Hmong Studies Publications 1980-1989
Compiled by Mark E. Pfeifer, PhD
"A Clan Against All Odds." Insight, 16 January 1989, 16-17.
Bates S.R., L. Hill, and C.E. Barrett. (1989). “Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in an Indochinese Population.”
American Journal of Preventive Medicine 5 (January-February 1989): 15-20.
Beavers S.J. (1989). Hmong Art and Culture. Master’s Thesis, University of Wisconsin, Madison.
Brainerd J. and A. Zaharlick. (1989). “Changing Health Beliefs and Behaviors of Resettled Laotian Refugees: Ethnic Variation in Adaptation.” Social Science and Medicine 29: 845-852.
Cappetta, A. and D. Fitzgerald. “Chiang Xiong: Story Cloth.” Art Education 42 (July 1989): 35-36.
Chen, X. (1990). Assessment of the Vocational Decision-Making Skills of Hmong College Students Using the
Vocational Decision Making Interview. Master’s Thesis, University of Wisconsin – Stout.
Chongvatana, N. and K. Wongboonsin. (1989). Family Planning Programs and Contraceptive Practice in Khao I Dang and Ban Vinai Refugee Camps: Results of the 1988 Survey. IPS Publication, no. 164/89. Bangkok: Institute of
Population Studies, Chulalongkorn University.
Cohen, E. (1989). “International Politics and the Transformation of Folk Crafts - the Hmong (Meo) of Thailand and
Laos.” Journal of the Siam Society 77: 69-82.
China Tourism (1989). “Days in Guizhou - Miao and Dong Stockades in the Province’s Southeast.” China Tourism,
February 1989, 10-23.
Conquerhood, D. (1989). I am a Shaman: A Hmong Life Story With Ethnographic Commentary, Southeast Asian
Refugee Studies, Occasional Papers, Number 8.
Conklin, N. (1989). “Wealth of the Tribes.” Sawaddi, July 1989, 34-38.
Culhane-Pera, K.A. (1989). Analysis of Cultural Beliefs and Power Dynamics in Disagreements about Health Care of Hmong Children. MA Thesis, University of Minnesota.
Donnelly, N.D. (1989). The Changing Lives of Refugee Hmong Women. PhD Dissertation, University of Washington.
Downey, M. (1989). "Hmong: Asian Refugees in America." Geographical Magazine, July 1989, 29-31.
Faderman, L. (1989). I Begin My Life All Over: The Hmong and the American Immigrant Experience. Boston: Beacon Press.
Frances, A. and J. Kroll. (1989). “Ongoing Treatment of a Hmong Widow Who Suffers From Pain and Depression.”
Hospital and Community Psychiatry 40 (July 1989): 691-693.
Fraser-Lu, Sylvia. (1989). Handwoven Textiles of South-East Asia. Singapore: Oxford University Press.
Goldrick, R. (1989). Chiang Mai and the Hilltribes. Bangkok: Sangdad Publishing.
Hafner-Hoppenworth, A.Y. (1989). Hmong Paj Ntaub: A Comparison Of Design Motifs Color, Size, And Ornamental
Construction, Techniques Between 1977-1979 And 1981-1983 (Laos, Thailand, Michigan), MA dissertation. Michigan State University
Kunstadter, P. and others.(1989). “Hmong Demography: An Anthropological Case Study.” In International Population Conference, New Delhi, 1989, vol.3, 317-330. Liege, Belgium: International Union for the Scientific Study of Population.
Lawyers Committee for Human Rights. (1989). "Forced Back and Forgotten: The Human Rights of Laotian Asylum
Seekers in Thailand." New York: Lawyers Committee for Human Rights.
Lemoine, Jacques (1989). Ethnicity, Culture and Development Among Some Minorities of the People’s Republic of
China. From New Asian Academic Bulletin, Special Issue on Ethnicity and Ethnic Groups in China 8: 1-10.
Lewis, J., Vang, L., and L.C. Li-Rong. (1989). “Identifying the Language-Learning Difficulties of Hmong Students:
Implications of Context and Culture.” Topics in Language Disorders 9(3): 21-37.
Li, C. (1989). “The Origin and Function of Switch Reference in Green Hmong.” In Language Change: Contributions to the Study of Its Causes, edited by L.E. Breivik and E.H. Jahr, 115-129. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1989.
