(Compiled by Mark E. Pfeifer, PhD) (Last Update November 2013)
Choau, S. T. (2013). Effects of parental trauma experience on second generation cambodian americans. PhD Dissertation,Loma Linda University.
Field, N. P., Muong, S., & Sochanvimean, V. (2013). Parental Styles in the Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma Stemming From the Khmer Rouge Regime in Cambodia. American Journal Of Orthopsychiatry, 83(4), 483-494.
Hinton, D., Peou, S., Joshi, S., Nickerson, A., & Simon, N. (2013). Normal Grief and Complicated Bereavement Among Traumatized Cambodian Refugees: Cultural Context and the Central Role of Dreams of the Dead. Culture, Medicine & Psychiatry, 37(3), 427-464.
Hinton, D. E., Field, N. P., Nickerson, A., Bryant, R. A., & Simon, N. (2013). Dreams of the Dead Among Cambodian Refugees: Frequency, Phenomenology, and Relationship to Complicated Grief and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Death Studies, 37(8), 750-767.
Hinton, D. E., Nickerson, A., & Bryant, R. A. (2013). Prolonged Grief in Cambodian Refugees Following Genocide: Rebirth Concerns and Avoidance of Reminders. Journal Of Loss & Trauma, 18(5), 444-460.
Kol, T. (2013). Khmer voices: The preservation of a heritage language. PhD Dissertation, California State University, Long Beach.
Taylor, V., Bastani, R., Burke, N., Talbot, J., Sos, C., Liu, Q., & ... Yasui, Y. (2013). Evaluation of a Hepatitis B Lay Health Worker Intervention for Cambodian Americans. Journal Of Community Health, 38(3), 546-553.
Tang, J. (2013). Understanding the college experiences of cambodian american students. PhD Dissertation, California State University, Long Beach.
Wagner, J., Burke, G., Kuoch, T., Scully, M., Armeli, S., & Rajan, T. V. (2013). Trauma, Healthcare Access, and Health Outcomes Among Southeast Asian Refugees in Connecticut. Journal Of Immigrant & Minority Health, 15(6), 1065-1072.
Yam, J. V. (2013). Evaluation of attachment patterns among chinese, cambodian, and european-americans using the ECR-R scale. PhD Dissertation, Alliant International University.
Brown, Megan R. 2012. Family resilience in Christian Cambodian American ex-refugee families: a
qualitative study.
Dinh, Khanh T., Traci L. Weinstein, Jenn-Yun Tein, and Mark W. Roosa. 2012. "A Mediation Model of
the Relationship of Cultural Variables to Internalizing and Externalizing Problem Behavior Among
Cambodian American Youth". Asian American Journal of Psychology.
Meischke H, V Taylor, R Calhoun, Q Liu, C Sos, SP Tu, MP Yip, and D Eisenberg. 2012.
"Preparedness for cardiac emergencies among Cambodians with limited English proficiency". Journal
of Community Health. 37 (1): 176-80.
Schlund-Vials, Cathy J. 2012. War, genocide, and justice: Cambodian American memory work.
Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.
Schlund-Vials C.J. 2012. "Cambodian American memory work: Justice and the "Cambodian
syndrome". Positions. 20 (3): 805-830.
Tang, K., & Kao, D. 2012 Jun 5. Ethnicity, Gender, and the Education of Cambodian American
Students in an Urban High School. Journal of Southeast Asian American Education & Advancement
[Online] 7:0. Available:
Taylor V.M., Talbot J., Sos C., Liu Q., Yasui Y., et al. 2012. "Physical activity among Cambodian
Americans: An exploratory study". Journal of Community Health. 37 (5): 1040-1048.
Taylor, Victoria M., Roshan Bastani, Nancy Burke, Jocelyn Talbot, Channdara Sos, Qi Liu, Hoai Do, J.
Carey Jackson, and Yutaka Yasui. 2013. "Evaluation of a Hepatitis B Lay Health Worker Intervention for
Cambodian Americans". Journal of Community Health. (40).
Taylor, Victoria M., Nancy Burke, Hoai Do, Qi Liu, Yutaka Yasui, and Roshan Bastani. 2012. "HPV
Vaccination Uptake Among Cambodian Mothers". Journal of Cancer Education. 27 (1): 145-148.
Friis, Robert H., Claire Garrido-Ortega, Alan M. Safer, Che Wankie, Paula A. Griego, Mohammed
Forouzesh, Kirsten Trefflich, and Kimthai Kuoch. 2012. "Socioepidemiology of Cigarette Smoking
Among Cambodian Americans in Long Beach, California". Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health.
14 (2): 272-280.
Garrison, Steven Blair. 2012. Cambodian Americans a study in struggle. San Diego, Calif: San Diego
State University].
Sao, Bounchoeurn, Diyana D. Sao, and Karline F. Bird. 2012. Bending with the wind: memoir of a
Cambodian couple's escape to America. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Co.
Taylor, Victoria M., Roshan Bastani, Nancy Burke, Jocelyn Talbot, Channdara Sos, Qi Liu, J. Carey
Jackson, and Yutaka Yasui. 2012. "Factors Associated with Hepatitis B Testing Among Cambodian
American Men and Women". Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. 14 (1): 30-38.
Ung, Loung. 2012. Lulu in the sky: a daughter of Cambodia finds love, healing, and double happiness.
New York, NY: Harper Perennial.
Burke, N. J., Do, H. H., Talbot, J., Sos, C., Svy, D., & Taylor, V. M. (January 01, 2011). Chumnguh
thleum: understanding liver illness and hepatitis B among Cambodian immigrants. Journal of
Community Health, 36, 1, 27-34.
Coronado, G. D., Do, H. H., Do, H. H., Do, H. H., & Taylor, V. M. (January 01, 2011). To Be Healthy and
To Live Long, We Have To Exercise: Psychosocial Factors Related to Physical Activity among
Cambodian Americans. Journal of Community Health, 36, 3, 381-388.
Chhuon, Vichet, and Cynthia Hudley. 2011. "Ethnic and Panethnic Asian American Identities:
Contradictory Perceptions of Cambodian Students in Urban Schools". The Urban Review. 43 (5): 681-
Cripe, Swee May, Michelle A. Williams, Michelle A. Williams, and Michelle A. Williams. 2011.
"Maternal Morbidity and Perinatal Outcomes Among Foreign-Born Cambodian, Laotian, and
Vietnamese Americans in Washington State, 1993-2006". Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. 13
(3): 417-425.
Fujii, D. (2011). Neuropsychology of Cambodian Americans. In Fujii, D., ed. The neuropsychology of
Asian-Americans. New York: Taylor & Francis.
Ho, Ivy K., and Khanh T. Dinh. 2011. "Cervical Cancer Screening Among Southeast Asian American
Women". Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. 13 (1): 49-60.
Lee, Jonathan H. X. 2011. "Cambodian American Ethics of Identity". Peace Review. 23 (4): 476-483.
Lim, May, Elizabeth Stormshak, and Corrina Falkenstein. 2011. "Psychosocial Adjustment and
Substance Use of Cambodian and Vietnamese Immigrant Youth". Journal of Cross-Cultural
Psychology. 42 (1): 104-119.
Mirza, Mansha. 2011. "Disability and cross-border mobility: comparing resettlement experiences of
Cambodian and Somali refugees with disabilities". Disability & Society. 26 (5): 521-535.
Nickerson, Angela, and Devon E. Hinton. 2011. "Anger regulation in traumatized Cambodian refugees:
the perspectives of Buddhist monks". Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry. 35 (3): 396-416.
Pang, Valerie, Peggy Han, and Jennifer Pang. 2011. "Asian American and Pacific Islander Students:
Equity and the Achievement Gap". Educational Researcher. 40 (8): 378-389.
Peterman, Jerusha Nelson, Linda Silka, Odilia I. Bermudez, Parke E. Wilde, and Beatrice Lorge
Rogers. 2011. "Acculturation, Education, Nutrition Education, and Household Composition Are Related
to Dietary Practices among Cambodian Refugee Women in Lowell, MA". Journal of the American
Dietetic Association. 111 (9): 1369-1374.
Pham, Mary Thi, and Jonathan H. X. Lee. 2011. "Creating Peace Through Cambodian American
Literature". Peace Review. 23 (4): 498-505.
Quintiliani, Karen, Susan Needham, Robert Lemkin, and Thet Sambath. 2011. "Facilitating Dialogue
Between Cambodian American Survivors and Khmer Rouge Perpetrators". Peace Review. 23 (4): 506-
Ron, Ty B. 2011. Oral history of the Cambodian immigrants. Thesis (M.S.W.)--California State
University, Stanislaus, May 2011.
Snowden, L.R., M.C. Masland, C.J. Peng, C. Wei-Mien Lou, and N.T. Wallace. 2011. "Limited English
proficient Asian Americans: Threshold language policy and access to mental health treatment". Social
Science & Medicine. 72 (2): 230-237. personal Violence. 26 (2): 211-229.
Taylor V.M., Talbot J., Hoai Do H., Liu Q., Yasui Y., et al. 2011. "Hepatitis B knowledge and practices
among Cambodian Americans". Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 12 (4): 957-961.
Taylor, Victoria M., Qi Liu, Yutaka Yasui, Jocelyn Talbot, Channdara Sos, India Ornelas, Gloria
Coronado, and Roshan Bastani. 2011. "Physical Activity Among Cambodian Americans: An
Exploratory Study". Journal of Community Health. (4).
Wong F.Y., DiGangi J., Young D., et al. 2011. "Intimate partner violence, depression, and alcohol use
among a sample of foreign-born southeast asian women in an urban setting in the United States".
Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 26 (2): 211-229.
Wright, W. E. (March 08, 2011). Khmer as a Heritage Language in the United States: Historical Sketch,
Current Realities, and Future Prospects. Heritage Language Journal, 7, 1, 117-147.
Yimsut, R. (2011). Facing the Khmer Rouge: A Cambodian journey. New Brunswick, N.J: Rutgers
University Press.
Akiba, D. (January 01, 2010). Cambodian Americans and Education: Understanding the Intersections
Between Cultural Tradition and U.S. Schooling. The Educational Forum, 74, 4, 328-333.
Bour, S., (2010). Ethnic Identity: The Cambodian experience. M.A. Thesis, University of Texas at
Chhuon, V., Hudley, C., Brenner, M., & Macias, R. (January 01, 2010). The Multiple Worlds of
Successful Cambodian American Students. Urban Education, 45, 1, 30-57.
Chhuon, V., & Hudley, C. (January 01, 2010). Asian American ethnic options: How Cambodian
students negotiate ethnic identities in a U.S. urban school. Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 41, 4,
Chhuon, V., Kyratzis, A., & Hudley, C. (January 01, 2010). Sources of Coherence in the Life Stories of
Cambodian American Women at the University. Journal of Language, Identity, and Education, 9, 5, 347-
Coronado, G. D., Sos, C., Talbot, J., Do, H. H., & Taylor, V. M. (October 06, 2010). To Be Healthy and
To Live Long, We Have To Exercise: Psychosocial Factors Related to Physical Activity among
Cambodian Americans. Journal of Community Health, 5.)
Cripe, S. M., Williams, M. A., Williams, M. A., & Williams, M. A. (January 01, 2011). Maternal Morbidity
and Perinatal Outcomes Among Foreign-Born Cambodian, Laotian, and Vietnamese Americans in
Washington State, 1993-2006. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 13, 3, 417-425.
Grace, X. M. Y. T. M. Q. W. Y. Y. W. G. C., & Ma, G. (2010). Hepatitis B Screening Compliance and
Non-Compliance among Chinese, Koreans, Vietnamese and Cambodians.
Lee, H. Y., Lytle, K., Yang, P. N., & Lum, T. (January 01, 2010). Mental health literacy in Hmong and
Cambodian elderly refugees: a barrier to understanding, recognizing, and responding to depression.
