Adaptation of Hmong Youth and Generational Issues
Compiled by Mark E. Pfeifer, PhD
Lee, S. (2024). "`You Get Hit or You Get Put in Check, at the End of the Day, the Love is Still There': Hmong Culture, Diaspora, Immigration, and Gang Continuity." Justice Quarterly. Volume 41(4): 523-544.
McKenzie, J. et al. (2024). "`Like Being in Purgatory”: Cultural Identity Mapping Centers Hmong American Experiences of Biculturalism." Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. Volume 00(0): 1-26.
Ngo, B. and T. Vang. (2024) "Re-membering pedagogy: reclaiming Hmong heritage and belonging within a youth theater program." Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education. Volume 18(4): 299-312.
Lee, S. (2020). Menyuam Laib: Entry, Persistence, and Exit Among Hmong Gang Members. PhD Dissertation, Southern Illinois University.
Lo, B. (2018) "Criminalization and Second-Generation Hmong American Boys." Amerasia Journal, 44:2, 113-126.
Lo, N., Xiong, Z.B., Meschke, L.L., Xiong, V., Kehrer, K. and M. Xiong. (2018). "Sex Education for Hmong American Youth: Challenges and Lessons Learned." Hmong Studies Journal, 19(2): 1-38.
Ngo, B., Dyke, E. and J. LoBello. (2018). "Connecting as `Family' in Educative Relationships: Insights From a Media Program Serving Hmong Immigrant Youth." Urban Education 2018, Vol. 53(9) 1126–1153.
Xiong, X. (2018). Hmoobness: Hmoob (Hmong) Youth and Their Perceptions of Hmoob Language in a Small Town in the Midwest. PhD Dissertation, University of Minnesota.
Juang, L.P. and L.L. Meschke. (2017). "Hmong American Young Adults’ Reflections on Their Immigrant Parents." Journal of Family Issues, 38(9) 1313–1335.
Vang, Y. (2017). The Experiences of Hmong Men Who Marry as Adolescents. MSW Thesis. California State University, Stanislaus.
Vang, C.Y. (2016). "Hmong Youth, American Football, and the Cultural Politics of Ethnic Sports Tournaments." In Asian American Sporting Cultures. New York: New York University Press.
Gartner, M., L. Kiang and A. Supple. (2014). "Prospective Links Between Ethnic Socialization, Ethnic and American Identity, and Well-Being Among Asian-American Adolescents." Journal of Youth and Adolescence 43:1715–1727
Meschke, L.L. and C.R. Peter. (2014). "Hmong American Parents’ Views on Promoting Adolescent Sexual Health." American Journal of Sexuality Education 9(3): 308-328.
Edinburgh, L., Garcia, C.M. & E.M. Saewyc (2013) "It's Called “Going Out to Play”: A Video Diary Study of Hmong Girls’ Perspectives on Running Away." Health Care for Women International, 34:2, 150-168.
Nguyen, J. (2013). "Of Pride and Pencils: Deconstructing the Role of Ethnic Pride in Hmong Adolescent Identity Formation." Hmong Studies Journal, 14: 1-19.
Meschke, L. and K. Dettmer. (2012). "Don't Cross a Man's Feet': Hmong Parent-Daughter Communication about
Sexual Health." Sex Education, 12(1): 109-123.
Mao, D. Deenanath, V. and Z.B. Xiong (2012). "Hmong Students’ Perceptions of Their Family Environment: A
Consensual Qualitative Analysis of Family Photos."Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 13(1).
Xiong, Y.S. and N. Xiong. (2011). "The Prevalence of English Monolingualism and Its Association with Generational
Status among Hmong Americans, 2005-2009." Hmong Studies Journal, 12: 1-22.
Xiong, Z.B. and J. Huang. (2011). "Predicting Hmong Male and Female Youth's Delinquent Behavior: An
Exploratory Study." Hmong Studies Journal, 12: 1-34.
Bakken, J.P. and B. B. Brown. (2010). “Adolescent Secretive Behavior: African American and Hmong Adolescents’
Strategies and Justifications for Managing Parents’ Knowledge about Peers.” Journal of Research on Adolescence 20 (2): 359-388.