MacDowell, M. (1989). Stories in Thread: Hmong Pictorial Embroidery. Lansing, MI: Michigan State University
McGinn, F. (1989). Hmong Literacy Among Hmong Adolescents and the Use of Hmong Literacy During Resettlement. Ed.D. Dissertation, University of San Francisco.
McGuire, A.J. (1989). Cultural Clues for Teachers of Hmong, Iu-Mien, and Lao Students. Master’s Project, California State University, Sacramento.
McKinnon J. and B. Vienne, Eds. (1989). Hill Tribes Today: Problems in Change. Bangkok: White Lotus-Orstom.
Mitchell, R. and others. (1989). “The Eau Claire Hmong Community: A Cooperative Study.” Wisconsin Sociologist 26 (Winter 1989): 33-37.
Moore, D.L. (1989). Dark Sky, Dark Land: Stories of the Hmong Boy Scouts of Troop 100. Eden Prairie, MN: Tessera Publishing.
Moran, L.L. (1989). Self-Concept Ratings in Hmong High School Students. Master’s Thesis, University of Wisconsin-Stout.
Morrison, T.G. (1989). “Universal and Culture-Specific Aspects of Hmong Folk Literature.” In Cognitive and Social
Perspectives for Literacy Research and Instruction, 261-267. National Reading Conference Yearbook, no. 38,
Chicago: National Reading Conference.
Mouanoutoua, V.L. (1989). Validity and Reliability of the Beck Depression Inventory Adapted Hmong Version. Master’s Thesis, California State University, Fresno.
Muret-Wagstaff, S. and S.G. Moore. (1989). “The Hmong in America: Infant Behavior and Child Rearing Practices.” In The Cultural Context of Literacy: Biology, Culture, and Infant Development.” Ed. J.K. Nugent, B.M. Lester, and T.B.
Brazelton, 319-339. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Nelson, C.M. (1989). “Communicative Strategies: A Case Study of a Deaf Hmong Adult.” Master’s Thesis, University of California, Santa Barbara.
Riddle, E.M. (1989). “Serial Verbs and Propositions in White Hmong.” Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 12 (Fall 1989): 1-13.
Riddle, E.M. (1989). “Parataxis in White Hmong.” Working Papers in Linguistics 39 (December 1990): 65-76.
Schein, L. (1989). “The Dynamics of Cultural Revival Among the Miao in Guizhou.” In Special Issue on Ethnicity and
Ethnic Groups in China, edited by C. Chiao and N. Tapp, 199-210. Hong Kong: New Asia College, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Shyr, Y.K. (1989). “The Polyphonic Songs of the Miao People in China: A Structural Analysis.” Chinese Music 12
(March 1989): 5-13.
Shyr, Y.K. (1989). “The Polyphonic Songs of the Miao People in China: A Structural Analysis, II.” Chinese Music 12
(March 1989): 27-31.
Spring, M.A. (1989). “Enthopharmacologic Analysis of Medicinal Plants Used by Laotian Hmong Refugees in
Minnesota.” Journal of Ethnopharmacology 26 (June 1989): 65-91.
Stolurow, L.M. (1989). Primary Word Book: English-Hmong. 2nd Edition. Iowa City, Iowa: The Center for Educational Experimentation, Development and Evaluation, University of Iowa.
Tapp, N. (1989). “Hmong Religion.” Asian Folklore Studies 48: 59-94.
Tapp, N. (1989). “The Impact of Missionary Christianity Upon Marginalized Ethnic Minorities: The Case of the Hmong.” Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 20: 70-95.
Tapp, N. (1989). Sovereignty and Rebellion: The White Hmong of Northern Thailand. Singapore: Oxford University
Tian, C. (1989). “Miao Embroidery: Reflections of Life and Legend.” China Tourism, February 1989, 24-27.
Tian, H. (1989). “The Colourful Peoples of the Wumeng Mountains.” China Tourism, September 1989. 14-27.
Walker, W. (1989). An Introduction to the Hmong. Berkeley, CA: New Faces of Liberty, University of California,
Berkeley, Graduate School of Education.
Walker, W.D. (1989). The Challenges of the Hmong Culture. A Study of Teacher, Counselor and Administrator
Training in a Time of Changing Demographics. Ed.D. Dissertation, Harvard University.
Weinberger, G. (1989). “New Americans: The Hmong in Tulare County.” Porterville, CA: Porterville College.