International Journal of Aging & Human Development, 71, 4, 323-44.
Lee, J. H. X. (2010). Cambodian American experiences: Histories, communities, cultures and
identities. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Pub. Co.
Lin, Nancy J. (2010). Journeys to Selves and Identities: Cambodian and Southern Sudanese Refugee
Experiences, PhD Dissertation. Boston: University of Massachusetts Boston.
Long, S. (2010). Understanding violence and domestic violence and help seeking among Hmong and
Cambodian women. Thesis (M.S.W.)--California State University, Stanislaus, May 2010.
Shah, A. M., Guo, L., Magee, M., Cheung, W., Simon, M., LaBreche, A., & Liu, H. (January 01, 2010).
Comparing selected measures of health outcomes and health-seeking behaviors in Chinese,
Cambodian, and Vietnamese communities of Chicago: results from local health surveys. Journal of
Urban Health : Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 87, 5, 813-26.
Thikeo, M. (2010). Cambodians and Laotian Americans' cultural values and attitudes toward seeking
professional psychological services. Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Rhode Island.
Keo, P. 2010 Feb 4. Cambodian Family-School Partnership: Toward an Evolving Theory. Journal of
Southeast Asian American Education & Advancement [Online] 5:0. Available: http://jsaaea.coehd.utsa.
Wright, W. (2010). "Khmer as a Heritage Language in the United States: Historical Sketch, Current
Realities, and Future Prospects." Heritage Language Journal, Volume 7, Number 1.
Lao, R., & Lee, J. 2009 Apr 6. Heritage Language Maintenance and Use among 1.5 Generation.
Journal of Southeast Asian American Education & Advancement [Online] 4:0. Available: http://jsaaea.
McLellan, J. Cambodian refugees in Ontario : resettlement, religion, and identity. Publisher: Toronto
University of Toronto Press, ©2009.
Affonto; S. To the End of Hell One Woman's Struggle to Survive Cambodia's Khmer Rouge. Publisher:
Reportage Pr 2009.
How school structures influence ethnic and panethnic identity in Cambodian high school youth by
Chhuon, Vichet, Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2009, 154 pages; AAT 3353567
Life of a young Cambodian woman: Reconciliation with my past by Ngo, Victoria Aleen, M.S.W.,
California State University, Long Beach, 2009, 81 pages; AAT 1466342
Southeast Asian American autobiographies: Aesthetics of testimonial space by Thoeun, Chanthou, M.
A., State University of New York at Buffalo, 2009, 91 pages; AAT 1464792
PS Samuel; JP Pringle; James NW 4th; SJ Fielding; KM Fairfield. Breast, cervical, and colorectal
cancer screening rates amongst female Cambodian, Somali, and Vietnamese immigrants in the USA.
International journal for equity in health, 2009; 8: 30.
Chiehwen E Hsu; Chiehwen E Hsu; Chiehwen E Hsu; Chiehwen E Hsu; E Stephanie Robinson; Grace
X Ma; Grace X Ma. Model Minority at Risk: Expressed Needs of Mental Health by Asian American
Young Adults. Journal of Community Health, 34, no. 2 (2009): 144-152. (Study includes Cambodian
McGinnis, T.A.. Seeing Possible Futures: Khmer Youth and the Discourse of the American Dream.
Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 40, no. 1 (2009): 62-81.
DE Hinton; A Rasmussen; L Nou; MH Pollack; MJ Good. Anger, PTSD, and the nuclear family: a study
of Cambodian refugees. Publication: Social science & medicine (1982) 2009 Nov; 69(9): 1387-94.
Lewis, D. Aging Out of Place: Cambodian Refugee Elders in the United States. Family and Consumer
Sciences Research Journal, 37, no. 3 (2009): 376-393
Thao N Le; Deborah Goebert; Judy Wallen. Acculturation Factors and Substance Use Among Asian
American Youth. Journal of Primary Prevention, 30, no. 3-4 (2009): 453-473 (Study includes
Cambodian Americans)
Taylor V.M.; Seng P.; Acorda E.; Li L.; Sawn L. Hepatitis B knowledge and practices among
cambodian immigrants. Journal of Cancer Education, v24 n2 (2009 04 01): 100-104
GX Ma; JI Toubbeh; MQ Wang; SE Shive; L Cooper; A Pham. Factors associated with cervical cancer
screening compliance and noncompliance among Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, and Cambodian
women. Journal of the National Medical Association, 2009 Jun; 101(6): 541-51
Thao N Le; Judy Wallen. Risks of Non-Familial Violent Physical and Emotional Victimization in Four
Asian Ethnic Groups. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 11, no. 3 (2009): 174-187
ADA Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo; J N Peterman; O I Bermudez; P E Wilde; L Silka; S Kong;
B L Rogers. Determinants of Nutrition Knowledge among Cambodian Refugee Women in Lowell, Ma.
Journal of the American Dietetic Association, v109 n9 (200909): A78
Grytdal S.P.; Liao Y.; Chen R.; Garvin C.C.; Grigg-Saito D.; Liang S.; Kagawa-Singer M.; McPhee S.J.;
Nguyen T.T.; Tran J.H.; Gallagher K.M. Hepatitis B testing and vaccination among vietnamese- and
cambodian-americans. Publication: Journal of Community Health, v34 n3 (2009 06 01): 173-180
Nancy Lin; Karen Suyemoto; Peter Kiang. Education as Catalyst for Intergenerational Refugee Family
Communication About War and Trauma. Publication: Communication Disorders Quarterly, 30, no. 4
(2009): 195-207 (Study involves Cambodian American Families)
Grant Marshall; Marc Elliott; Terry Schell. Prevalence and Correlates of Lifetime Disordered Gambling
in Cambodian Refugees Residing in Long Beach, CA. Publication: Journal of Immigrant and Minority
Health, 11, no. 1 (2009): 35-40
D E Hinton; A L Hinton; J R Loeum; J R Loeum; M H Pollack. Nightmares Among Cambodian
Refugees: The Breaching of Concentric Ontological Security. Publication: Culture, Medicine and
Psychiatry, 33, no. 2 (2009): 219-265
Kaye Cook; Steven Sandage; Peter Hill; Brad Strawn. Hermeneutic analysis of virtuous exemplar
narratives of Cambodian-American Buddhists and Christians. Publication: Mental Health, Religion &
Culture, 12, no. 4 (2009): 315-338
BA Biggs; S Caruana; S Mihrshahi; D Jolley; J Leydon; L Chea; S Nuon. Management of chronic
strongyloidiasis in immigrants and refugees: is serologic testing useful? Publication: The American
journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 2009 May; 80(5): 788-91.
S Lee; HS Juon; G Martinez; CE Hsu; ES Robinson; J Bawa; GX Ma. Model minority at risk: expressed
needs of mental health by Asian American young adults. Publication: Journal of community health, 2009
Apr; 34(2): 144-52. (Study includes Cambodian Americans)
K Quintiliani. Cambodian Refugee Families in the Shadows of Welfare Reform. Publication: JOURNAL
OF IMMIGRANT AND REFUGEE STUDIES, 7, no. 2, (2009): 129-158
Pfeifer, M. 2008 Jun 6. [Special Issue on SEA Demographics] Featured Article: Cambodian, Hmong,
Lao and Vietnamese-Americans in the 2005 American Community Survey. Journal of Southeast Asian
American Education & Advancement [Online] 3:0. Available:
Escape from Harm’s Way: The Experiences of Southeast Asian Elders and their Families by Daniel F.
Detzner, Ph.D., Aysem R. Senyurekli and Zha Blong Xiong, Ph.D., Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 9,
(2008). 30 pages. (Includes Cambodian Americans) http://hmongstudies.
Quintiliani, K. & Needham, S. (2008). Cambodians in Long Beach. Charleston, SC: Arcadia Publishing.
Sichan Siv. Golden bones : an extraordinary journey from hell in Cambodia to a new life in America.
Publisher: New York, NY : Harper, ©2008.
Chileng Pa ; Carol A Mortland. Escaping the Khmer Rouge : a Cambodian memoir. Publisher:
Jefferson, N.C. : McFarland, ©2008.
Types, meanings and ambivalence in intergenerational exchanges among Cambodian refugee families
in the United States. By: Lewis, Denise C.. Ageing & Society, Jul2008, Vol. 28 Issue 5, p693-715, 23
A Practical Intervention to Increase Breastfeeding Initiation Among Cambodian Women in the US. By:
Galvin, Sharon; Grossman, Xena; Feldman-Winter, Lori; Chaudhuri, Jana; Merewood, Anne. Maternal
& Child Health Journal, Jul2008, Vol. 12 Issue 4, p545-547, 3p
The Panic Attack-Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Model: Applicability to Orthostatic Panic Among
Cambodian Refugees. By: Hinton, Devon E.; Hofmann, Stefan G.; Pitman, Roger K.; Pollack, Mark H.;
Barlow, David H.. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 2008, Vol. 37 Issue 2, p101-116, 16p
Exploring well-being and midlife issues of middle-aged Cambodian Americans by Sokhomala, Tee-
Vuthy P., M.S.W., California State University, Long Beach, 2008, 66 pages
The relationship between parenting styles, childrearing practices, disciplinary practices, and the
degree of ethnic identity among Cambodian refugee parents by Chhoeun, Saphay, M.S.W., California
State University, Long Beach, 2008, 80 pages
Choi Y, He M, Harachi TW
Intergenerational cultural dissonance, parent-child conflict and bonding, and youth problem behaviors
among Vietnamese and Cambodian immigrant families
Son of the killing fields: An American story. By: Sophous Ieng Tep. American Journal of Health-System
Pharmacy, 1/1/2008, Vol. 65 Issue 1, p81-82, 2p;
Community Violence Exposure of Southeast Asian American Adolescents. By: Ho, Joyce. Journal of
Interpersonal Violence, Jan2008, Vol. 23 Issue 1, p136-146, 11p (Study includes Cambodian-
McGinnis, T. 2007 May 14. "Khmer Pride": Being and Becoming Khmer-American in an Urban Migrant
Education Program. Journal of Southeast Asian American Education & Advancement [Online] 2:0.
Uehara ES
"Disturbing phenomenology" in the pain and engagement narratives of Cambodian American survivors
of the Killing Fields
Acculturation, perceived stress, and attitudes toward psychotherapy in Cambodian Americans
by Keo, Zelida Sok, M.A. Thesis, California State University, Fullerton, 2007, 54 pages; AAT 1442206
A cultural analysis of Cambodian Methodist Church worship services and their implications for
evangelism by Lowe, Kevin Joo Oon, D.Min. Dissertation, Asbury Theological Seminary, 2007, 193
pages; AAT 3275106
A personal narrative of a Cambodian-Chinese immigrant to the United States: A quest for identity by
Ear, Ngeknay, M.S.W. Thesis, California State University, Long Beach, 2007, 89 pages; AAT 1448203
Correlates of posttraumatic stress disorder among Cambodian survivors of the killing fields by Sam,
Sidary, M.S.W. Thesis, California State University, Long Beach, 2007, 68 pages; AAT 1448132
Path analysis models of psychosocial adjustment among Southeast Asian immigrant youth by Lim,
May, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Oregon, 2007, 140 pages; AAT 3276068
Treating mental illness within Cambodian culture: A grounded theory approach by Aleshire, Benjamin,
Ph.D., Seattle Pacific University, 2007, 110 pages; AAT 3280870
Welfare reform and liberal governance: disciplining Cambodian-American bodies. By: Truong, Michael
H.. International Journal of Social Welfare, Jul2007, Vol. 16 Issue 3, p258-268
Ethnic Origins: The Adaptation of Cambodian and Hmong Refugees in Four American Cities. By: Gold,
Steven J.. Contemporary Sociology, May2007, Vol. 36 Issue 3, p262-263
Stressful Life Events, Culture, and Violence. By: Hieu Ngo; Thao Le. Journal of Immigrant & Minority
Health, Apr2007, Vol. 9 Issue 2, p75-84, 10p; (Study includes Cambodian Americans).