Moua, M.Y. and S.D. Lamborn. (2010). Hmong American Adolescents’ Perceptions of Ethnic Socialization
Practices.” Journal of Adolescent Research 25(3): 416-440.
Schuster, R. (2010). Examining Treatment Outcomes for Hmong American Youth with Delinquency Problems. PhD
Dissertation, Indiana University.
Boulden, W.T. (2009). “Gay Hmong: A Multifacted Clash of Cultures.” Journal of Gay and Lesbian
Social Services 21(2): 134-150.
Detzner, D.F. Senyurekli, A.R., Yang, P.D. and Khadija S. Sheikh. (2009). “Family
Strengths of Hmong and Somali Refugees in the United States.” In Douglas Charles Abbott et. al,
(editors), Strengths and Challenges of New Immigrant Families: Implications for Research,
Education, Policy, and Service. Lanham, MD: Rowman Littlefield, pp. 135-154.
Lee, R.M., Jung, K.R., Su, J.C., Tran, A. and N.F. Bahrassa. (2009).
“The Family Life and Adjustment of Hmong American Sons and Daughters.” Sex Roles 60: 549-558.
Lee, P. (2009). Racial Assimilation and Popular Culture: Hmong Youth (Sub)cultures and the
Persistance of the Color Line. PhD Dissertation, University of Minnesota.
Heu, M. (2008). Challenges of Volunteerism within a Cultural Community: Case Study of Young
Hmong Adults in Kitchener-Waterloo. M.S.W. Thesis, Wilfrid Laurier University (Canada).
Jesilow J. and M. Xiong. (2007). "Constructing a Social Problem: Suicide, Acculturation and the Hmong."Hmong
Studies Journal, Vol 8, 2007
Lee, Stacey J. (2005). “Learning about Race, Learning about “America”: Hmong American High School Students.
In Lois Weis and Michelle Fine (Editors) Beyond Silenced Voices: Class, Race, and Gender in United States
Schools. Albany: State University of New York Press.
Stacey J. Lee. (2005). Up Against Whiteness: Race, School, and Immigrant Youth. New York: Teachers College
Zha Blong Xiong, Patricia A. Eliason, Daniel F. Detzner and Michael J. Cleveland. (2005). "Southeast Asian
perceptions of good adolescents and good parents." Journal of Psychology. The Journal of Psychology, 139(2):
Griffin, Lisa Anne. (2004). Immigrant schoolgirl: Making the American dream the Hmong way. PhD Dissertation,
Stanford University.
Kaiser, Tamara L. (2004). "Caught Between Cultures: Hmong Parents in America’s Sibling Society." Hmong
Studies Journal, Volume 5.
Xiong, Zha Blong, Detzner, Daniel and Michael J. Cleveland. (2004). "Southeast Asian Adolescents’ Perceptions of
Immigrant Parenting Practices." Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 5.
Yer J. Thao. (2003). “Empowering Mong Students: Hmong and School Factors.” The Urban Review 35(1): 25-42.
Lor, Kevin C. (2003). Factors Leading Hmong Youth to Join Gangs. M.A. Thesis, University of Wisconsin-Stout.