Westermeyer, J. (1989). “A Case of Koro in a Refugee Family Association with Depression and Folie A Deux.” Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 50: 181-183.
Westermeyer, J. (1989). “Delusions of Fatal Contagion Among Refugee Patients.” Psychosomatics 30 : 374-382.
Westermeyer, J. (1989). “An Epidemic of Opium Dependence Among Asian Refugees in Minnesota: Characteristics and Causes.” British Journal of Addiction 84: 785-789.
Westermeyer, J. (1989). “Paranoid Symptoms and Disorders Among 100 Hmong Refugees: A Longitudinal Study.”
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 80: 47-59.
Westermeyer, J. (1989). “Somatization Among Refugees: An Epidemiological Study.” Psychosomatics 30: 34-43.
Westermeyer, J., L. Schaberg, and S. Nugent. (1989). “Anxiety Symptoms in Hmong Refugees 1.5 Years After
Migration.” Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 183: 342-344.
Westermeyer, J., Neider, J. and A. Callies. (1989). “Psychosocial Adjustment of Hmong Refugees During their First
Decade in the United States: A Longitudinal Study.” Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 177: 132-139.
Winland, D.N. (1989). A Plea for Peoplehood: Religious and Ethnic Identity, Continuity and Change Among the
Mennonites of Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario. PhD Dissertation, York University (Toronto, Canada).
Wibulswasdi, P. (1989). “The Perception of Group Self-Image and other Ethnic Group Images Among the Thai,
Chinese, Thai Hmong Hilltribes and Americans in the Province of Chiang Mai.” In Heterogeneity in Cross-Cultural
Psychology, ed. D.M. Keats, D. Munro, and L. Mann, 204-209. Amsterdam: Swets and Zeitlinger.
Xiong, B. (1989). Nine-In-One-Grr-Grr! (Hmong Folktale). San Francisco, CA: Children’s Book Press.
Yee, B.Y.K. (1989). “Loss of One’s Homeland and Culture During the Middle Years.” In Midlife Loss: Coping
Strategies, edited by R.A. Kalish, 281-300. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Zeng, X. (1989). “Elaborate Hairstyles of the Miao.” China Tourism, September 1989, 36-47.
Bai, Z. (1988). A Happy People: The Miao. Translated by R. Jiazhen. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press.
Baizerman, M. and G. Hendricks. (1988). "Refugee Youth in the Twin Cities: Aspirations of the Hmong, Khmer, Lao,
and Vietnamese." Southeast Asian Refugee Studies Newsletter, winter-spring 1988, 7-13.
Beghtol, M.J. (1988). “Hmong Refugees and the U.S. Health System.” Cultural Survival Quarterly 12, no. 1: 11-14.
Bender, M. (1988). “Hxak Hmub: An Introduction to an Antiphonal Myth Cycle of Lao in Southeast Guizhou.” In Further Studies of Religions and World Views, edited by A.R. Walker, 95-128. Contributions to Southeast Asian ethnography, no. 7, Columbus, Ohio State University, 1988.
Bessac, S.L. (1988). Embroidered Hmong Story Cloths. University of Montana, Contributions to Anthropology, no. 9.
Missoula, Montana. Dept. of Anthropology.
Bliatout, B.T., B.T. Downing, J. Lewis and D. Yang (1988). Handbook for Teaching Hmong-Speaking Students.
Folsom, CA: Folsom Cordova Unified School District.
Bliatout, B. (1988). “Hmong Attitudes Towards Surgery: How It Affects Patient Prognosis.” Migration World 16, No. 1:
Cheon-Klessig, Y. et al. (1988). “Folk Medicine in the Health Practice of Hmong Refugees.” Western Journal of
Nursing Research 10 (October 1988): 647-660.
Conquergood D. (1988). “Health Theatre in a Hmong Refugee Camp: Performance, Communication and Culture.”
TDR: The Drama Review: A Journal of Performance Studies 32 (Fall 1988): 174-208.
Coughlin, E.K. (1988). "Hmong Refugee Families Rely on Internal Sources of Support." Chronicle of Higher Education, 7 September 1988, A5.
Culhane-Pera, K. (1988). "Hmong Traditional Medicine and Shamanism." Paper presented to the American Refugee Committee, February 23, 1988.
Culhane-Pera, K. (1988). "Hmong Beliefs about Blood and Their Impact on Blood Drawing." Paper Presented at the Society for Applied Anthropology, Tampa, Florida, April 22, 1988.