Tuyet-Lan Pho ; Jeffrey N Gerson ; Sylvia R Cowan. Southeast Asian refugees and immigrants in the
mill city : changing families, communities, institutions-- thirty years afterward. Publisher: Burlington, Vt. :
University of Vermont Press ; Hanover : Published by University Press of New England, ©2007.
(Includes numerous articles about Cambodian Americans)
Khmer rap boys, X-Men, Asia's fruits, and Dragonball Z: Creating multilingual and multimodal
classroom contexts. By: McGinnis, Theresa Ann. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, Apr2007, Vol.
50 Issue 7, p570-579, 10p;
The SF-36 Among Cambodian and Vietnamese Refugees: An Examination of Psychometric
Properties. By: Hinton, Devon; Sinclair, Samuel; Chung, Rita; Pollack, Mark. Journal of
Psychopathology & Behavioral Assessment, Mar2007, Vol. 29 Issue 1, p38-45, 8p,
The Socioeconomic Attainments of Second-Generation Cambodian, Hmong, Laotian, and Vietnamese
Americans. By: Sakamoto, Arthur; Woo, Hyeyoung. Sociological Inquiry, Feb2007, Vol. 77 Issue 1, p44-
75, 32p;
Gastrointestinal-focused panic attacks among Cambodian refugees: Associated psychopathology,
flashbacks, and catastrophic cognitions. By: Hinton, Devon E.; Chhean, Dara; Fama, Jeanne M.;
Pollack, Mark H.; McNally, Richard J.. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, Jan2007, Vol. 21 Issue 1, p42-58,
D'Amico EJ, Schell TL, Marshall GN, et al.
Problem drinking among Cambodian refugees in the United States: How big of a problem is it?
Developing Culturally Sensitive Parent Education Programs for Immigrant Families: The Helping Youth
Succeed Curriculum by Zha Blong Xiong, Ph.D., Daniel F. Detzner, Ph.D., Zoe Hendrickson Keuster, B.
A., Patricia A. Eliason, M. A., and Rose Allen, M.Ed., Hmong Studies Journal, 2006, 7:1-29. (includes
Cambodian Americans)
Nou, L. 2006 Nov 6. A Qualitative Examination of the Psychosocial Adjustment of Khmer Refugees in
Three Massachusetts Communities. Journal of Southeast Asian American Education & Advancement
[Online] 1:0. Available:
Wong EC, Marshall GN, Schell TL, et al.
Barriers to mental health care utilization for US Cambodian refugees
R.G. Rumbaut. (2006). “Vietnamese, Laotian, and Cambodian Americans.” In P.G. Min, Asian
Americans: Contemporary Trends and Issues. Thousands Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press, 2nd Edition.
Marshall GN, Berthold SM, Schell TL, et al.
Rates and correlates of seeking mental health services among Cambodian refugees
Daley TC
Perceptions and congruence of symptoms and communication among second-generation Cambodian
youth and parents: A matched-control design
Of laughter and remembering: Violence, displacement and the trials of 'moving on' for Vancouver's
Cambodians by McKinlay, Catrina Alissa, M.A., Concordia University (Canada), 2006, 175 pages;
AAT MR20707
Narratives and identities: A look at talk among three generations of Chinese-Thai-Cambodian
Americans by Kangkun, Preena, Ph.D., University of Hawai'i at Manoa, 2006, 292 pages; AAT
Perceptions of the influence of the Khmer Rouge experience on Cambodian-American families: The
perspective of the adult off-spring of survivors by Goodell, Sherry Tyger, M.S.W., California State
University, Long Beach, 2006, 64 pages; AAT 1437907
Predictors of academic-related outcomes among Cambodian high school students by Weinstein,
Traci, M.A., University of Massachusetts Lowell, 2006, 66 pages; AAT 1436009
Hinton DE, Chhean D, Pich V, et al.
Tinnitus among Cambodian refugees: Relationship to PTSD severity JOURNAL OF TRAUMATIC
STRESS 19 (4): 541-546 AUG 2006
Caruana SR, Kelly HA, Ngeow JYY, et al.
Undiagnosed and potentially lethal parasite infections among immigrants and refugees in Australia
(Study includes Cambodians)
Austin JH
From Cambodia to Greensboro: Tracing the journeys of new North Carolinians
JOURNAL OF AMERICAN FOLKLORE 119 (473): 374-376 SUM 2006
Friis RH, Forouzesh M, Chhim HS, et al.
Sociocultural determinants of tobacco use among Cambodian Americans
Hinton DE, Chhean D, Pich V, et al.
Assessment of posttraumatic stress disorder in Cambodian refugees using the clinician-administered
PTSD scale: Psychometric properties and symptom severity
Coppens NM, Page R, Thou TC
Reflections on the evaluation of a Cambodian youth dance program
Ferry LH, Job J, Knutsen S, et al.
Mentoring Cambodian and Lao health professionals in tobacco control leadership and research skills
TOBACCO CONTROL 15: I42-I47 Suppl. 1 JUN 2006
Liamputtong P, Watson LF
The meanings and experiences of Cesarean birth among Cambodian, Lao and Vietnamese immigrant
women in Australia
WOMEN & HEALTH 43 (3): 63-82 2006
Unsettled: On the postcolonial presence of Southeast Asian refugees by Tang, Eric, Ph.D. dissertation,
New York University, 2006
Kagawa-Singer M, Tanjasiri SP, Lee SW, et al.
Breast and cervical cancer control among Pacific Islander and southeast Asian women: Participatory
action research strategies for baseline data collection in California
Koch-Weser S, Liang SL, Grigg-Saito DC
Self-reported health among Cambodians in Lowell, Massachusetts
MAY 2006
Greenspan H
Survivors: Cambodian refugees in the United States
Hinton DE, Pich V, Safren SA, et al.
Anxiety sensitivity among Cambodian refugees with panic disorder: A factor analytic investigation
Le, TN, Kato, T
The role of peer, parent, and culture in risky sexual behavior for Cambodian and Lao/Mien adolescents
J ADOLESCENT HEALTH 38 (3): 288-296 MAR 2006
Hinton, DE, Chhean, D, Pich, V, et al.
Neck-focused panic attacks among Cambodian refugees; a logistic and linear regression analysis
J ANXIETY DISORD 20 (2): 119-138 2006
Wright, W. E., & Li, X. (2006). Catching up in Math? The Case of Newly-Arrived Cambodian Students
in a Texas Intermediate School. TABE Journal, 9(1), 1-22. Available: http://www.tabe.
Jeremy Hein. Ethnic origins : the adaptation of Cambodian and Hmong refugees in four American
cities. Publisher: New York: Russell Sage Foundation, ©2006.
Cambodian settlement patterns in Long Beach, California
by Quintero, Jorge, M.A. Thesis, California State University, Long Beach, 2005, 70 pages; AAT
Heritage language and culture preservation: Khmer youth's critical reflections on the Khmer Emerging
Education Program (KEEP) by Dungy, Pamela Larsen, Ed.D., University of San Francisco, 2005, 261
pages; AAT 3174726
Cambodian attitudes toward law enforcement
by Ferrer, Arian Patricia, M.S., California State University, Long Beach, 2005, 56 pages; AAT 1429277
Breaking the silence: Cambodian students speak out about school, success, and shifting identities.
Wallitt, Roberta, EdD. UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST, 2005. 327 pp.
Seeking life balance: The perceptions of health of Cambodian women in resettlement. Catolico, Olivia,
Seng, P, Acorda, E, Jackson, JC, et al.
AANCART best practices - Cancer awareness activities for Seattle's Cambodian community
CANCER 104 (12): 2916-2919 Suppl. S DEC 15 2005
Hinton, DE, Pich, V, Safren, SA, et al.
Anxiety sensitivity in traumatized Cambodian refugees: A discriminant function and factor analytic
investigation BEHAV RES THER 43 (12): 1631-1643 DEC 2005
Hinton, DE, Chhean, D, Pich, V, et al.
A Randomized controlled trial of cognitive-behavior therapy for Cambodian refugees with treatment-
resistant PTSD and panic attacks: A cross-over design
J TRAUMA STRESS 18 (6): 617-629 DEC 2005
Daley, TC
Beliefs about treatment of mental health problems among Cambodian American children and parents
SOC SCI MED 61 (11): 2384-2395 DEC 2005
Le, TN, Stockdale, GD
Individualism, collectivism, and delinquency in Asian, American adolescents
J CLIN CHILD ADOLESC 34 (4): 681-691 DEC 2005
Moon, A, Choi, H, Chung, G, et al.
Barriers to medical service use among Cambodian, Laotian, Filipino, Thai, and Vietnamese American
older adults
GERONTOLOGIST 45: 93-93 Sp. Iss. 2 OCT 2005
Lee, SM
Survivors: Cambodian refugees in the United States.
PAC HIST REV 74 (3): 487-488 AUG 2005
Bhuyan, R, Mell, M, Senturia, K, et al.
"Women must endure according to their Karma" - Cambodian immigrant women talk about domestic
J INTERPERS VIOLENCE 20 (8): 902-921 AUG 2005
Marshall, GN, Schell, TL, Elliott, MN, et al.
Mental health of Cambodian refugees 2 decades after resettlement in the United States
JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC 294 (5): 571-579 AUG 3 2005
Ma, Grace X., Tan, Yin, Fang, Carolyn Y., et al.
Knowledge, attitudes and behavior regarding secondhand smoke among Asian Americans Preventive
Medicine 41 (2): 446-453 AUG 05
Hinton, DE, Pollack, MH, Pich, V, et al.
Orthostatically induced panic attacks among Cambodian refugees: Flashbacks, catastrophic
cognitions, and associated psychopathology
COGN BEHAV PRACT 12 (3): 301-311 SUM 2005
Park, YS
Survivors: Cambodian refugees in the United States
SOC SERV REV 79 (2): 378-381 JUN 2005
Clymer K
Survivors: Cambodian refugees in the United States.
The Relationship of School, Parent, and Peer Contextual Factors with Self-Reported Delinquency for
Chinese, Cambodian, Laotian or Mien, and Vietnamese Youth. By: Le, Thao N.; Monfared, Golnoush;
Stockdale, Gary D.. Crime & Delinquency, Apr2005, Vol. 51 Issue 2, p192, 28p
Gender Differences in Cambodian Delinquency: The Role of Ethnic Identity, Parental Discipline, and
Peer Delinquency. By: Go, Charles G.; Le, Thao N.. Crime & Delinquency, Apr2005, Vol. 51 Issue 2,
p220, 8p
Sleep paralysis among Cambodian refugees: Association with PTSD diagnosis and severity
DEPRESS ANXIETY 22 (2): 47-51 2005
The Influence of Parents, Peer Delinquency, and School Attitudes on Academic Achievement in
Chinese, Cambodian, Laotian or Mien, and Vietnamese Youth. By: Chang, Janet; Le, Thao N.. Crime
&Delinquency, Apr2005, Vol. 51 Issue 2, p238, 27p
Deporting Cambodian Refugees: Justice Denied? By: Hing, Bill Ong. Crime & Delinquency, Apr2005,
Vol. 51 Issue 2, p265, 26p
`The Ghost Pushes You Down': Sleep Paralysis-Type Panic Attacks in a Khmer Refugee Population.
