, CA: Pacific Asia Press.
Campbell, R. (1996). I Won’t Bite: English-Hmong Edition. (Children’s Storybook). Union City, CA: Pan Asian
Coburn, J.R. with T.C. Lee. (1996). Jouanah: A Hmong Cinderella. (Children’s Storybook with Hmong and English
editions). Arcadia, CA: Shen’s Books.
Cook, S. and Rusting, S. (1996). Jouanah: A Hmong Cinderella – Teacher’s Guide. Arcadia, CA: Shen’s Books.
Marchant, B and H. (1996). The World Without “F”: Chong Learns the Alphabet. (Children’s Storybook with a
Hmong Character). Green Bay, WI: Project Chong.
Tibo, G. (1996). Simon and His Boxes. (Children’s Storybook in Hmong and English). Union City, CA: Pan Asian
Xiong, Ia. (1996). The gift: The Hmong New Year. Written by Ia Xiong; Illustrated by Gou [i.e. Guo] Run-Lin. El
Monte, CA: Pacific Asia Press.
Giacchino-Baker, R. ed. (1995). The Story of Mah: A Hmong “Romeo and Juliet” Folktale. (Children’s Storybook).
El Monte, Ca: Pacific Asia Press.
Knight, M.G. (1995). Talking Walls. (Children’s Storybook in Hmong and English). Covina, CA: Pacific Asia Press.
Lee, K. (1995). The Owl and Ms. Wren. (Children’s Story Based on Hmong Folktale). Chico, CA: NKL Multicultural
Education Company.
Pfister, M. (1995). Rainbow Fish to the Rescue. Union City, CA: Pan Asian Publications.
Shea, P.G. (1995). The Whispering Cloth. (Children’s Storybook with a Hmong Character). Honesdale, PA: Boyds
Mill Press.
Chang, M. (1994). The Mouse Bride. (Children’s Storybook in Hmong and English). Union City, CA: Pan Asian
Chang, M. (1994). The Story of the Chinese Zodiac. (Children’s Storybook in Hmong and English). Union City, CA:
Pan Asian Publications.
Graber-Wilson, G. (1994). The Farmer’s Son and the Gourd (Hmong Folktale). Spokane, WA: Vanger Books.
Hao, K.T. (1994). Dance, Mice, Dance! (Storybook in English and Hmong). Union City, CA: Pan Asian Publications.
Hao, K.T. (1994). The Emperor and the Nightingale. (Storybook in English and Hmong). Union City, CA: Pan Asian
Hao, K.T. (1994). The Giant and the Spring. (Storybook in English and Hmong). Union City, CA: Pan Asian
Hao, K.T. (1994). Seven Magic Brothers. (Storybook in English and Hmong). Taipai, Taiwan: Yuan-Liou Publishing.
Lucas, A. (1994). How the Farmer Tricked the Evil Demon. (Children’s Storybook in both Hmong and English).
Covina, CA: Pacific Asia Press.
Mathews, P. (1994). Farmer Boy. (Children’s Storybook in Both Hmong and English). Covina, CA: Pacific Asia
Toyed, V.X. (1994). The Ant and the Elephant. (Hmong Folk Tale). Spokane, WA: Vanger Books.
Toyed, V.X. (1994). The Hmong People and the Turtle. (Hmong Folk Tale). Spokane, WA: Vanger Books.
Toyed, V.X. (1994). The Orphan and the Rich Boy. (Hmong Folk Tale). Spokane, WA: Vanger Books.
Toyed, V.X. (1994). The Stepmother and the Three Children. (Hmong Folk Tale). Spokane, WA: Vanger Books.
Duenes, J. (1992). A Guidebook for Teaching Hmong Folktales Across the Curriculum. Master’s Thesis, California
State University, Chico.
Johnson, C. and S. Vang. (1992). Myths, Legends and Folktales from the Hmong of Laos//Dab Neeg Moog. Saint
Paul, MN: Linguistics Department, Macalester University.
Marchant, B and H. (1992). A Boy Named Chong. (Storybook About a Hmong Boy). Green Bay, WI: Project Chong.
Pfister, M. (1992). The Rainbow Fish. (Children’s Storybook in English and Hmong). Union City, CA: Pan Asian
Divo, N.J. and D. Cha. (1991). Folkstories of the Hmong: People of Laos, Thailand and Vietnam.
Xiong, B. (1989). Nine-In-One-Grr-Grr! (Hmong Folktale). San Francisco, CA: Children’s Book Press.
MacDowell, M. ed. (1985). Hmong Folk Arts: A Guide for Teachers. East Lansing, MI: Folk Arts Division, The
Museum, Michigan State University.
MacDowell, M. (1983). Michigan Hmong Arts: Hmong Coloring Book. East Lansing, MI: Folk Arts Division, The
Museum: Michigan State University, 1983.
Johnson, A.D. (1981). Yer and the Tiger. (Children’s Story Based on Hmong Folk Tale). Saint Paul, MN: Hmong
Book Project, Macalester College.