Cumming, B.J. (1988). The Development of Attachment in Two Groups of Economically Disadvantaged Infants and
their Mothers: Hmong Refugees and Caucasian-American. PhD Dissertation, University of Minnesota.
Daniels, L. (1988). "How the Hmong Make Their Home in Tasmania." Migration, Department of Immigration, Local
Government and Ethnic Affairs, Commonwealth of Australia, June/July 1988, pp. 22-23. Paper reprinted at www. 3 p.
Diamond, N. (1988). “The Miao and Poison: Interactions on China’s Southwest Border.” Ethnology, 27 (January 1988) 1-25.
Economist. (1988). “New Home for the Hmong.” 9 April 1988, 30.
Eudey, A. (1988). “Hmong Relocated in Northern Thailand.” Cultural Survival Quarterly, 12, no. 1. Fuller, J.W. (1988).
Topic and Comment in Hmong. Bloomington, IN Indiana University Linguistics Club.
Goldstein, B.L. (1988). “In Search of Survival: The Education and Integration of Hmong Refugee Girls.” Journal of
Ethnic Studies 16 (Summer 1998): 1-27.
Hirayama, K.K. and H. Hirayama. (1988). “Stress, Social Supports and Adaptational Patterns in Hmong Refugee
Families.” Amerasia Journal 14 (Winter 1988): 93-108.
Irby, C.C. and E.M. Pon (1988). “Confronting New Mountains: Mental Health Problems Among Male Hmong and Mien Refugees.” AmerAsia Journal 14 (Winter 1988): 109-118.
Johnson, A.D. (1988). Hmong Folktales: Exercises and Activities. St. Paul, MN: International Institute of Minnesota.
Labov, J. (1988). “Assessing What a Second Language Learner Knows Through Student-Teacher Interaction.”
Working Papers in Educational Linguistics 4 (fall 1988): 1-29. (Study of a Hmong Student).
Laughlin, K.P. (1988). Combining Two English Language Acquisition technigues for Hmong Teenage Refugees.
Master’s Thesis, California State University, Stanislaus.
Lemoine, J. (1988). “The Bridge: An Essential Implement of Hmong and Yao Shamanism.” In Shaman’s Path: Healing, Personal Growth, and Empowerment, edited by Gary Doore, 63-72. Boston: Shambhala.
Lindbergh, S.M. (1988). “Traditional Costumes of the Lao Hmong Refugees in Montana: A Study of Cultural Continuity and Change.” Master’s Thesis, University of Montana.
Long, L.D. (1988). The Floating World: Laotian Refugee Camp Life in Thailand." PhD Dissertation, Stanford
University, 1988.
Lyman, T.A. (1988). “A Green Mong (Miao) Tiger Legend: Synopsis and Analysis.” Folklore (India)(May 1988): 107-
Lyman, T.A. (1988). “The ‘Free Mong’: An End to a Controversy.” Anthropological Linguistics 30 (Spring 1988): 128-
Mallinson, J., N. Donnelly, L. Hang. (1988). Hmong Batik: A Textile Technique from Laos. Seattle: University of
Washington Press.
Olney, D.P. (1988). "Age and Style of Leadership in a Hmong Community." Paper Presented at the American
Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ. 10 p.
Peterson, S. (1988). “A Cool Heart and a Watchful Mind: Creating Hmong Paj Ntaub in the Context of Community.” In Pieced by Mother: Symposium Papers, edited by Jeannette Lasansky, 35-45. Lewisburg, PA: Oral Traditions Project of the Union County Historical Society.
Peterson, S. (1988). “Plastic Strap Baskets: Containers for a Changing Context.” In Folklife Annual 1988-1989, edited by J. Hardin and A. Jabbour, 138-47. Washington D.C.: American Folklife Center, Library of Congress, 1988.
Peterson, S. (1988). “’They Know the Rule for What Will Make It Pretty:’ Hmong Material Traditions in Translation.” In Craft and Community: Traditional Arts in Contemporary Society, edited by S.D. Staub, 107-1118. Philadelphia: Balch Institute for Ethnic Studies.
Peterson, S. (1988). “Translating Experience and the Reading of a Story Cloth.” Journal of American Folklore 101
(Jan.-March 1988): 6-22.
Quincy, K. (1988). Hmong: History of a People. Cheney, WA: Eastern Washington University Press.