By: Hinton, Devon E.; Pich, Vuth; Chhean, Dara; Pollack, Mark H.. Transcultural Psychiatry, Mar2005,
Vol. 42 Issue 1, p46, 30p
Survivors: Cambodian Refugees in the United States. By: Hein, J.. Choice: Current Reviews for
Academic Libraries, Mar2005, Vol. 42 Issue 7, p1310, 1/6p
Southeast Asian Immigrants' Perceptions of Good Adolescents and Good Parents. By: Zha Blong
Xiong; Eliason, Patricia A.; Detzner, Daniel F.; Cleveland, Michael J.. Journal of Psychology, Mar2005,
Vol. 139 Issue 2, p159, 17p (Study includes Cambodian-American Youth)
"I Know I Can Do It" By: Freado, Mark D.; Long, Sakeith. Reclaiming Children & Youth, Winter2005, Vol.
13 Issue 4, p208, 5p, (Case Study includes a Cambodian-American Youth in Lowell, MA)
Masai, L, Vang, E, Trotter, A, et al.
Health and nutrition concerns of a Cambodian and Cambodian American population: A needs
FASEB J 19 (5): A1022-A1022 Part 2 Suppl. S MAR 7 2005
Survivors: Cambodian Refugees in the United States. Asian Affairs: An American Review, Winter2005,
Vol. 31 Issue 4, p251, 1p
Thanks, But No Thanks. By: Mikolajuk, Christine. Harvard International Review, Winter2005, Vol. 26
Issue 4, p32, 4p. (Case Study includes Cambodian Refugees)
Southeast Asian Fathers’ Experiences with Adolescents: Challenges and Change by Zha Blong Xiong,
Ph.D. and Daniel F. Detzner, Ph.D. Hmong Studies Journal, 2005, 6: 1-23. (includes Cambodian
Southeast Asian Adolescents’ Perceptions of Immigrant Parenting Practices by Zha Blong Xiong Ph.
D., Daniel F. Detzner Ph.D., and Michael J. Cleveland Ph. D. Hmong Studies Journal, 2004-05, 5: 1-
20. (Study includes Cambodian Americans)
Cultural Considerations in Understanding Family Violence Among Asian American Pacific Islander
Families. By: Weil, Jennifer M.; Lee, Hwayun H.. Journal of Community Health Nursing, Winter2004, Vol.
21 Issue 4, p217, 11p (includes Cambodian-Americans)
Health Status of Cambodians and Vietnamese—Selected Communities, United States, 2001-2002.
JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association, 11/10/2004, Vol. 292 Issue 18, p2208, 3p
Predictors of Nonattendance of Intake Appointments Among Five Asian American Client Groups. By:
Akutsu, Phillip D.; Tsuru, Garyn K.; Chu, Joyce P.. Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology,
Oct2004, Vol. 72 Issue 5, p891, 6p (Case Study Includes Cambodian-Americans)
Olfactory-triggered panic attacks among Cambodian refugees attending a psychiatric clinic. By: Hinton,
Devon E.; Pich, Vuth; Chhean, Dara; Pollack, M.H.; Barlow, David H.. General Hospital Psychiatry,
Sep2004, Vol. 26 Issue 5, p390, 8p
Olfactory-Triggered Panic Attacks Among Khmer Refugees: A Contextual Approach. By: Hinton,
Devon; Pich, Vuth; Chhean, Dara; Pollack, Mark. Transcultural Psychiatry, Jun2004, Vol. 41 Issue 2,
p155, 45p
Crossing the lotus: Race, religion and rationality among Cambodian immigrants in Long Beach and
Seattle (California, Washington) by Douglas, Thomas James, PhD UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA,
IRVINE, 2004, 232 pages
Resilience in ex-refugees from Cambodia and Vietnam by Yong, Lynne Ee Lin, PhD UNIVERSITY OF
RHODE ISLAND, 2004, 139 pages
Building relationships and cultivating trust and respect: A multi-level comparison of cultural tailoring
processes by community health workers addressing breast and cervical cancer screening needs in a
Cambodian and a Laotian community in California by Nguyen, Tu-Uyen Ngoc, PhD UNIVERSITY OF
Sounding the spirit of Cambodia: The living tradition of Khmer music and dance-drama in a
Washington, D.C. community (Virginia, Maryland) by Pecore, Joanna Theresa, PhD
Relationship between acculturation and attitudes towards mental health services among Cambodian
adult refugees by Sok, Justin Chamrourn, MSW CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, LONG BEACH,
2004, 72 pages
Khmer Kampuchea Krom dilemma: An analysis of the struggles experienced by the Khmer people in
South Vietnam and a case study in the United States of America by Thach, Chang, EdD UNIVERSITY
OF ST. THOMAS (MINNESOTA), 2004, 153 pages
Cambodians and the New American Citizenship. By: Smith-Hefner, Nancy J.. Anthropological
Quarterly, Spring2004, Vol. 77 Issue 2, p349, 6p (Book Review)
Not Just Victims: Conversations with Cambodian Community Leaders in the United States (book).
Asian Affairs: An American Review, Spring2004, Vol. 31 Issue 1, p58, 2p
Not Just Victims: Conversations with Cambodian Community Leaders in the United States. (book). By:
Canniff, Julie G.. Journal of American Ethnic History, Spring2004, Vol. 23 Issue 3, p135, 3p
Vickers, Dennis L., Su, Joanna, Morita, Julie, et al.
Identifying immunization barriers in Asian American communities in Chicago
Pediatric Research 55 (4, Suppl. S, Part 2): 208A APR 2004
Berthold, SM
Khmer American: Identity and moral education in a diasporic community.
AMERASIA J 30 (1): 249-251 2004
What English-only Really Means: A Study of the Implementation of California Language Policy with
Cambodian-American Students. By: Wright, Wayne E.. International Journal of Bilingual Education &
Bilingualism, 2004, Vol. 7 Issue 1, p1, 23p
CAMBODIAN REFUGEES' PATHWAYS TO SUCCESS: Developing A Bi-Cultural Identity (Book). By:
Parker, Marcie. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, Winter2004, Vol. 35 Issue 1, p127, 3p
Wright, W. E. (2004). What English-Only Really Means: A Study of the Implementation of California
Language Policy for Cambodian American Students. International Journal of Bilingual Education and
Bilingualism, 7(1), 1-23.
Wright, W. E. (2003). Khmer (Cambodian) Heritage Language Programs: Will the Khmer Language
Survive in California? The Multilingual Education, 4(1), 28-31
Provider Satisfaction in Clinical Encounters With Ethnic Immigrant Patients. By: Kamath, Celia C.;
O'Fallon, W. Michael; Offord, Kenneth P.; Yawn, Barbara P.; Bowen, Juan M.. Mayo Clinic
Proceedings, Nov2003, Vol. 78 Issue 11, p1353, 8p (Study Includes Cambodian-Americans)
Treatment of pharmacotherapy-refractory posttraumatic stress disorder among Cambodian refugees: a
pilot study of combination treatment with cognitive-behavior therapy vs sertraline alone. By: Otto,
Michael W.; Hinton, Devon; Korbly, Nicole B.; Chea, Andrea; Ba, Phalnarith; Gershuny, Beth S.; Pollack,
Mark H.. Behaviour Research & Therapy, Nov2003, Vol. 41 Issue 11, p1271, 6p
The complexity of trauma response: a 4-year follow-up of adolescent Cambodian refugees. By:
Rousseau, Cécile; Drapeau, Aline; Rahimi, Sadeq. Child Abuse & Neglect, Nov2003, Vol. 27 Issue 11,
p1277, 14p
DANCE scape CAMBODIAN HERITAGE. Dance Magazine, Nov2003, Vol. 77 Issue 11, p109, 1p Not
Just Victims: Conversations with Cambodian Community Leaders in the United States (Book). By:
Barkan, Elliott Robert. Pacific Historical Review, Nov2003, Vol. 72 Issue 4, p666, 2p
Differences in stages of change of smoking behavior among current smokers of four Asian American
subgroups. By: Ma, Grace X.; Tan, Yin; Toubbeh, Jamil; Su, Xuefen. Addictive Behaviors, Oct2003, Vol.
28 Issue 8, p1431, 9p (Study includes Cambodian-Americans)
Perceptions of risks of smoking among Asian Americans. By: Ma, Grace X.; Fang, Carolyn Y.; Tan, Yin;
Feeley, Rosemary M.. Preventive Medicine, Oct2003, Vol. 37 Issue 4, p349, 7p (Study includes
Asian American and Pacific Islander seafood consumption - a community-based study in King County,
Washington. By: Sechena, Ruth; Shiquan Liao; Lorenzana, Roseanne; Nakano, Connie; Polissar,
Nayak; Fenske, Richard. Journal of Exposure Analysis & Environmental Epidemiology, Jul2003, Vol. 13
Issue 4, p256, 11p; (Study includes Cambodian Americans)
Anger-associated panic attacks in Cambodian refugees with PTSD; a multiple baseline examination of
clinical data. By: Hinton, D.; Hsia, C.; Um, K.; Otto, M.W.. Behaviour Research & Therapy, Jun2003,
Vol. 41 Issue 6, p647, 8p;
Creating Continuity Through Mutual Assistance: Intergenerational Reciprocity in Four Ethnic Groups.
By: Becker, Gay; Beyene, Yewoubdar; Newsom, Edwina; Mayen, Nury. Journals of Gerontology Series
B: Psychological Sciences & Social Sciences, May2003, Vol. 58B Issue 3, pS151, 9p, (Study Includes
Meanings of place and displacement in three groups of older immigrants. By: Becker, Gay. Journal of
Aging Studies, May2003, Vol. 17 Issue 2, p129, 21p; Study Includes Cambodian-Americans)
Occupational Heath of Southeast Asian Immigrants in a US City: A Comparison of Data Sources. By:
Azaroff, Lenore S.; Levenstein, Charles; Wegman, David H.. American Journal of Public Health,
Apr2003, Vol. 93 Issue 4, p593, 6p, (Study includes Cambodian-Americans)
Fleisher, Linda. Journal of Community Health, Apr2003, Vol. 28 Issue 2, p115, 16p (Study includes
Southeast Asian Women in Lowell. By: Tuyet-Lan Pho; Mulvey, Anne. Frontiers: A Journal of Womens
Studies, 2003, Vol. 24 Issue 1, p101, 29p (Study includes Cambodian Americans)
Cambodian Refugees' Pathways to Success (Book). By: Hein, Jeremy. Journal of American Ethnic
History, Spring2003, Vol. 22 Issue 3, p106, 2p;
Lessons from Immigrant Organizing in Stockton. By: Amato, Tom. Social Policy, Spring2003, Vol. 33
Issue 3, p29, 4p; (Study includes Cambodian-Americans)
Cancer Screening Practices and Attitudes: Comparison of Low-income Women in Three Ethnic
Groups. By: McGarvey, Elizabeth L.; Clavet, Gail J.; Johnson II, James B.; Butler, Audrey; Kim Oanh
Cook; Pennino, Bonita. Ethnicity & Health, Feb2003, Vol. 8 Issue 1, p71, 12p; (Study includes
AU: Liamputtong, P Watson, L TI: “The voices and concerns about prenatal testing of Cambodian, Lao
and Vietnamese women in Australia.” SO: MIDWIFERY BP: 304 EP: 313 PG: 10 PY: 2002 PD: DEC
VL: 18 IS: 4
Caniff, J.G. (2001). Cambodian Refugees' Pathways to Success: Developing a Bi-Cultural Identity.
New York, NY: LFB Scholarly Publishing LLC.
Louis-Jacques Dorais. (2000). The Cambodians, Laotians, and Vietnamese in Canada. Ottawa:
Canadian Historical Association.
Chuong Hoang Chung. (2000). “Language Situation of the Hmong, Khmer and Laotian Communities in
the United States.” In Sandra McKay and Sau-ling Cynthia Wong, Editors. New Immigrants in the
United States: Readings for Second Language Educators. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Jeremy Hein. From Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia : a refugee experience in the United States.
Publisher: New York : Twayne Publishers ; London : Prentice Hall International, ©1995.