Compiled by Mark E. Pfeifer, PhD
Vang, S. Mouanoutoua, M. and Mua, M. (2008). I am a Hmong-American Child. Minneapolis, MN: National Institute
on Media and the Family.
Alisa, K. (2007). The Hmong (Coming to America Series). Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press.
Giraud, Herve. (2005). Basha: A Hmong Child. Farmington Hills, MI: BlackBirch Press.
Bryan, Nichol. (2003).Hmong Americans. Abdo Publishing Company, Edina, MN.
Shea, Pegi Deitz. (2003). Tangled Threads: A Hmong Girl's Story. New York: Clarion Books.
Snook, Randy. (2003). Many Ideas Open the Way: A Collection of Hmong Proverbs. Fremont, CA: Shen’s Books.
Cha, Dia. (2002). Dia's Story Cloth. Hmong/English Bilingual Edition. (Children’s Storybook). St. Paul, MN:
Minnesota Humanities Commission.
Brown, M.W. (2001). Goodnight Moon: Hmong/English Bilingual Edition. (Children’s Storybook). St. Paul, MN:
Minnesota Humanities Commission.
Browne, A. (2001). Piggybook: Hmong/English Bilingual Edition. (Children’s Storybook): St. Paul, MN: Minnesota
Humanities Commission.
Edwards, M. (2001). Zero Grandparents. (Children’s Story Featuring a Hmong Character). San Diego: Harcourt.
Keats, E.J. (2001). Peter’s Chair//Peter Lub Rooj. Bilingual English/Hmong Edition. St. Paul: Minnesota Humanities Commission.
Wood, A. (2001). Heckedy Peg: English/Hmong Bilingual Edition. (Children's Storybook). St. Paul, MN: Minnesota
Humanities Commission.
Bang, M. (2000). The Paper Crane: Hmong/English Bilingual Edition. (Children’s Storybook). St. Paul, MN:
Minnesota Humanities Commission.
Brown, M.W. (2000). The Runaway Bunny: Hmong/English Bilingual Edition. (Children’s Storybook). St. Paul, MN:
Minnesota Humanities Commission.
Cha, D. and N. Livo. (2000). Teaching With Folk Stories of the Hmong: An Activity Book. Englewood, CO: Libraries
Unlimited, Inc.
Demi. (2000). The Empty Pot: Hmong/English Bilingual Edition. (Children’s Storybook). St. Paul, MN: Minnesota
Humanities Commission.
Demi. (2000). Liang and the Magic Paintbrush: Hmong/English Bilingual Edition. (Children’s Storybook). St. Paul,
MN: Minnesota Humanities Commission.
Krauss, R. (2000). The Carrot Seed: Hmong/English Bilingual Edition. (Children’s Storybook) St. Paul, MN:
Minnesota Humanities Commission.
Kraus, R. (2000). Leo the Late Bloomer: Hmong/English Bilingual Edition. (Children’s Storybook) St. Paul, MN:
Minnesota Humanities Commission.
Lobel, A. (2000). Ming Lo Moves the Mountain: English/Hmong Bilingual Edition. St. Paul, MN: Minnesota
Humanities Commission.
McLaughlin, A.R. (2000). Gaining Insights on Hmong Culture: Implications for the Elementary Music Curriculum. MA Thesis, University of Saint Thomas (St. Paul, MN).
Shaw, C.G. (2000). It Looked Like Spilt Milk: Bilingual English/Hmong Edition. (Children's Storybook). St. Paul:
Minnesota Humanities Commission.
Vue, G. and D. (2000). The Story of the Turtle and the Giant Hornbill. (Children’s Storybook in both Hmong and
English). Minneapolis, MN: Asian Publications.
Wood, A. (2000). Quick as a Cricket: Bilingual Hmong/English Edition. (Children's Storybook). St. Paul: Minnesota
Humanities Commission.
Edwards, M. (1999). Pa Lia’s First Day. (Story featuring a Hmong school girl as a character). San Diego: Harcourt
and Brace Company.
Kraus, R. and D. Chen. (1998). The Making of Monkey King. (Children’s Storybook in Hmong and English). Union
City, CA: Pan Asian Publications.
Zang, S.N. (1998). The Ballad of Mulan (English-Hmong Storybook). Union City, CA: Pan Asian Publications.
Giacchino-Baker, Rosalie, Bacon, Tine & Gelts, Kathy. (1997). Making connections with "The story of Mah": A
teacher's resource book of thematic classroom activities that promote intercultural understanding . El Monte, CA:
Pacific Asia Press.
Giacchino-Baker, Rosalie. (1997). Making connections with Hmong culture: A teacher's resource book of thematic
classroom activities that promote intercultural understanding. El Monte, CA: Pacific Asia Press.
Giacchino-Baker, Rosalie. (1997). The story of Mah: A Hmong "Romeo and Juliet" folktale = Dab neeg hais txog
Maj. Retold by Rosalie Giacchino-Baker; illustrated by Lillian Shao. El Monte, CA: Pacific Asia Press.