Ranard, D.A. (1988). “The Hmong: No Strangers to Change.” In America: Perspectives on Refugee Resettlement 1
(November 1998): 1-3.
Ranard, D.A. (1988). “Hmong Self-Sufficiency: Community Differences.” In America: Perspectives on Refugee
Resettlement 1 (November 1988): 4-6.
Ranard, D.A. (1988). “Kue Chaw: Leader of the Blue Ridge Hmong.” In America: Perspectives on Refugee
Resettlement 1 (November 1988): 6-7.
Ranard, D.A. (1988). “Prospects Brighten in Fresno.” In America: Perspectives on Refugee Resettlement 1 (November 1988): 8-9.
Ranard, D.A. (1988). “Young Adults Face Tough Choices.” In America: Perspectives on Refugee Resettlement 1
(November 1988): 10-11.
Renard, R.D. et al. (1988). Changes in the Northern Thai Hills: An Examination of the Impact of Hill Tribe Development Work, 1957-1987, Research Report, no. 42. Chiang Mai, Thailand: Research and Development Center.
Rick, K. (1988). An Investigation of the Process of Biculturation with Hmong Refugees. PhD Dissertation, University of Colorado, Boulder.
Ritchie, J.E. (1988). “Story Blankets of the Hmong.” Threads Magazine, June-July 1988, 69-72.
Robertson, J.A. (1988). Career Aspirations and Life Themes of the Hmong in Butte County. Master’s Thesis, California State University, Chico.
Sherman, S. (1988). “The Hmong in America: Laotian Refugees in the ‘Land of the Giants’” National Geographic,
October 1988, 586-610.
Sricharatchanya, P. (1988). "Body Smugglers: Security Forces Crackdown on Thai-Lao Refugee Racket." Far Eastern Economic Review, 11 February 1988, 26.
Tapp, N. (1988). “Geomancy and Development: The Case of the White Hmong of North Thailand.” Ethnos 53: 228-
Tapp, N. (1988). "The Reformation of Culture: Hmong Refugees from Laos." Journal of Refugee Studies 1, no. 1
(1988): 20-37.
Te, H.D. (1988). English-Hmong Bilingual Glossary of School Terminology. Rancho Cordova, CA: Southeast Asia
Community Resource Center, Folsom Cordova Unified School District.
Vangay, J.V.N. (1988). Hmong Parents’ Cultural Attitudes and the Sex-Ratio Imbalance of Hmong Merced High School Graduates.” Master’s Thesis, California State University, Stanislaus.
Waller, S. (1988). “Hmong Shamans in a County Mental Health Setting: A Bicultural Model for Healing Laotian
Mountain People.” In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the Study of Shamanism and Alternate
Modes of Healing, ed. R.I. Heinze, 52-63. Berkeley, Independent Scholars of Asia, 1988.
Westermeyer, J. (1988). “A Matched Pairs Study of Depression Among Hmong Refugees With Particular Reference to Predisposing Factors and Treatment Outcome.” Social Psychiatry and Psychiatry Epidemiology 23: 64-71.
Westermeyer, J. (1988). “DSM-III Psychiatric Disorders Among Hmong Refugees in the United States: A Point
Prevalance Study.” American Journal of Psychiatry 145: 197-202.
Westermeyer, J. (1988). Folk Medicine in Laos: A Comparison Between Two Ethnic Groups.” Social Science and
Medicine 27: 769-778.
Wilkinson, J. (1988). "Letter from Ban Vinai." Far Eastern Economic Review, 24 March 1988, 134.
Wongspraset, S. (1988). “Impact of the Dhammacarik Bhikkus’ Programme on the Hill Tribes of Thailand.” In Ethnic Conflict in Buddhist Societies: Sri Lanka, Thailand and Burma, edited by K.M. De Silva, and others, 126-137. Boulder, CO: Westview, 1988.
Yang, D. and D.North (1988). “Profiles of the Highland Lao Communities in the United States, Final Report.”
Washington D.C.: Office of Refugee Resettlement, Family Support Administration, U.S. Dept. of Health and Human
Abergel, D. (1987). "Women and Religion: "Mennonite Hmong." Refuge: Canada's Periodical on Refugees, Feb. 1987, 9.
Armstrong, D.M. (1987). The English Articulation Skills of Children of English-Hmong Bilingual Parents and
Monolingual Hmong Parents: A Comparative Study. Master’s Thesis, California State University, Fresno.