(Compiled by Mark E. Pfeifer, PhD) (Last Update November 2013)
Choau, S. T. (2013). Effects of parental trauma experience on second generation cambodian americans. PhD Dissertation,Loma Linda University.
Field, N. P., Muong, S., & Sochanvimean, V. (2013). Parental Styles in the Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma Stemming From the Khmer Rouge Regime in Cambodia. American Journal Of Orthopsychiatry, 83(4), 483-494.
Hinton, D., Peou, S., Joshi, S., Nickerson, A., & Simon, N. (2013). Normal Grief and Complicated Bereavement Among Traumatized Cambodian Refugees: Cultural Context and the Central Role of Dreams of the Dead. Culture, Medicine & Psychiatry, 37(3), 427-464.
Hinton, D. E., Field, N. P., Nickerson, A., Bryant, R. A., & Simon, N. (2013). Dreams of the Dead Among Cambodian Refugees: Frequency, Phenomenology, and Relationship to Complicated Grief and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Death Studies, 37(8), 750-767.
Hinton, D. E., Nickerson, A., & Bryant, R. A. (2013). Prolonged Grief in Cambodian Refugees Following Genocide: Rebirth Concerns and Avoidance of Reminders. Journal Of Loss & Trauma, 18(5), 444-460.
Kol, T. (2013). Khmer voices: The preservation of a heritage language. PhD Dissertation, California State University, Long Beach.
Taylor, V., Bastani, R., Burke, N., Talbot, J., Sos, C., Liu, Q., & ... Yasui, Y. (2013). Evaluation of a Hepatitis B Lay Health Worker Intervention for Cambodian Americans. Journal Of Community Health, 38(3), 546-553.
Tang, J. (2013). Understanding the college experiences of cambodian american students. PhD Dissertation, California State University, Long Beach.
Wagner, J., Burke, G., Kuoch, T., Scully, M., Armeli, S., & Rajan, T. V. (2013). Trauma, Healthcare Access, and Health Outcomes Among Southeast Asian Refugees in Connecticut. Journal Of Immigrant & Minority Health, 15(6), 1065-1072.
Yam, J. V. (2013). Evaluation of attachment patterns among chinese, cambodian, and european-americans using the ECR-R scale. PhD Dissertation, Alliant International University.
Brown, Megan R. 2012. Family resilience in Christian Cambodian American ex-refugee families: a
qualitative study.
Dinh, Khanh T., Traci L. Weinstein, Jenn-Yun Tein, and Mark W. Roosa. 2012. "A Mediation Model of
the Relationship of Cultural Variables to Internalizing and Externalizing Problem Behavior Among
Cambodian American Youth". Asian American Journal of Psychology.
Meischke H, V Taylor, R Calhoun, Q Liu, C Sos, SP Tu, MP Yip, and D Eisenberg. 2012.
"Preparedness for cardiac emergencies among Cambodians with limited English proficiency". Journal
of Community Health. 37 (1): 176-80.
Schlund-Vials, Cathy J. 2012. War, genocide, and justice: Cambodian American memory work.
Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.
Schlund-Vials C.J. 2012. "Cambodian American memory work: Justice and the "Cambodian
syndrome". Positions. 20 (3): 805-830.
Tang, K., & Kao, D. 2012 Jun 5. Ethnicity, Gender, and the Education of Cambodian American
Students in an Urban High School. Journal of Southeast Asian American Education & Advancement
[Online] 7:0. Available:
Taylor V.M., Talbot J., Sos C., Liu Q., Yasui Y., et al. 2012. "Physical activity among Cambodian
Americans: An exploratory study". Journal of Community Health. 37 (5): 1040-1048.
Taylor, Victoria M., Roshan Bastani, Nancy Burke, Jocelyn Talbot, Channdara Sos, Qi Liu, Hoai Do, J.
Carey Jackson, and Yutaka Yasui. 2013. "Evaluation of a Hepatitis B Lay Health Worker Intervention for
Cambodian Americans". Journal of Community Health. (40).
Taylor, Victoria M., Nancy Burke, Hoai Do, Qi Liu, Yutaka Yasui, and Roshan Bastani. 2012. "HPV
Vaccination Uptake Among Cambodian Mothers". Journal of Cancer Education. 27 (1): 145-148.
Friis, Robert H., Claire Garrido-Ortega, Alan M. Safer, Che Wankie, Paula A. Griego, Mohammed
Forouzesh, Kirsten Trefflich, and Kimthai Kuoch. 2012. "Socioepidemiology of Cigarette Smoking
Among Cambodian Americans in Long Beach, California". Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health.
14 (2): 272-280.
Garrison, Steven Blair. 2012. Cambodian Americans a study in struggle. San Diego, Calif: San Diego
State University].
Sao, Bounchoeurn, Diyana D. Sao, and Karline F. Bird. 2012. Bending with the wind: memoir of a
Cambodian couple's escape to America. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Co.
Taylor, Victoria M., Roshan Bastani, Nancy Burke, Jocelyn Talbot, Channdara Sos, Qi Liu, J. Carey
Jackson, and Yutaka Yasui. 2012. "Factors Associated with Hepatitis B Testing Among Cambodian
American Men and Women". Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. 14 (1): 30-38.
Ung, Loung. 2012. Lulu in the sky: a daughter of Cambodia finds love, healing, and double happiness.
New York, NY: Harper Perennial.
Burke, N. J., Do, H. H., Talbot, J., Sos, C., Svy, D., & Taylor, V. M. (January 01, 2011). Chumnguh
thleum: understanding liver illness and hepatitis B among Cambodian immigrants. Journal of
Community Health, 36, 1, 27-34.
Coronado, G. D., Do, H. H., Do, H. H., Do, H. H., & Taylor, V. M. (January 01, 2011). To Be Healthy and
To Live Long, We Have To Exercise: Psychosocial Factors Related to Physical Activity among
Cambodian Americans. Journal of Community Health, 36, 3, 381-388.
Chhuon, Vichet, and Cynthia Hudley. 2011. "Ethnic and Panethnic Asian American Identities:
Contradictory Perceptions of Cambodian Students in Urban Schools". The Urban Review. 43 (5): 681-
Cripe, Swee May, Michelle A. Williams, Michelle A. Williams, and Michelle A. Williams. 2011.
"Maternal Morbidity and Perinatal Outcomes Among Foreign-Born Cambodian, Laotian, and
Vietnamese Americans in Washington State, 1993-2006". Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. 13
(3): 417-425.
Fujii, D. (2011). Neuropsychology of Cambodian Americans. In Fujii, D., ed. The neuropsychology of
Asian-Americans. New York: Taylor & Francis.
Ho, Ivy K., and Khanh T. Dinh. 2011. "Cervical Cancer Screening Among Southeast Asian American
Women". Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. 13 (1): 49-60.
Lee, Jonathan H. X. 2011. "Cambodian American Ethics of Identity". Peace Review. 23 (4): 476-483.
Lim, May, Elizabeth Stormshak, and Corrina Falkenstein. 2011. "Psychosocial Adjustment and
Substance Use of Cambodian and Vietnamese Immigrant Youth". Journal of Cross-Cultural
Psychology. 42 (1): 104-119.
Mirza, Mansha. 2011. "Disability and cross-border mobility: comparing resettlement experiences of
Cambodian and Somali refugees with disabilities". Disability & Society. 26 (5): 521-535.
Nickerson, Angela, and Devon E. Hinton. 2011. "Anger regulation in traumatized Cambodian refugees:
the perspectives of Buddhist monks". Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry. 35 (3): 396-416.
Pang, Valerie, Peggy Han, and Jennifer Pang. 2011. "Asian American and Pacific Islander Students:
Equity and the Achievement Gap". Educational Researcher. 40 (8): 378-389.
Peterman, Jerusha Nelson, Linda Silka, Odilia I. Bermudez, Parke E. Wilde, and Beatrice Lorge
Rogers. 2011. "Acculturation, Education, Nutrition Education, and Household Composition Are Related
to Dietary Practices among Cambodian Refugee Women in Lowell, MA". Journal of the American
Dietetic Association. 111 (9): 1369-1374.
Pham, Mary Thi, and Jonathan H. X. Lee. 2011. "Creating Peace Through Cambodian American
Literature". Peace Review. 23 (4): 498-505.
Quintiliani, Karen, Susan Needham, Robert Lemkin, and Thet Sambath. 2011. "Facilitating Dialogue
Between Cambodian American Survivors and Khmer Rouge Perpetrators". Peace Review. 23 (4): 506-
Ron, Ty B. 2011. Oral history of the Cambodian immigrants. Thesis (M.S.W.)--California State
University, Stanislaus, May 2011.
Snowden, L.R., M.C. Masland, C.J. Peng, C. Wei-Mien Lou, and N.T. Wallace. 2011. "Limited English
proficient Asian Americans: Threshold language policy and access to mental health treatment". Social
Science & Medicine. 72 (2): 230-237. personal Violence. 26 (2): 211-229.
Taylor V.M., Talbot J., Hoai Do H., Liu Q., Yasui Y., et al. 2011. "Hepatitis B knowledge and practices
among Cambodian Americans". Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 12 (4): 957-961.
Taylor, Victoria M., Qi Liu, Yutaka Yasui, Jocelyn Talbot, Channdara Sos, India Ornelas, Gloria
Coronado, and Roshan Bastani. 2011. "Physical Activity Among Cambodian Americans: An
Exploratory Study". Journal of Community Health. (4).
Wong F.Y., DiGangi J., Young D., et al. 2011. "Intimate partner violence, depression, and alcohol use
among a sample of foreign-born southeast asian women in an urban setting in the United States".
Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 26 (2): 211-229.
Wright, W. E. (March 08, 2011). Khmer as a Heritage Language in the United States: Historical Sketch,
Current Realities, and Future Prospects. Heritage Language Journal, 7, 1, 117-147.
Yimsut, R. (2011). Facing the Khmer Rouge: A Cambodian journey. New Brunswick, N.J: Rutgers
University Press.
Akiba, D. (January 01, 2010). Cambodian Americans and Education: Understanding the Intersections
Between Cultural Tradition and U.S. Schooling. The Educational Forum, 74, 4, 328-333.
Bour, S., (2010). Ethnic Identity: The Cambodian experience. M.A. Thesis, University of Texas at
Chhuon, V., Hudley, C., Brenner, M., & Macias, R. (January 01, 2010). The Multiple Worlds of
Successful Cambodian American Students. Urban Education, 45, 1, 30-57.
Chhuon, V., & Hudley, C. (January 01, 2010). Asian American ethnic options: How Cambodian
students negotiate ethnic identities in a U.S. urban school. Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 41, 4,
Chhuon, V., Kyratzis, A., & Hudley, C. (January 01, 2010). Sources of Coherence in the Life Stories of
Cambodian American Women at the University. Journal of Language, Identity, and Education, 9, 5, 347-
Coronado, G. D., Sos, C., Talbot, J., Do, H. H., & Taylor, V. M. (October 06, 2010). To Be Healthy and
To Live Long, We Have To Exercise: Psychosocial Factors Related to Physical Activity among
Cambodian Americans. Journal of Community Health, 5.)
Cripe, S. M., Williams, M. A., Williams, M. A., & Williams, M. A. (January 01, 2011). Maternal Morbidity
and Perinatal Outcomes Among Foreign-Born Cambodian, Laotian, and Vietnamese Americans in
Washington State, 1993-2006. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 13, 3, 417-425.
Grace, X. M. Y. T. M. Q. W. Y. Y. W. G. C., & Ma, G. (2010). Hepatitis B Screening Compliance and
Non-Compliance among Chinese, Koreans, Vietnamese and Cambodians.
Lee, H. Y., Lytle, K., Yang, P. N., & Lum, T. (January 01, 2010). Mental health literacy in Hmong and
Cambodian elderly refugees: a barrier to understanding, recognizing, and responding to depression.