Campbell, R. (1996). I Won’t Bite: English-Hmong Edition. (Children’s Storybook). Union City, CA: Pan Asian
Coburn, J.R. with T.C. Lee. (1996). Jouanah: A Hmong Cinderella. (Children’s Storybook with Hmong and English
editions). Arcadia, CA: Shen’s Books.
Cook, S. and Rusting, S. (1996). Jouanah: A Hmong Cinderella – Teacher’s Guide. Arcadia, CA: Shen’s Books.
Marchant, B and H. (1996). The World Without “F”: Chong Learns the Alphabet. (Children’s Storybook with a
Hmong Character). Green Bay, WI: Project Chong.
Tibo, G. (1996). Simon and His Boxes. (Children’s Storybook in Hmong and English). Union City, CA: Pan Asian
Xiong, Ia. (1996). The gift: The Hmong New Year. Written by Ia Xiong; Illustrated by Gou [i.e. Guo] Run-Lin. El
Monte, CA: Pacific Asia Press.
Giacchino-Baker, R. ed. (1995). The Story of Mah: A Hmong “Romeo and Juliet” Folktale. (Children’s Storybook).
El Monte, Ca: Pacific Asia Press.
Knight, M.G. (1995). Talking Walls. (Children’s Storybook in Hmong and English). Covina, CA: Pacific Asia Press.
Lee, K. (1995). The Owl and Ms. Wren. (Children’s Story Based on Hmong Folktale). Chico, CA: NKL Multicultural
Education Company.
Pfister, M. (1995). Rainbow Fish to the Rescue. Union City, CA: Pan Asian Publications.
Shea, P.G. (1995). The Whispering Cloth. (Children’s Storybook with a Hmong Character). Honesdale, PA: Boyds
Mill Press.
Chang, M. (1994). The Mouse Bride. (Children’s Storybook in Hmong and English). Union City, CA: Pan Asian
Chang, M. (1994). The Story of the Chinese Zodiac. (Children’s Storybook in Hmong and English). Union City, CA:
Pan Asian Publications.
Graber-Wilson, G. (1994). The Farmer’s Son and the Gourd (Hmong Folktale). Spokane, WA: Vanger Books.
Hao, K.T. (1994). Dance, Mice, Dance! (Storybook in English and Hmong). Union City, CA: Pan Asian Publications.
Hao, K.T. (1994). The Emperor and the Nightingale. (Storybook in English and Hmong). Union City, CA: Pan Asian
Hao, K.T. (1994). The Giant and the Spring. (Storybook in English and Hmong). Union City, CA: Pan Asian
Hao, K.T. (1994). Seven Magic Brothers. (Storybook in English and Hmong). Taipai, Taiwan: Yuan-Liou Publishing.
Lucas, A. (1994). How the Farmer Tricked the Evil Demon. (Children’s Storybook in both Hmong and English).
Covina, CA: Pacific Asia Press.
Mathews, P. (1994). Farmer Boy. (Children’s Storybook in Both Hmong and English). Covina, CA: Pacific Asia
Toyed, V.X. (1994). The Ant and the Elephant. (Hmong Folk Tale). Spokane, WA: Vanger Books.
Toyed, V.X. (1994). The Hmong People and the Turtle. (Hmong Folk Tale). Spokane, WA: Vanger Books.
Toyed, V.X. (1994). The Orphan and the Rich Boy. (Hmong Folk Tale). Spokane, WA: Vanger Books.
Toyed, V.X. (1994). The Stepmother and the Three Children. (Hmong Folk Tale). Spokane, WA: Vanger Books.
Duenes, J. (1992). A Guidebook for Teaching Hmong Folktales Across the Curriculum. Master’s Thesis, California
State University, Chico.
Johnson, C. and S. Vang. (1992). Myths, Legends and Folktales from the Hmong of Laos//Dab Neeg Moog. Saint
Paul, MN: Linguistics Department, Macalester University.
Marchant, B and H. (1992). A Boy Named Chong. (Storybook About a Hmong Boy). Green Bay, WI: Project Chong.
Pfister, M. (1992). The Rainbow Fish. (Children’s Storybook in English and Hmong). Union City, CA: Pan Asian
Divo, N.J. and D. Cha. (1991). Folkstories of the Hmong: People of Laos, Thailand and Vietnam.
Xiong, B. (1989). Nine-In-One-Grr-Grr! (Hmong Folktale). San Francisco, CA: Children’s Book Press.
MacDowell, M. ed. (1985). Hmong Folk Arts: A Guide for Teachers. East Lansing, MI: Folk Arts Division, The
Museum, Michigan State University.
MacDowell, M. (1983). Michigan Hmong Arts: Hmong Coloring Book. East Lansing, MI: Folk Arts Division, The
Museum: Michigan State University, 1983.
Johnson, A.D. (1981). Yer and the Tiger. (Children’s Story Based on Hmong Folk Tale). Saint Paul, MN: Hmong
Book Project, Macalester College.