Baizerman, M. and Others. (1987). "A Study of Southeast Asian Refugee Youth in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota: Final Report." Report Prepared for the Office of Refugee Resettlement, Family Support
Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Report prepared by Southeast Asian Refugee Studies Project, Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, University of Minnesota. Washington D.C.: Government Printing Office.
Beld, G.G. (1987). The Hmong in a Promised Land. New York: Protestant Episcopal Church in the U.S.A., The
Presiding Bishop's Fund for World Relief.
Benson, V.E. (1987). “Care-Giving and Care-Seeking Practices Used by Hmong Refugee Parents on Their Children During Illness.” M.A. Thesis, University of California, San Francisco.
Brett, J.A. (1987). “A Contribution to Hmong Medical Ethnobotany.” Master’s Thesis, University of Colorado at Denver.
Briggs, K. (1987). "One More Mountain: Hmong Immigrants in the West." Northern Lights, May-June 1987, 24-26.
Caitlin, A. and D. Swift. (1987). Textiles as Texts: Arts of Hmong Women from Laos. Los Angeles: The Woman’s
China House Gallery (1987). Richly Woven Traditions: Costumes of the Miao of Southwest China and Beyong. New York: China House Gallery, China Institute of America, 1987.
Cohen, E. (1987). “Hmong Cross: A Cosmic Symbol in Hmong (Meo) Textile Designs.” RES 14 (autumn 1987): 27-45.
Conquergood, D. (1987). Between Experience and Expression: The Performed Myth. In Festschrift for Isabel Crouch: Essays on the Theory, Practice and Criticism of Performance. Edited by W. Bacon, 33-57. Las Cruces, NM: New Mexico State University.
Crisp, J. (1987). Two-Way Traffic Across the Mekong." Refugees, September 1987, 27-30.
Culhane-Pera, K. (1987). "The Hmong Cultural Reaction to Surgery." Paper Presented at the American Cancer
Society, April 3, 1987.
Culhane-Pera, K. (1987). "An Investigation of Hmong People's Reactions to Surgical Procedures." Paper Presented at the Bethesda Staff Conference, November 13, 1987.
Davies, K. (1987). “A Comparison of Growth Curves of Hmong Children to Growth Curves of American Children.” M.A. Thesis, California State University, Fresno.
Deinard, A.S. and T. Dunnigan. (1987). “Hmong Health Care - Reflections on a Six-Year Experience.” International
Migration Review 21 (Fall 1987): 857-865.
Dennis, J.V., JR. (1987). Farmer Management Of Rice Variety Diversity In Northern Thailand (Hmong, Karen), PhD
dissertation. Cornell University.
Desbarats, J. (1987). "Economic Consequences of Indochinese Chain Migrations to California." Berkeley: California Policy Seminar, University of California, Berkeley.
Dunnigan, T. (1987). "Segmentary Kinship in An Urban Society: The Hmong of St. Paul-Minneapolis." Anthropological Quarterly 55(3): 126-134.
Edwards, L.E.; C.J. Rautio and E.Y. Hakanson. (1987). “Pregnancy in Hmong Refugee Women.” Minnesota Medicine 70 (November 1987): 633-637.
Erickson, D.; I. Swenson and E. Ehlinger.(1987). “Maternal and Infant Outcomes Among Caucasians and Hmong
Refugees.” Human Biology 59 (Oct. 1987): 799-808.
Fournier, M. (1987). “Hmong Stories and Story Cloth.” The World and I, September 1987, 615-629.
Fuller, J.W. (1987). “Topic Markers in Hmong.” Linguistics of the Tibeto Burman Area 10 (Fall 1987): 113-127.
Goza, Franklin William (1987). Adjustment And Adaptation Among Southeast Asian Refugees In The United States,
PhD dissertation. University of Wisconsin – Madison.
Hayes, C.L. and R.A. Kalish. (1987). “Death-Related Experiences and Funerary Practices of the Hmong Refugee in
the United States.” Omega 18 (1987-1988): 63-70.
Hayes, C.L. (1987). “Two Worlds in Conflict: The Elderly Hmong in the United States.” In Ethnic Dimensions of Aging, edited by D.E. Gelfand and C.M. Barresi, 79-95. New York, Springer, 1987.
Huffman, M.K. (1987). “Measures of Phonation Type in Hmong.” Acoustical Society of America. Journal 81 (February 1987): 495-504.