Khatharya Um. (2003). “A Dream Denied: Educational Experiences of Southeast Asian American Youth Issues and
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Buenaflor, Manuelita B. (2003). Does Awareness of Spiritual Belief Enable a Juvenile in Counseling to Make
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Hagstrom, Deirdre Abbey. (2003). Gifted Hmong Girls and Higher Education: Can They Maintain Traditional
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Powers, Steven R. (2003). Asian American Students’ Experiences of Secondary United States History Course
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Swartz, Teresa., Lee, Jennifer C., and Jeylan T. Mortimer. (2003). “Achievements of First-Generation Hmong
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AU: Lee, SJ TI: Learning "America" - Hmong American high school students SO: EDUCATION AND URBAN
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Pranee Liamputtong (2002). “Gender, Sexuality, and Marriage among Hmong Youth in Australia.” From Coming of
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Mai Xiong. (2002). A descriptive study of Hmong youth gang members in the California Central Valley. EdD
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Xiong, Shanie. (2002). Hmong Family Processes and Their Impact on Hmong Adolescents’ Delinquent Behaviors:
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AU: Lee, SJ TI More than "model minorities" or "delinquents": A look at Hmong American high school students SO:
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Yang, Nou. (2001). The Bicultural Competency of Hmong Adolescent Girls: Negotiating Gender Messages in the
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Xiong, Zha Blong (2000). Hmong American parent-adolescent problem-solving interactions: An analytic induction
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Lee, Pao (1999). Language maintenance and language shift among second-generation Hmong teenagers, EdD
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Theune, J.T. (1999). Hmong Youth and Gangs: One Teacher’s Response to Violence. MA Thesis, Hamline
Vang, Ka and Mary Beth Higgins. (1999). An Examination of Gangs in Eau Claire, Wisconsin and the Community’s
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Compiled by Mark E. Pfeifer, PhD
Lee, S. (2024). "`You Get Hit or You Get Put in Check, at the End of the Day, the Love is Still There': Hmong Culture, Diaspora, Immigration, and Gang Continuity." Justice Quarterly. Volume 41(4): 523-544.
McKenzie, J. et al. (2024). "`Like Being in Purgatory”: Cultural Identity Mapping Centers Hmong American Experiences of Biculturalism." Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. Volume 00(0): 1-26.
Ngo, B. and T. Vang. (2024) "Re-membering pedagogy: reclaiming Hmong heritage and belonging within a youth theater program." Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education. Volume 18(4): 299-312.
Lee, S. (2020). Menyuam Laib: Entry, Persistence, and Exit Among Hmong Gang Members. PhD Dissertation, Southern Illinois University.
Lo, B. (2018) "Criminalization and Second-Generation Hmong American Boys." Amerasia Journal, 44:2, 113-126.
Lo, N., Xiong, Z.B., Meschke, L.L., Xiong, V., Kehrer, K. and M. Xiong. (2018). "Sex Education for Hmong American Youth: Challenges and Lessons Learned." Hmong Studies Journal, 19(2): 1-38.
Ngo, B., Dyke, E. and J. LoBello. (2018). "Connecting as `Family' in Educative Relationships: Insights From a Media Program Serving Hmong Immigrant Youth." Urban Education 2018, Vol. 53(9) 1126–1153.
Xiong, X. (2018). Hmoobness: Hmoob (Hmong) Youth and Their Perceptions of Hmoob Language in a Small Town in the Midwest. PhD Dissertation, University of Minnesota.
Juang, L.P. and L.L. Meschke. (2017). "Hmong American Young Adults’ Reflections on Their Immigrant Parents." Journal of Family Issues, 38(9) 1313–1335.
Vang, Y. (2017). The Experiences of Hmong Men Who Marry as Adolescents. MSW Thesis. California State University, Stanislaus.
Vang, C.Y. (2016). "Hmong Youth, American Football, and the Cultural Politics of Ethnic Sports Tournaments." In Asian American Sporting Cultures. New York: New York University Press.
Gartner, M., L. Kiang and A. Supple. (2014). "Prospective Links Between Ethnic Socialization, Ethnic and American Identity, and Well-Being Among Asian-American Adolescents." Journal of Youth and Adolescence 43:1715–1727
Meschke, L.L. and C.R. Peter. (2014). "Hmong American Parents’ Views on Promoting Adolescent Sexual Health." American Journal of Sexuality Education 9(3): 308-328.
Edinburgh, L., Garcia, C.M. & E.M. Saewyc (2013) "It's Called “Going Out to Play”: A Video Diary Study of Hmong Girls’ Perspectives on Running Away." Health Care for Women International, 34:2, 150-168.
Nguyen, J. (2013). "Of Pride and Pencils: Deconstructing the Role of Ethnic Pride in Hmong Adolescent Identity Formation." Hmong Studies Journal, 14: 1-19.