International Journal of Aging & Human Development, 71, 4, 323-44.
Lee, J. H. X. (2010). Cambodian American experiences: Histories, communities, cultures and
identities. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Pub. Co.
Lin, Nancy J. (2010). Journeys to Selves and Identities: Cambodian and Southern Sudanese Refugee
Experiences, PhD Dissertation. Boston: University of Massachusetts Boston.
Long, S. (2010). Understanding violence and domestic violence and help seeking among Hmong and
Cambodian women. Thesis (M.S.W.)--California State University, Stanislaus, May 2010.
Shah, A. M., Guo, L., Magee, M., Cheung, W., Simon, M., LaBreche, A., & Liu, H. (January 01, 2010).
Comparing selected measures of health outcomes and health-seeking behaviors in Chinese,
Cambodian, and Vietnamese communities of Chicago: results from local health surveys. Journal of
Urban Health : Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 87, 5, 813-26.
Thikeo, M. (2010). Cambodians and Laotian Americans' cultural values and attitudes toward seeking
professional psychological services. Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Rhode Island.
Keo, P. 2010 Feb 4. Cambodian Family-School Partnership: Toward an Evolving Theory. Journal of
Southeast Asian American Education & Advancement [Online] 5:0. Available: http://jsaaea.coehd.utsa.
Wright, W. (2010). "Khmer as a Heritage Language in the United States: Historical Sketch, Current
Realities, and Future Prospects." Heritage Language Journal, Volume 7, Number 1.
Lao, R., & Lee, J. 2009 Apr 6. Heritage Language Maintenance and Use among 1.5 Generation.
Journal of Southeast Asian American Education & Advancement [Online] 4:0. Available: http://jsaaea.
McLellan, J. Cambodian refugees in Ontario : resettlement, religion, and identity. Publisher: Toronto
University of Toronto Press, ©2009.
Affonto; S. To the End of Hell One Woman's Struggle to Survive Cambodia's Khmer Rouge. Publisher:
Reportage Pr 2009.
How school structures influence ethnic and panethnic identity in Cambodian high school youth by
Chhuon, Vichet, Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2009, 154 pages; AAT 3353567
Life of a young Cambodian woman: Reconciliation with my past by Ngo, Victoria Aleen, M.S.W.,
California State University, Long Beach, 2009, 81 pages; AAT 1466342
Southeast Asian American autobiographies: Aesthetics of testimonial space by Thoeun, Chanthou, M.
A., State University of New York at Buffalo, 2009, 91 pages; AAT 1464792
PS Samuel; JP Pringle; James NW 4th; SJ Fielding; KM Fairfield. Breast, cervical, and colorectal
cancer screening rates amongst female Cambodian, Somali, and Vietnamese immigrants in the USA.
International journal for equity in health, 2009; 8: 30.
Chiehwen E Hsu; Chiehwen E Hsu; Chiehwen E Hsu; Chiehwen E Hsu; E Stephanie Robinson; Grace
X Ma; Grace X Ma. Model Minority at Risk: Expressed Needs of Mental Health by Asian American
Young Adults. Journal of Community Health, 34, no. 2 (2009): 144-152. (Study includes Cambodian
McGinnis, T.A.. Seeing Possible Futures: Khmer Youth and the Discourse of the American Dream.
Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 40, no. 1 (2009): 62-81.
DE Hinton; A Rasmussen; L Nou; MH Pollack; MJ Good. Anger, PTSD, and the nuclear family: a study
of Cambodian refugees. Publication: Social science & medicine (1982) 2009 Nov; 69(9): 1387-94.
Lewis, D. Aging Out of Place: Cambodian Refugee Elders in the United States. Family and Consumer
Sciences Research Journal, 37, no. 3 (2009): 376-393
Thao N Le; Deborah Goebert; Judy Wallen. Acculturation Factors and Substance Use Among Asian
American Youth. Journal of Primary Prevention, 30, no. 3-4 (2009): 453-473 (Study includes
Cambodian Americans)
Taylor V.M.; Seng P.; Acorda E.; Li L.; Sawn L. Hepatitis B knowledge and practices among
cambodian immigrants. Journal of Cancer Education, v24 n2 (2009 04 01): 100-104
GX Ma; JI Toubbeh; MQ Wang; SE Shive; L Cooper; A Pham. Factors associated with cervical cancer
screening compliance and noncompliance among Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, and Cambodian
women. Journal of the National Medical Association, 2009 Jun; 101(6): 541-51
Thao N Le; Judy Wallen. Risks of Non-Familial Violent Physical and Emotional Victimization in Four
Asian Ethnic Groups. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 11, no. 3 (2009): 174-187
ADA Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo; J N Peterman; O I Bermudez; P E Wilde; L Silka; S Kong;
B L Rogers. Determinants of Nutrition Knowledge among Cambodian Refugee Women in Lowell, Ma.
Journal of the American Dietetic Association, v109 n9 (200909): A78
Grytdal S.P.; Liao Y.; Chen R.; Garvin C.C.; Grigg-Saito D.; Liang S.; Kagawa-Singer M.; McPhee S.J.;
Nguyen T.T.; Tran J.H.; Gallagher K.M. Hepatitis B testing and vaccination among vietnamese- and
cambodian-americans. Publication: Journal of Community Health, v34 n3 (2009 06 01): 173-180
Nancy Lin; Karen Suyemoto; Peter Kiang. Education as Catalyst for Intergenerational Refugee Family
Communication About War and Trauma. Publication: Communication Disorders Quarterly, 30, no. 4
(2009): 195-207 (Study involves Cambodian American Families)
Grant Marshall; Marc Elliott; Terry Schell. Prevalence and Correlates of Lifetime Disordered Gambling
in Cambodian Refugees Residing in Long Beach, CA. Publication: Journal of Immigrant and Minority
Health, 11, no. 1 (2009): 35-40
D E Hinton; A L Hinton; J R Loeum; J R Loeum; M H Pollack. Nightmares Among Cambodian
Refugees: The Breaching of Concentric Ontological Security. Publication: Culture, Medicine and
Psychiatry, 33, no. 2 (2009): 219-265
Kaye Cook; Steven Sandage; Peter Hill; Brad Strawn. Hermeneutic analysis of virtuous exemplar
narratives of Cambodian-American Buddhists and Christians. Publication: Mental Health, Religion &
Culture, 12, no. 4 (2009): 315-338
BA Biggs; S Caruana; S Mihrshahi; D Jolley; J Leydon; L Chea; S Nuon. Management of chronic
strongyloidiasis in immigrants and refugees: is serologic testing useful? Publication: The American
journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 2009 May; 80(5): 788-91.
S Lee; HS Juon; G Martinez; CE Hsu; ES Robinson; J Bawa; GX Ma. Model minority at risk: expressed
needs of mental health by Asian American young adults. Publication: Journal of community health, 2009
Apr; 34(2): 144-52. (Study includes Cambodian Americans)
K Quintiliani. Cambodian Refugee Families in the Shadows of Welfare Reform. Publication: JOURNAL
OF IMMIGRANT AND REFUGEE STUDIES, 7, no. 2, (2009): 129-158
Pfeifer, M. 2008 Jun 6. [Special Issue on SEA Demographics] Featured Article: Cambodian, Hmong,
Lao and Vietnamese-Americans in the 2005 American Community Survey. Journal of Southeast Asian
American Education & Advancement [Online] 3:0. Available:
Escape from Harm’s Way: The Experiences of Southeast Asian Elders and their Families by Daniel F.
Detzner, Ph.D., Aysem R. Senyurekli and Zha Blong Xiong, Ph.D., Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 9,
(2008). 30 pages. (Includes Cambodian Americans) http://hmongstudies.
Quintiliani, K. & Needham, S. (2008). Cambodians in Long Beach. Charleston, SC: Arcadia Publishing.
Sichan Siv. Golden bones : an extraordinary journey from hell in Cambodia to a new life in America.
Publisher: New York, NY : Harper, ©2008.
Chileng Pa ; Carol A Mortland. Escaping the Khmer Rouge : a Cambodian memoir. Publisher:
Jefferson, N.C. : McFarland, ©2008.
Types, meanings and ambivalence in intergenerational exchanges among Cambodian refugee families
in the United States. By: Lewis, Denise C.. Ageing & Society, Jul2008, Vol. 28 Issue 5, p693-715, 23
A Practical Intervention to Increase Breastfeeding Initiation Among Cambodian Women in the US. By:
Galvin, Sharon; Grossman, Xena; Feldman-Winter, Lori; Chaudhuri, Jana; Merewood, Anne. Maternal
& Child Health Journal, Jul2008, Vol. 12 Issue 4, p545-547, 3p
The Panic Attack-Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Model: Applicability to Orthostatic Panic Among
Cambodian Refugees. By: Hinton, Devon E.; Hofmann, Stefan G.; Pitman, Roger K.; Pollack, Mark H.;
Barlow, David H.. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 2008, Vol. 37 Issue 2, p101-116, 16p
Exploring well-being and midlife issues of middle-aged Cambodian Americans by Sokhomala, Tee-
Vuthy P., M.S.W., California State University, Long Beach, 2008, 66 pages
The relationship between parenting styles, childrearing practices, disciplinary practices, and the
degree of ethnic identity among Cambodian refugee parents by Chhoeun, Saphay, M.S.W., California
State University, Long Beach, 2008, 80 pages
Choi Y, He M, Harachi TW
Intergenerational cultural dissonance, parent-child conflict and bonding, and youth problem behaviors
among Vietnamese and Cambodian immigrant families
Son of the killing fields: An American story. By: Sophous Ieng Tep. American Journal of Health-System
Pharmacy, 1/1/2008, Vol. 65 Issue 1, p81-82, 2p;
Community Violence Exposure of Southeast Asian American Adolescents. By: Ho, Joyce. Journal of
Interpersonal Violence, Jan2008, Vol. 23 Issue 1, p136-146, 11p (Study includes Cambodian-
McGinnis, T. 2007 May 14. "Khmer Pride": Being and Becoming Khmer-American in an Urban Migrant
Education Program. Journal of Southeast Asian American Education & Advancement [Online] 2:0.
Uehara ES
"Disturbing phenomenology" in the pain and engagement narratives of Cambodian American survivors
of the Killing Fields
Acculturation, perceived stress, and attitudes toward psychotherapy in Cambodian Americans
by Keo, Zelida Sok, M.A. Thesis, California State University, Fullerton, 2007, 54 pages; AAT 1442206
A cultural analysis of Cambodian Methodist Church worship services and their implications for
evangelism by Lowe, Kevin Joo Oon, D.Min. Dissertation, Asbury Theological Seminary, 2007, 193
pages; AAT 3275106
A personal narrative of a Cambodian-Chinese immigrant to the United States: A quest for identity by
Ear, Ngeknay, M.S.W. Thesis, California State University, Long Beach, 2007, 89 pages; AAT 1448203
Correlates of posttraumatic stress disorder among Cambodian survivors of the killing fields by Sam,
Sidary, M.S.W. Thesis, California State University, Long Beach, 2007, 68 pages; AAT 1448132
Path analysis models of psychosocial adjustment among Southeast Asian immigrant youth by Lim,
May, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Oregon, 2007, 140 pages; AAT 3276068
Treating mental illness within Cambodian culture: A grounded theory approach by Aleshire, Benjamin,
Ph.D., Seattle Pacific University, 2007, 110 pages; AAT 3280870
Welfare reform and liberal governance: disciplining Cambodian-American bodies. By: Truong, Michael
H.. International Journal of Social Welfare, Jul2007, Vol. 16 Issue 3, p258-268
Ethnic Origins: The Adaptation of Cambodian and Hmong Refugees in Four American Cities. By: Gold,
Steven J.. Contemporary Sociology, May2007, Vol. 36 Issue 3, p262-263
Stressful Life Events, Culture, and Violence. By: Hieu Ngo; Thao Le. Journal of Immigrant & Minority
Health, Apr2007, Vol. 9 Issue 2, p75-84, 10p; (Study includes Cambodian Americans).