Jacobs, Lila (1987). Differential Participation And Skills Level In Four Hmong Third Grade Students: The Social And
Cultural Context Of Teaching And Learning, PhD dissertation. University of California – Santa Barbara
Jaisser, A. (1987). “Hmong Classifiers: A Problem Set.” Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 10 (Fall 1987): 169-176.
Janssen, Luc Ghislain (1987). The Integration Of Hmong Adults Into American Society Through The Community
College: A Participatory Study Of The Possibilities Of Cultural Preservation. (Volume I And II), EdD dissertation.
University Of San Francisco.
Jarkey, N. (1987). “An Investigation of Two Alveolar Stop Consonants in White Hmong.” Linguistics of the Tibeto-
Burman Area 13 (Spring 1987): 159-178.
Johns, B and D. Strecker (1987). “Lexical and Phonological Sources of Hmong Elaborate Expressions.” Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 10 (fall 1987): 106-112.
Kelly, M. (1987). "Letter from Ban Vinai." Far Eastern Economic Review, 15 January 1987, 66.
Laffin, R.L. (1987). Hmong Cultural Center and Housing. Master’s Thesis, University of Minnesota.
Lee, G.Y. (1987). “Ethnic Minorities and National-Building in Laos: the Hmong in the Lao State.” Peninsule 11-12
(1987): 215-232.
Lemoine, Jacques (1987). Mythes d’origine, mythes d’identification from L’Homme 101, Janv.-Mars 1987 XXVII(1) : 58-85.
Leonelli, L.M. (1987). We Eat What We Are: Food Use Patterns of Hmong and Mien in Sacramento, California. Master’s Thesis, California State University.
Liang, Y. (1987). “Miao Dances.” In Flying Dragon and Dancing Phoenix: An Introduction to Selected Chinese Minority Folk Dances, edited by W. Chen, L. Ji and W. Ma, 80-93. Beijing: New World Press, 1987.
Lyman, T.A. (1987). “The Word Nzi in Green Hmong (Miao).” Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 10 (Fall 1987):
Mitchell, R. (1987). “The Will to Believe and Anti-Refugee Rumors.” Midwestern Folklore 13, no. 1: 5-15.
Monzel, K.L. (1987). The Denver-Boulder Hmong: A Geographical Perspective on the Acculturation and Satisfaction of an Indochinese Refugee Community. Master’s Thesis, University of Colorado, Boulder.
Mounts, Zella (1987). Cerebral Dominance And Cognitive Style Among Indochinese Children, PhD dissertation.
University Of Washington.
Munger, R.G. (1987). “Sudden Death in Sleep of Laotian-Hmong Refugees in Thailand.” American Journal of Public Health 77 (September 1987): 1187-90.
Pake, C.V. (1987). “Medicinal Ethnobotany of Hmong Refugees in Thailand.” Journal of Ethnobiology 7 (Summer
1987): 13-26.
Porter-Francis, W. (1987). “A Flourishing Art: USA: Hmong Women Show How to Stitch Pa Ndau, Their Flowery Cloth.” Threads Magazine, February-March 1987, 33-37.
Ranard, D.A. (1990). "The Last Bus: The Hmong are Reluctant to Come to America: That is Their Tragedy and
Thailand's Trouble." Atlantic, October 1987, 26-34.
Ratliff, M. (1987). “Tone Sandhi Compounding in White Hmong.” Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 10 (Fall 1987): 71-105.
Reilly, T.M. (1987). “The Miao of Southwest China and Beyond.” In Richly Woven Traditions: Costumes of the Miao of Southwest China and Beyond, 19-30. New York: China Institute in America.
Robbins, C. (1987). The Ravens: The Men Who Flew in America’s Secret War in Laos. New York: Crown Publishers.
Rock J.M. (1987). A Value Orientation Used as a Cultural Assessment Tool for Members of a Hmong Community.
Master’s Thesis.
Rossi, G. (1987). “A Flourishing Art: China: Guizhou Women Continue to Embroider Their Legends.” Threads
Magazine, February-March 1987, 30-32.
Rossi, G. (1987). “Weaving and Dress in China.” Textile Fibre Forum 20: 20-21.
Rossi, G. (1987). “Enduring Dress of the Miao, Guizhou Province, People’s Republic of China.” Ornament (Spring
1988): 26-31.
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