Meschke, L. and K. Dettmer. (2012). "Don't Cross a Man's Feet': Hmong Parent-Daughter Communication about
Sexual Health." Sex Education, 12(1): 109-123.
Mao, D. Deenanath, V. and Z.B. Xiong (2012). "Hmong Students’ Perceptions of Their Family Environment: A
Consensual Qualitative Analysis of Family Photos."Hmong Studies Journal, Vol 13(1).
Xiong, Y.S. and N. Xiong. (2011). "The Prevalence of English Monolingualism and Its Association with Generational
Status among Hmong Americans, 2005-2009." Hmong Studies Journal, 12: 1-22.
Xiong, Z.B. and J. Huang. (2011). "Predicting Hmong Male and Female Youth's Delinquent Behavior: An
Exploratory Study." Hmong Studies Journal, 12: 1-34.
Bakken, J.P. and B. B. Brown. (2010). “Adolescent Secretive Behavior: African American and Hmong Adolescents’
Strategies and Justifications for Managing Parents’ Knowledge about Peers.” Journal of Research on Adolescence 20 (2): 359-388.
Moua, M.Y. and S.D. Lamborn. (2010). Hmong American Adolescents’ Perceptions of Ethnic Socialization
Practices.” Journal of Adolescent Research 25(3): 416-440.
Schuster, R. (2010). Examining Treatment Outcomes for Hmong American Youth with Delinquency Problems. PhD
Dissertation, Indiana University.
Boulden, W.T. (2009). “Gay Hmong: A Multifacted Clash of Cultures.” Journal of Gay and Lesbian
Social Services 21(2): 134-150.
Detzner, D.F. Senyurekli, A.R., Yang, P.D. and Khadija S. Sheikh. (2009). “Family
Strengths of Hmong and Somali Refugees in the United States.” In Douglas Charles Abbott et. al,
(editors), Strengths and Challenges of New Immigrant Families: Implications for Research,
Education, Policy, and Service. Lanham, MD: Rowman Littlefield, pp. 135-154.
Lee, R.M., Jung, K.R., Su, J.C., Tran, A. and N.F. Bahrassa. (2009).
“The Family Life and Adjustment of Hmong American Sons and Daughters.” Sex Roles 60: 549-558.
Lee, P. (2009). Racial Assimilation and Popular Culture: Hmong Youth (Sub)cultures and the
Persistance of the Color Line. PhD Dissertation, University of Minnesota.
Heu, M. (2008). Challenges of Volunteerism within a Cultural Community: Case Study of Young
Hmong Adults in Kitchener-Waterloo. M.S.W. Thesis, Wilfrid Laurier University (Canada).
Jesilow J. and M. Xiong. (2007). "Constructing a Social Problem: Suicide, Acculturation and the Hmong."Hmong
Studies Journal, Vol 8, 2007
Lee, Stacey J. (2005). “Learning about Race, Learning about “America”: Hmong American High School Students.
In Lois Weis and Michelle Fine (Editors) Beyond Silenced Voices: Class, Race, and Gender in United States
Schools. Albany: State University of New York Press.
Stacey J. Lee. (2005). Up Against Whiteness: Race, School, and Immigrant Youth. New York: Teachers College
Zha Blong Xiong, Patricia A. Eliason, Daniel F. Detzner and Michael J. Cleveland. (2005). "Southeast Asian
perceptions of good adolescents and good parents." Journal of Psychology. The Journal of Psychology, 139(2):
Griffin, Lisa Anne. (2004). Immigrant schoolgirl: Making the American dream the Hmong way. PhD Dissertation,
Stanford University.
Kaiser, Tamara L. (2004). "Caught Between Cultures: Hmong Parents in America’s Sibling Society." Hmong
Studies Journal, Volume 5.
Xiong, Zha Blong, Detzner, Daniel and Michael J. Cleveland. (2004). "Southeast Asian Adolescents’ Perceptions of
Immigrant Parenting Practices." Hmong Studies Journal, Volume 5.
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