Tuyet-Lan Pho ; Jeffrey N Gerson ; Sylvia R Cowan. Southeast Asian refugees and immigrants in the
mill city : changing families, communities, institutions-- thirty years afterward. Publisher: Burlington, Vt. :
University of Vermont Press ; Hanover : Published by University Press of New England, ©2007.
(Includes numerous articles about Cambodian Americans)
Khmer rap boys, X-Men, Asia's fruits, and Dragonball Z: Creating multilingual and multimodal
classroom contexts. By: McGinnis, Theresa Ann. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, Apr2007, Vol.
50 Issue 7, p570-579, 10p;
The SF-36 Among Cambodian and Vietnamese Refugees: An Examination of Psychometric
Properties. By: Hinton, Devon; Sinclair, Samuel; Chung, Rita; Pollack, Mark. Journal of
Psychopathology & Behavioral Assessment, Mar2007, Vol. 29 Issue 1, p38-45, 8p,
The Socioeconomic Attainments of Second-Generation Cambodian, Hmong, Laotian, and Vietnamese
Americans. By: Sakamoto, Arthur; Woo, Hyeyoung. Sociological Inquiry, Feb2007, Vol. 77 Issue 1, p44-
75, 32p;
Gastrointestinal-focused panic attacks among Cambodian refugees: Associated psychopathology,
flashbacks, and catastrophic cognitions. By: Hinton, Devon E.; Chhean, Dara; Fama, Jeanne M.;
Pollack, Mark H.; McNally, Richard J.. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, Jan2007, Vol. 21 Issue 1, p42-58,
D'Amico EJ, Schell TL, Marshall GN, et al.
Problem drinking among Cambodian refugees in the United States: How big of a problem is it?
Developing Culturally Sensitive Parent Education Programs for Immigrant Families: The Helping Youth
Succeed Curriculum by Zha Blong Xiong, Ph.D., Daniel F. Detzner, Ph.D., Zoe Hendrickson Keuster, B.
A., Patricia A. Eliason, M. A., and Rose Allen, M.Ed., Hmong Studies Journal, 2006, 7:1-29. (includes
Cambodian Americans)
Nou, L. 2006 Nov 6. A Qualitative Examination of the Psychosocial Adjustment of Khmer Refugees in
Three Massachusetts Communities. Journal of Southeast Asian American Education & Advancement
[Online] 1:0. Available:
Wong EC, Marshall GN, Schell TL, et al.
Barriers to mental health care utilization for US Cambodian refugees
R.G. Rumbaut. (2006). “Vietnamese, Laotian, and Cambodian Americans.” In P.G. Min, Asian
Americans: Contemporary Trends and Issues. Thousands Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press, 2nd Edition.
Marshall GN, Berthold SM, Schell TL, et al.
Rates and correlates of seeking mental health services among Cambodian refugees
Daley TC
Perceptions and congruence of symptoms and communication among second-generation Cambodian
youth and parents: A matched-control design
Of laughter and remembering: Violence, displacement and the trials of 'moving on' for Vancouver's
Cambodians by McKinlay, Catrina Alissa, M.A., Concordia University (Canada), 2006, 175 pages;
AAT MR20707
Narratives and identities: A look at talk among three generations of Chinese-Thai-Cambodian
Americans by Kangkun, Preena, Ph.D., University of Hawai'i at Manoa, 2006, 292 pages; AAT
Perceptions of the influence of the Khmer Rouge experience on Cambodian-American families: The
perspective of the adult off-spring of survivors by Goodell, Sherry Tyger, M.S.W., California State
University, Long Beach, 2006, 64 pages; AAT 1437907
Predictors of academic-related outcomes among Cambodian high school students by Weinstein,
Traci, M.A., University of Massachusetts Lowell, 2006, 66 pages; AAT 1436009
Hinton DE, Chhean D, Pich V, et al.
Tinnitus among Cambodian refugees: Relationship to PTSD severity JOURNAL OF TRAUMATIC
STRESS 19 (4): 541-546 AUG 2006
Caruana SR, Kelly HA, Ngeow JYY, et al.
Undiagnosed and potentially lethal parasite infections among immigrants and refugees in Australia
(Study includes Cambodians)
Austin JH
From Cambodia to Greensboro: Tracing the journeys of new North Carolinians
JOURNAL OF AMERICAN FOLKLORE 119 (473): 374-376 SUM 2006
Friis RH, Forouzesh M, Chhim HS, et al.
Sociocultural determinants of tobacco use among Cambodian Americans
Hinton DE, Chhean D, Pich V, et al.
Assessment of posttraumatic stress disorder in Cambodian refugees using the clinician-administered
PTSD scale: Psychometric properties and symptom severity
Coppens NM, Page R, Thou TC
Reflections on the evaluation of a Cambodian youth dance program
Ferry LH, Job J, Knutsen S, et al.
Mentoring Cambodian and Lao health professionals in tobacco control leadership and research skills
TOBACCO CONTROL 15: I42-I47 Suppl. 1 JUN 2006
Liamputtong P, Watson LF
The meanings and experiences of Cesarean birth among Cambodian, Lao and Vietnamese immigrant
women in Australia
WOMEN & HEALTH 43 (3): 63-82 2006
Unsettled: On the postcolonial presence of Southeast Asian refugees by Tang, Eric, Ph.D. dissertation,
New York University, 2006
Kagawa-Singer M, Tanjasiri SP, Lee SW, et al.
Breast and cervical cancer control among Pacific Islander and southeast Asian women: Participatory
action research strategies for baseline data collection in California
Koch-Weser S, Liang SL, Grigg-Saito DC
Self-reported health among Cambodians in Lowell, Massachusetts
MAY 2006
Greenspan H
Survivors: Cambodian refugees in the United States
Hinton DE, Pich V, Safren SA, et al.
Anxiety sensitivity among Cambodian refugees with panic disorder: A factor analytic investigation
Le, TN, Kato, T
The role of peer, parent, and culture in risky sexual behavior for Cambodian and Lao/Mien adolescents
J ADOLESCENT HEALTH 38 (3): 288-296 MAR 2006
Hinton, DE, Chhean, D, Pich, V, et al.
Neck-focused panic attacks among Cambodian refugees; a logistic and linear regression analysis
J ANXIETY DISORD 20 (2): 119-138 2006
Wright, W. E., & Li, X. (2006). Catching up in Math? The Case of Newly-Arrived Cambodian Students
in a Texas Intermediate School. TABE Journal, 9(1), 1-22. Available: http://www.tabe.
Jeremy Hein. Ethnic origins : the adaptation of Cambodian and Hmong refugees in four American
cities. Publisher: New York: Russell Sage Foundation, ©2006.
Cambodian settlement patterns in Long Beach, California
by Quintero, Jorge, M.A. Thesis, California State University, Long Beach, 2005, 70 pages; AAT
Heritage language and culture preservation: Khmer youth's critical reflections on the Khmer Emerging
Education Program (KEEP) by Dungy, Pamela Larsen, Ed.D., University of San Francisco, 2005, 261
pages; AAT 3174726
Cambodian attitudes toward law enforcement
by Ferrer, Arian Patricia, M.S., California State University, Long Beach, 2005, 56 pages; AAT 1429277
Breaking the silence: Cambodian students speak out about school, success, and shifting identities.
Wallitt, Roberta, EdD. UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST, 2005. 327 pp.
Seeking life balance: The perceptions of health of Cambodian women in resettlement. Catolico, Olivia,
Seng, P, Acorda, E, Jackson, JC, et al.
AANCART best practices - Cancer awareness activities for Seattle's Cambodian community
CANCER 104 (12): 2916-2919 Suppl. S DEC 15 2005
Hinton, DE, Pich, V, Safren, SA, et al.
Anxiety sensitivity in traumatized Cambodian refugees: A discriminant function and factor analytic
investigation BEHAV RES THER 43 (12): 1631-1643 DEC 2005
Hinton, DE, Chhean, D, Pich, V, et al.
A Randomized controlled trial of cognitive-behavior therapy for Cambodian refugees with treatment-
resistant PTSD and panic attacks: A cross-over design
J TRAUMA STRESS 18 (6): 617-629 DEC 2005
Daley, TC
Beliefs about treatment of mental health problems among Cambodian American children and parents
SOC SCI MED 61 (11): 2384-2395 DEC 2005
Le, TN, Stockdale, GD
Individualism, collectivism, and delinquency in Asian, American adolescents
J CLIN CHILD ADOLESC 34 (4): 681-691 DEC 2005
Moon, A, Choi, H, Chung, G, et al.
Barriers to medical service use among Cambodian, Laotian, Filipino, Thai, and Vietnamese American
older adults
GERONTOLOGIST 45: 93-93 Sp. Iss. 2 OCT 2005
Lee, SM
Survivors: Cambodian refugees in the United States.
PAC HIST REV 74 (3): 487-488 AUG 2005
Bhuyan, R, Mell, M, Senturia, K, et al.
"Women must endure according to their Karma" - Cambodian immigrant women talk about domestic
J INTERPERS VIOLENCE 20 (8): 902-921 AUG 2005
Marshall, GN, Schell, TL, Elliott, MN, et al.
Mental health of Cambodian refugees 2 decades after resettlement in the United States
JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC 294 (5): 571-579 AUG 3 2005
Ma, Grace X., Tan, Yin, Fang, Carolyn Y., et al.
Knowledge, attitudes and behavior regarding secondhand smoke among Asian Americans Preventive
Medicine 41 (2): 446-453 AUG 05
Hinton, DE, Pollack, MH, Pich, V, et al.
Orthostatically induced panic attacks among Cambodian refugees: Flashbacks, catastrophic
cognitions, and associated psychopathology
COGN BEHAV PRACT 12 (3): 301-311 SUM 2005
Park, YS
Survivors: Cambodian refugees in the United States
SOC SERV REV 79 (2): 378-381 JUN 2005
Clymer K
Survivors: Cambodian refugees in the United States.
The Relationship of School, Parent, and Peer Contextual Factors with Self-Reported Delinquency for
Chinese, Cambodian, Laotian or Mien, and Vietnamese Youth. By: Le, Thao N.; Monfared, Golnoush;
Stockdale, Gary D.. Crime & Delinquency, Apr2005, Vol. 51 Issue 2, p192, 28p
Gender Differences in Cambodian Delinquency: The Role of Ethnic Identity, Parental Discipline, and
Peer Delinquency. By: Go, Charles G.; Le, Thao N.. Crime & Delinquency, Apr2005, Vol. 51 Issue 2,
p220, 8p
Sleep paralysis among Cambodian refugees: Association with PTSD diagnosis and severity
DEPRESS ANXIETY 22 (2): 47-51 2005
The Influence of Parents, Peer Delinquency, and School Attitudes on Academic Achievement in
Chinese, Cambodian, Laotian or Mien, and Vietnamese Youth. By: Chang, Janet; Le, Thao N.. Crime
&Delinquency, Apr2005, Vol. 51 Issue 2, p238, 27p
Deporting Cambodian Refugees: Justice Denied? By: Hing, Bill Ong. Crime & Delinquency, Apr2005,
Vol. 51 Issue 2, p265, 26p
`The Ghost Pushes You Down': Sleep Paralysis-Type Panic Attacks in a Khmer Refugee Population.
By: Hinton, Devon E.; Pich, Vuth; Chhean, Dara; Pollack, Mark H.. Transcultural Psychiatry, Mar2005,
Vol. 42 Issue 1, p46, 30p
Survivors: Cambodian Refugees in the United States. By: Hein, J.. Choice: Current Reviews for
Academic Libraries, Mar2005, Vol. 42 Issue 7, p1310, 1/6p
Southeast Asian Immigrants' Perceptions of Good Adolescents and Good Parents. By: Zha Blong
Xiong; Eliason, Patricia A.; Detzner, Daniel F.; Cleveland, Michael J.. Journal of Psychology, Mar2005,
Vol. 139 Issue 2, p159, 17p (Study includes Cambodian-American Youth)
"I Know I Can Do It" By: Freado, Mark D.; Long, Sakeith. Reclaiming Children & Youth, Winter2005, Vol.
13 Issue 4, p208, 5p, (Case Study includes a Cambodian-American Youth in Lowell, MA)
Masai, L, Vang, E, Trotter, A, et al.
Health and nutrition concerns of a Cambodian and Cambodian American population: A needs
FASEB J 19 (5): A1022-A1022 Part 2 Suppl. S MAR 7 2005
Survivors: Cambodian Refugees in the United States. Asian Affairs: An American Review, Winter2005,
Vol. 31 Issue 4, p251, 1p
Thanks, But No Thanks. By: Mikolajuk, Christine. Harvard International Review, Winter2005, Vol. 26
Issue 4, p32, 4p. (Case Study includes Cambodian Refugees)
Southeast Asian Fathers’ Experiences with Adolescents: Challenges and Change by Zha Blong Xiong,
Ph.D. and Daniel F. Detzner, Ph.D. Hmong Studies Journal, 2005, 6: 1-23. (includes Cambodian
Southeast Asian Adolescents’ Perceptions of Immigrant Parenting Practices by Zha Blong Xiong Ph.
D., Daniel F. Detzner Ph.D., and Michael J. Cleveland Ph. D. Hmong Studies Journal, 2004-05, 5: 1-
20. (Study includes Cambodian Americans)
Cultural Considerations in Understanding Family Violence Among Asian American Pacific Islander
Families. By: Weil, Jennifer M.; Lee, Hwayun H.. Journal of Community Health Nursing, Winter2004, Vol.
21 Issue 4, p217, 11p (includes Cambodian-Americans)
Health Status of Cambodians and Vietnamese—Selected Communities, United States, 2001-2002.
JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association, 11/10/2004, Vol. 292 Issue 18, p2208, 3p
Predictors of Nonattendance of Intake Appointments Among Five Asian American Client Groups. By:
Akutsu, Phillip D.; Tsuru, Garyn K.; Chu, Joyce P.. Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology,
Oct2004, Vol. 72 Issue 5, p891, 6p (Case Study Includes Cambodian-Americans)
Olfactory-triggered panic attacks among Cambodian refugees attending a psychiatric clinic. By: Hinton,
Devon E.; Pich, Vuth; Chhean, Dara; Pollack, M.H.; Barlow, David H.. General Hospital Psychiatry,
Sep2004, Vol. 26 Issue 5, p390, 8p
Olfactory-Triggered Panic Attacks Among Khmer Refugees: A Contextual Approach. By: Hinton,
Devon; Pich, Vuth; Chhean, Dara; Pollack, Mark. Transcultural Psychiatry, Jun2004, Vol. 41 Issue 2,
p155, 45p
Crossing the lotus: Race, religion and rationality among Cambodian immigrants in Long Beach and
Seattle (California, Washington) by Douglas, Thomas James, PhD UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA,
IRVINE, 2004, 232 pages
Resilience in ex-refugees from Cambodia and Vietnam by Yong, Lynne Ee Lin, PhD UNIVERSITY OF
RHODE ISLAND, 2004, 139 pages
Building relationships and cultivating trust and respect: A multi-level comparison of cultural tailoring
processes by community health workers addressing breast and cervical cancer screening needs in a
Cambodian and a Laotian community in California by Nguyen, Tu-Uyen Ngoc, PhD UNIVERSITY OF
Sounding the spirit of Cambodia: The living tradition of Khmer music and dance-drama in a
Washington, D.C. community (Virginia, Maryland) by Pecore, Joanna Theresa, PhD
Relationship between acculturation and attitudes towards mental health services among Cambodian
adult refugees by Sok, Justin Chamrourn, MSW CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, LONG BEACH,
2004, 72 pages
Khmer Kampuchea Krom dilemma: An analysis of the struggles experienced by the Khmer people in
South Vietnam and a case study in the United States of America by Thach, Chang, EdD UNIVERSITY
OF ST. THOMAS (MINNESOTA), 2004, 153 pages
Cambodians and the New American Citizenship. By: Smith-Hefner, Nancy J.. Anthropological
Quarterly, Spring2004, Vol. 77 Issue 2, p349, 6p (Book Review)
Not Just Victims: Conversations with Cambodian Community Leaders in the United States (book).
Asian Affairs: An American Review, Spring2004, Vol. 31 Issue 1, p58, 2p
Not Just Victims: Conversations with Cambodian Community Leaders in the United States. (book). By:
Canniff, Julie G.. Journal of American Ethnic History, Spring2004, Vol. 23 Issue 3, p135, 3p
Vickers, Dennis L., Su, Joanna, Morita, Julie, et al.
Identifying immunization barriers in Asian American communities in Chicago
Pediatric Research 55 (4, Suppl. S, Part 2): 208A APR 2004
Berthold, SM
Khmer American: Identity and moral education in a diasporic community.
AMERASIA J 30 (1): 249-251 2004
What English-only Really Means: A Study of the Implementation of California Language Policy with
Cambodian-American Students. By: Wright, Wayne E.. International Journal of Bilingual Education &
Bilingualism, 2004, Vol. 7 Issue 1, p1, 23p
CAMBODIAN REFUGEES' PATHWAYS TO SUCCESS: Developing A Bi-Cultural Identity (Book). By:
Parker, Marcie. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, Winter2004, Vol. 35 Issue 1, p127, 3p
Wright, W. E. (2004). What English-Only Really Means: A Study of the Implementation of California
Language Policy for Cambodian American Students. International Journal of Bilingual Education and
Bilingualism, 7(1), 1-23.
Wright, W. E. (2003). Khmer (Cambodian) Heritage Language Programs: Will the Khmer Language
Survive in California? The Multilingual Education, 4(1), 28-31
Provider Satisfaction in Clinical Encounters With Ethnic Immigrant Patients. By: Kamath, Celia C.;
O'Fallon, W. Michael; Offord, Kenneth P.; Yawn, Barbara P.; Bowen, Juan M.. Mayo Clinic
Proceedings, Nov2003, Vol. 78 Issue 11, p1353, 8p (Study Includes Cambodian-Americans)
Treatment of pharmacotherapy-refractory posttraumatic stress disorder among Cambodian refugees: a
pilot study of combination treatment with cognitive-behavior therapy vs sertraline alone. By: Otto,
Michael W.; Hinton, Devon; Korbly, Nicole B.; Chea, Andrea; Ba, Phalnarith; Gershuny, Beth S.; Pollack,
Mark H.. Behaviour Research & Therapy, Nov2003, Vol. 41 Issue 11, p1271, 6p
The complexity of trauma response: a 4-year follow-up of adolescent Cambodian refugees. By:
Rousseau, Cécile; Drapeau, Aline; Rahimi, Sadeq. Child Abuse & Neglect, Nov2003, Vol. 27 Issue 11,
p1277, 14p
DANCE scape CAMBODIAN HERITAGE. Dance Magazine, Nov2003, Vol. 77 Issue 11, p109, 1p Not
Just Victims: Conversations with Cambodian Community Leaders in the United States (Book). By:
Barkan, Elliott Robert. Pacific Historical Review, Nov2003, Vol. 72 Issue 4, p666, 2p
Differences in stages of change of smoking behavior among current smokers of four Asian American
subgroups. By: Ma, Grace X.; Tan, Yin; Toubbeh, Jamil; Su, Xuefen. Addictive Behaviors, Oct2003, Vol.
28 Issue 8, p1431, 9p (Study includes Cambodian-Americans)
Perceptions of risks of smoking among Asian Americans. By: Ma, Grace X.; Fang, Carolyn Y.; Tan, Yin;
Feeley, Rosemary M.. Preventive Medicine, Oct2003, Vol. 37 Issue 4, p349, 7p (Study includes
Asian American and Pacific Islander seafood consumption - a community-based study in King County,
Washington. By: Sechena, Ruth; Shiquan Liao; Lorenzana, Roseanne; Nakano, Connie; Polissar,
Nayak; Fenske, Richard. Journal of Exposure Analysis & Environmental Epidemiology, Jul2003, Vol. 13
Issue 4, p256, 11p; (Study includes Cambodian Americans)
Anger-associated panic attacks in Cambodian refugees with PTSD; a multiple baseline examination of
clinical data. By: Hinton, D.; Hsia, C.; Um, K.; Otto, M.W.. Behaviour Research & Therapy, Jun2003,
Vol. 41 Issue 6, p647, 8p;
Creating Continuity Through Mutual Assistance: Intergenerational Reciprocity in Four Ethnic Groups.
By: Becker, Gay; Beyene, Yewoubdar; Newsom, Edwina; Mayen, Nury. Journals of Gerontology Series
B: Psychological Sciences & Social Sciences, May2003, Vol. 58B Issue 3, pS151, 9p, (Study Includes
Meanings of place and displacement in three groups of older immigrants. By: Becker, Gay. Journal of
Aging Studies, May2003, Vol. 17 Issue 2, p129, 21p; Study Includes Cambodian-Americans)
Occupational Heath of Southeast Asian Immigrants in a US City: A Comparison of Data Sources. By:
Azaroff, Lenore S.; Levenstein, Charles; Wegman, David H.. American Journal of Public Health,
Apr2003, Vol. 93 Issue 4, p593, 6p, (Study includes Cambodian-Americans)
Fleisher, Linda. Journal of Community Health, Apr2003, Vol. 28 Issue 2, p115, 16p (Study includes
Southeast Asian Women in Lowell. By: Tuyet-Lan Pho; Mulvey, Anne. Frontiers: A Journal of Womens
Studies, 2003, Vol. 24 Issue 1, p101, 29p (Study includes Cambodian Americans)
Cambodian Refugees' Pathways to Success (Book). By: Hein, Jeremy. Journal of American Ethnic
History, Spring2003, Vol. 22 Issue 3, p106, 2p;
Lessons from Immigrant Organizing in Stockton. By: Amato, Tom. Social Policy, Spring2003, Vol. 33
Issue 3, p29, 4p; (Study includes Cambodian-Americans)
Cancer Screening Practices and Attitudes: Comparison of Low-income Women in Three Ethnic
Groups. By: McGarvey, Elizabeth L.; Clavet, Gail J.; Johnson II, James B.; Butler, Audrey; Kim Oanh
Cook; Pennino, Bonita. Ethnicity & Health, Feb2003, Vol. 8 Issue 1, p71, 12p; (Study includes
AU: Liamputtong, P Watson, L TI: “The voices and concerns about prenatal testing of Cambodian, Lao
and Vietnamese women in Australia.” SO: MIDWIFERY BP: 304 EP: 313 PG: 10 PY: 2002 PD: DEC
VL: 18 IS: 4
Caniff, J.G. (2001). Cambodian Refugees' Pathways to Success: Developing a Bi-Cultural Identity.
New York, NY: LFB Scholarly Publishing LLC.
Louis-Jacques Dorais. (2000). The Cambodians, Laotians, and Vietnamese in Canada. Ottawa:
Canadian Historical Association.
Chuong Hoang Chung. (2000). “Language Situation of the Hmong, Khmer and Laotian Communities in
the United States.” In Sandra McKay and Sau-ling Cynthia Wong, Editors. New Immigrants in the
United States: Readings for Second Language Educators. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Jeremy Hein. From Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia : a refugee experience in the United States.
Publisher: New York : Twayne Publishers ; London : Prentice Hall International, ©1995.